World of Warships – Tenryu Class Light Cruiser

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Love the fast-paced Japanese Destroyer gameplay but want to stick pencils into your eyes over how frustrating the guns are? Can I interest you in the Tenryu Class Cruiser?

Get your Jingles loot here!
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System Specs: Core i7 4820-K 3.7Ghz i7 CPU, 16GB DDR3 RAM, 3GB nVidia GTX780 Ti GPU, running at 1920×1080 resolution

If you have a War Thunder replay just send the .wrpl file to the same address.

Just be aware that I get hundreds of emails every week and I can’t promise that I’ll show what you send in.


  1. +Valivali94 Omaha is a complete replacement. Phenix is ok but not a real
    keeper once you get the 5 and 6.

  2. +Axonteer If i play a cruiser with the 4.5 km torps, i use em as last
    defence “in your face” weapon. Works surprisingly good.

  3. Indeed, thats a good strategy i use too, or to drive off pesky destroyers
    and force them to evade. But on a destroyer 4.5km range on 7.5km spotting
    is kinda…. lets say it only works if i have sufficient cover. And i get
    into this open sea battles quiet often lol. At least they have halfway
    good guns 🙂

  4. +Axonteer
    anyhow…wann squad up? i am in the mood to play

  5. +alcibiadesW Well, it’s the statement of a wargaming employee! The main
    problem is, the way the ability works and the way it’s displayed ingame are
    two different things.

    Basically: When you activate the ability, evry 5 seconds your destroyer
    spawns a smoke sphere with a radius of 450 meters. therefor, if your ship
    drives faster than 90m/s* you will leave one sphere before popping the
    secund = you are visible for a short time.

    Are you even faster than 180m/s* the first and the second sphere wouldn’t
    touch each other and there will be a gap between both = you can spot ships
    past this gap.
    But as i said: you can’t differ the single smoke spheres ingame, the smoke
    always looks like a continuous wall but that’s not the case!

    *the numbers are just for the math. they have no relation ingame because
    the size of ships, there speed and distances ingame a big FUBAR! In general
    you must drive with ~1/2 speed in your destroyer in order to pop the second
    sphere without leaving the first

  6. +Seth90TOF 90 m/s is roughly the top speed of a formula 1 racing car and
    not far away from indycar top speed…

  7. +Futti72 That is why I say:
    >> *the numbers are just for the math. they have no relation ingame because
    the size of ships, there speed and distances ingame a big FUBAR! <<

  8. +Seth90TOF nice description 🙂 makes much more sense now. Thanks

  9. Oh wait I’m just an idiot. XD

  10. +The Seal hmm..salt mines?

  11. +ThaMightyJangles-Ritsu_Tainaka_Is_ A_Goddess what the actual flying F?

  12. Björn Seine (DragonsForce)

    +ThaMightyJangles-Ritsu_Tainaka_Is_ A_Goddess lol… Only thing I have to
    say about this. Oh, and Jingles so needs to play that 😀

  13. jeffrey schreuder

    +ThaMightyJangles-Ritsu_Tainaka_Is_ A_Goddess this is even more badass then
    hello kitty online i think i found a new game

  14. +ThaMightyJangles-Ritsu_Tainaka_Is_ A_Goddess Seriously, first they ruin
    pigeons, now they ruin tanks?!? WHEN WILL IT END!

  15. +ThaMightyJangles-Ritsu_Tainaka_Is_ A_Goddess Better support it for bigger
    “ammo racks” lel

  16. Illuminarty sceambeg

    +Craig Gardner *gun cocks*

  17. +Craig Gardner *Hands Craig a pick axe*

  18. I’ve made it to the New York too. They are good ships. Nice brawlers when
    you get in range BUT to damn slow. On the defensive they are great as long
    as you don’t get overwhelmed. On the attack chasing the battle you can find
    yourself left behind and out of range a bit to easy. They’re especially
    annoying if your the one that has to go back to reset cap because if your
    successful you’ve probably just screwed the rest of your game doing it.

  19. +Reaper Tier 6 New Mexico is a keeper; 12 pretty accurate 14″ and highly
    manoeuvrable with decent enough AA. I prefer it over the Fuso simply
    because the extra range on the Fuso doesn’t matter much if you can’t hit,
    and the NM isn’t visible outside its own gun range unless something spots
    it for you or it gives itself away by firing.
    Tier 7 Colorado sucks mightily until you upgrade its hull. Imagine getting
    into tier 9-10 battles as a battleship with a rudder shift time of 27.4
    seconds and a whole 4 AA rating. Yes, FOUR. Oh, and you do 21kt and have a
    max range of ~16.7km. It sucks unbelievably. I really hate WG’s design
    philosophy that says your reward for all the grinding is a new vehicle that
    is barely playable at a tier higher.
    When you upgrade it, however, it is pretty decent. The 56 AA value is
    excellent for tier 7; I’ve had battles where I’ve killed 30 planes.
    Haven’t got the North Carolina, but that’s a whole new game because
    suddenly you’re much bigger, faster, more guns but you turn far more slowly.
    Montana by all accounts is something of a beast.
    Frankly I’ve enjoyed the USN BBs more than the IJN (I have Nagato, and got
    to Yamato in alpha).

