◀World of Warships – Bulkhead Buster

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The odds are against us! Will the tripple gun turrets of the New Mexico class battleship be enough to fight back the forces of evil? Lets find out in this look at World of Warships!

Live streaming with standards!


  1. +Ross Pennny Lol okay..
    Isn’t his playing games on Twitch and doing videos on Youtube ?
    You are really saying to me that maximum 10 minutes is too much to learn
    how sounds are pronounced in Japanese?
    Shouldn’t it be a part of his job to be pronouncing ships names right since
    he is doing it for a living?
    There is videos telling you how to pronounce the sounds, which is not even
    hard since English already have all those sound ?
    Even Google Translate do it right!
    Seriously, there is no good excuses, if not a brain injuries making a
    person unable to do so.
    My comment isn’t trying to be offensive to him, it’s simply that.. well.
    Like I explained above.

    Personally, it bother to see a name and not knowing how to say it, so I am
    going to search it. It’s knowledge and it help to have language logics. By
    exemple I don’t speak German, but I am really often right about how it
    should be pronounce.

    It’s really something I would like to change from people mind, to think
    every language is pronounced like their language. Mostly English speaker
    who are doing it from my experience.

  2. He is playing a game, what if I don’t know, Maybe he doesn’t have the time
    or effort to research how all the ships are pronounced give him some slack.

  3. I increasingly see players actively exploiting it to gain advantage. It
    essentially hides half the ship but allowing them to fire back.

  4. +ApexPredator_ abusing? Are people using that line as a break?

  5. +SideStrafe Yeah it should act like an island. :3

  6. I only played 500 games in closed beta and have only just gone past 200 in
    open beta (work, life commitments etc). My survival rate is 54% currently,
    I do not know whether that is good or not? I was just interested in whether
    there are already player stats available for comparison? That being said I
    do not want an xvm style mod in game as this has contributed significantly
    to arrogant and toxic behaviour in WoT. It would be a pity for the WoWs
    community and game experience to go down this route. Furthermore, it causes
    enemy teams to focus down on the statistically better players…

  7. +xiaobaozha Results and ‘Survival’ stats along with knowledge.

    Play a few several hundred games in every class of ship like us, you might

  8. It must be awesome being a top BBS player. Forgive me, how do you know you
    are a top BBS player and do you often get that many kills?

  9. +Exileine As the great Jingles would say: Oh, YouTube, you so silly.

  10. +Ola Olsson Thanks!

  11. +Russell Wishart Appreciate it.

  12. +elijahmct Thanks for the feedback.

  13. +memaava Thanks, will do!

  14. +T Thulin
    Same, but the North Carolina is worth it.

  15. +dizzy panda They have the Pensacola class cruiser (tier 7 cruiser)in the
    game: if my Google Works the Salt Lake City was of that class?

  16. +SideStrafe Hypnotoad has a video on in which he gives some tips on aiming
    – basically, for a 20 knot ship like a Wyoming, each mark on the scale in
    bino view is equal to one second of shell flight time. For a fast 30 knot
    ship like the Kongo, you double that. Allowing for the angle the other ship
    is traveling, that’s turned out to be remarkably accurate.

  17. +SideStrafe congrats on the most awesome game!!!

  18. +SideStrafe interesting, haven’t noticed that problem when I’ve been doing

  19. +mrspeigle1 I do that once in awhile. The issue is it lets the enemy know
    you are on them and provides time to react. So I’ve gotten in the habbit of
    firing a full volly to avoid the issue. However, doesn’t always work out.
    Situational I suppose.

  20. +GrifflezGaming Thanks for the feedback, mutch appreciated.

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