◀World of Warships – Captain’s Log

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I discuss low tier entertainment, game design, and some basic ship strategy in today’s look at World of Warships!

Live streaming with standards!


  1. +Richard Gustafsson Your AA will target those aircraft before shooting

  2. +adobo777 well, that and them crippling the FCS on all battleships- and,
    really, all of our ship-based gunnery- by forcing us to use early 1900s
    naval aiming methods.

  3. +Iono Sama yeep, less retards in early closed beta than now. I think any
    online game will have one of those “retards.” But definitely closed beta
    had less retards.

  4. +BandNerdcp Actually, there have been rumours that the US navy is
    considering building a new classical Battleship (or reactivating an old
    one) because Anti-missile systems are so much more powerful than Anti-ship
    missiles now that they are becoming ineffective, plus missiles aren’t
    exactly useful for shore bombardments. Maybe just a rumour, though.

    But the basic idea of the Battleship was definitely sound, at least until
    Aircraft started showing up. You can see examples of the same Doctrine all
    the way back to the beginning of the Age of Sail, eventually resulting in
    such ridiculous 1st rate Ships-of-the-line like the Valmy. Clearly if the
    design was so flawed it wouldn’t of been used for over 550 years. The
    advantage that modern battleships had over other classes is that they
    completley outperformed any other class in nearly every way. A Battleship
    could sight, hit and kill any other class of ship from a much much longer
    range and far more quickly than the other smaller classes. The Huge guns
    went through any practical amount of armour and the ship’s own armour made
    it nigh impervious to return shots. In addition, the Battleship was a
    self-contained unit, able to fill in the roles of multiple smaller ships.
    Where you would need two Cruisers, or four Destroyers you could have one
    Battleship, and in this way it was far cheaper. This was demonstrated by
    Nazi German “Pocket Battleships” where even a half-sized Battleships were
    able to wreak havoc all by themselves and put up a good fight against
    overwhelming odds. There was a very good reason why the HMS Dreadnaught
    (first modern battleship, “all-big-gun” design) made the entire world’s
    navy obsolete instantly.

    Of course, once Aircraft showed up (who could hit as hard as a Battleship
    from an even longer range) It was curtains for the BB.

    Also, in the 20th century, Battleship weapons weren’t terribly innacurate,
    getting main battery hits on the first salvo was pretty common. They also
    had the biggest, fanciest, top-of-the-line fire directors, computers,
    RADAR, etc.

  5. Richard Gustafsson

    What did you expect from low tier battleships

  6. +Flourikum Oh god, I hope they polish the game first

  7. Iono Sama (IonoTheFanatic)

    +Raz0rking If it’s any consolation, most ships don’t usually sink from a
    single hit in reality either… it’s usually quite rare for a single hit to
    obliterate a ship since not surprisingly, ship designers usually try their
    best to reduce the vulnerability of the ammunition magazine which is the
    most likely cause of premature demise of a ship.

    Chances are.. it’s going to be the same as the WT Ground Forces…

    you don’t really get one shotted as much as ppl think (unless if you face a
    very powerful gun)… but you do generally suffer debilitating condition
    when you get shot that made it very difficult to survive the next one,
    usually you get shot and have a fair chance of surviving it… but 2 or 3
    of your crews are dead, you can’t fire back (because the gunner’s dead),
    your gun is broken, or your turret traverse mechanism is smashed, etc…
    and you’re now basically a sitting duck while your foe reload his gun to
    finish you off with a well placed shot… unless if you actually got a
    teammate who can cover you while you extract yourself.

    the Warship variant, probably will be the same… you probably not gonna
    die in a single hit unless if you are really unlucky, but getting hit in
    War Thunder would probably really mess you up and the bigger challenge is
    to remain fighting when you are badly crippled.

  8. Aleksanteri Sumiloff

    +Raz0rking Not so sure if “one shot” is really a thing in sea warfare in
    that time period.

  9. +Raz0rking The price of more realism, mate

  10. +Flourikum oneshot kills, no target lead with torps…

  11. +Redbeardian you’re talking about a cruiser?

  12. Richard Gustafsson


  13. Richard Gustafsson

    What did you expect in a arcade game dhars

  14. +SideStrafe the really funny thing about speed in this game is its all
    perspective. In game these ships CA/DD are going 170+mph even tho they say
    they are goin 30kts…. just some simple math to figure it out. It take 13
    secs or so to go 3.5km give or take in game. so yea ships are like speed
    boats. but yea they are just slow in game… its really weird…

  15. +MrAktilos I think it’s just the lack of speed that bothers most. Otherwise
    they are pretty mean, just hard to get used to.