  20. +Steeltrap I dont know about the tier 7 destroyer but as far as battleships
    and cruiser go tier 7 is horrible for US

  21. +CouchPotato252 lol, yeah….. REALLLY OP units eh? ;’P
    (almost always die first or they kill everything based on how good the

  22. I’ve gotten into the habit of going for the launchers with the better
    torpedoe speed over range. Range is still usually 6km+ but much harder to
    dodge the spread

  23. The Hungry Wolf 足柄

    +Taluien To be fair I do think that at least the Kagerou could use some
    kind of buff (and the Buki needs its historical speed), especially
    considering that around tier 8-10 American torps get much better so a
    slight buff to at the very least gun traverse would be nice. Mutsuki is
    terrible and a downgrade from the Minekaze while still being a tier higher.
    Shimakaze is amazing though.

  24. Tenryuu is my shipfu

  25. +Noah Sprinkle
    In my case, mine is Ashigara, though Tenryuu is bro to me.

  26. The Hungry Wolf 足柄

    +David Abramczyk !

  27. +Noah Sprinkle Same for me 😀

  28. Meant to say derp at the start

  29. +Jack Gadd derp :p

  30. +jisus luvs u This may shock you, but there are plenty of other WoT
    youtubers you can watch as well as Jingles.

  31. +Bradley Walters Blasphemy!

  32. +jisus luvs u Why you can’t play WoWs ? It’s totally worth the price of
    entry package ..

  33. +jisus luvs u ya, no need to be so cheap if want in, just drop some change
    on the Yubari or Sims and jump in. Or get the 3 pack

    They are far better than the ‘in game’ premium ships and will not be
    buyable again btw for at least a year if ever again openly too.

  34. He is getting old now, old people get up earlier and tend to have
    everything done by the time everyone else gets up!

  35. +Pavel Pavlov You forgot to say “Actually Jingles”!

  36. +Roan H. Tough enough to copy paste

  37. +Lonesome Son +Roan H. Tough enough to copy paste

  38. +MCMiniGames590 tough enough to nom your face :p

  39. +MCMiniGames590 fag

  40. Enough tough paste to copy

  41. +Bob Saget If it’s not a troll, I’m not sure what it’s supposed to be.

  42. +Bob Saget We have reached the point in time where Bob Saget uses reverse
    psychology to un-troll-troll people. You won’t get me to watch those Full
    House re-runs you salty old fruit loop, no matter how hard you try!

  43. Only just unlocked the Aoba. First battle in it was a monster game. Those
    port and starboard launchers are handy. Took out an Omaha with port side
    and a DD with starboard within a few seconds of each other. Moved on to
    take out a Minekaze with guns, shot the crap out of enemy CV and launched a
    good spread at a Fuso for 2 hits…then got torn a new one by a Cleveland
    class that came back to take care of me. Good ship but it can’t deal with a
    sustained engagement. It needs surprise on its side, hit hard n kill and if
    you don’t kill quick, run to cover. I got the run to cover bit wrong that

  44. +Sabieri Can be quite vulnerable to citadel pens. Even from cruisers, I’ve
    had great success switching to AP to put the hurt on them.

  45. The Hungry Wolf 足柄

    +Sabieri Myoukou is better

  46. +mynameispuffs omg more than 300. i have failed.

  47. This ship is a Japanese destroyer with citadels, which means normal destroyers are protected from BBs, because they don’t have citadels to penetrate.. If you play Tenryu like a destroyer you will be citadeled promptly, it has only 4 guns, and it has terrible AA guns. You can’t play this as a Cruiser either since you can be out maneuvered by the destroyers and you can be torpedoed, plus every time I tried to hit a destroyer with this thing I always had to give destroyers a large lead, and since you won’t have many guns pointed at the enemy destroyers to be effective, and every time I tried using the torpedoes I ended up hitting the ally that wasn’t there when the torpedoes were launched… I quit world of warships and I want nothing to do with Wargaming… Was this ship nerfed between the time that I played it and when jingles did??? He says it is fast and maneuverable which is nothing like the ship I played, it is slow weak and the only thing I can hit are the allies that weren’t there when I launched the torpedoes.. In short I am sick of Wargaming BS and I am sick of the lies..

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