  16. Hollywood Falcon

    +SideStrafe Oh that clears it up then. Also thanks for replying, I’m a big
    fan. You would be the first celebrity I’ve talked to.

  17. +Hollywood Falcon Was born there but raised in the States, dual citizen.

  18. Thekilleroftanks

    +thefamousemickey ya dont bother with any of the other destroyers unless
    you really want that tier 10. other then that the tier 6 and 7 is shit and
    the 8 and 9 is better but still isnt that good.

  19. +MrSoloun What??? The cleveland is amazing! that DPS is amazing.

  20. +Brian Slack Agree, in closed beta by the time I got through to Tier 8 US
    DD I almost sat down and had a cry of relief, oh god I’m through its
    finally over /sob… hehe. I find 6 and 7 hard slogs in the US DD, but you
    do have the odd fun games 🙂

  21. +SideStrafe totally, im having alot of fun with the St.Louis

  22. +Nexusdoesgaming Don’t think you have to spend much money on it, like I say
    in the video plenty of fun to be had for free at the early/mid tiers.

  23. I can only do my bit type in IJN Sub, Torp Ship and a round grid location.
    I check to see which direction other subs and ships are going then I let
    loose. I killed an American sub who decided to rush in and shoot torps to
    not minding me and I even said my Torp in front of you turn hard and nope.
    I did the best I could do to not harm anyone on my team.

  24. +clerickolter sure, but are they watching the chat, when shit is going
    down? can be quite messy at times.

  25. +Raz0rking Problem with Torps is I can tell people I’m firing on a ship,
    and check to see if anything is heading towards the line of fire and then I
    fire and a destroyer decides to hit its speed boost and move into the torp
    path when it was going away from it. So the Communication is kind of bad.
    So tell people what your doing in chat if you can and don’t do something

  26. +the0rpheus Yes, compared to WoT mostly.

  27. You did know that wtfast is free right?

  28. +Miguel Martins because right now its still a beta server .. Im
    experiencing a horrible, choppy gameplay.

  29. Well I have checked my internet connection and I have lots of packet loss
    but its only in this game which is weird

  30. Thats bad

  31. Its probably your PC or internet connection and not the game

  32. +Beatle1283 I’ve been citadeled – usually an ammo hit and my ship just
    blows the h*ll up when at almost full health- repeatedly in my St Louis,
    usually at extended range… and mostly since it went to Open beta. And
    yeah, its usually a battleship that does it.

  33. +SideStrafe I guess it’s all down to personal preferences but i dislike
    St.Louis. It’s extremely unbalanced ship on its tier and what is more
    important, its extremely boring to play. Its slow, manouvers like a stick
    in a mud. Heck going against BB’s in this ships is so mundane and boring
    due to the fackt that 99% of the time I burn them down to the ground andy
    they cant do anything to me due to St.Lous having NO and i mean NO citadels
    ( never have i been citadeled in that ship).

  34. +SideStrafe Amazing game in the St Louis – you actually managed to shoot
    down a plane. Wow.
    From closed beta I remember the New Mexico as not being bad. I don’t
    remember it as good, just as not bad. Then, at tier 7, you get the
    Colorado. It *is* bad, with less HP than the tier 6 ship it replaces. US
    battleships don’t get good until the North Carolina at tier 8.
    The real question about keeping an Omaha is which Omaha to keep. The patch notes talk about adding two American cruisers for limited testing
    purposes, the Marblehead and Cincinnati. Both of them are Omahas.
    Apparently the Omaha class is the focal point of 20th century warship
    history. There were ten Omahas built, and this game might end up with each
    of them represented.

  35. +SideStrafe I myself, am not a premium player. But I have purchased 3000
    gold to expand my fleet size & captain reserves. I have kept both the st
    louis & omaha, because they are fun. I do have a vid up on my channel w/ a
    fully upgraded omaha (great round). As a whole, imo the game is amazing &
    worth a download & spend a little cash on it, though I wish the Atlanta was
    cheaper & not worth what they are asking. The best way I can explain to a
    new player how to start off is to be able to recognize NOT to over extend
    yourself & put yourself in sight/range of multiple ships. Japanese DDs are
    good hunters w/ better range of torps & Amer DDs have great guns & should
    be used primarily for spotting or setting up ambushes around islands.

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