World of Warships – Minekaze Class Destroyer

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So. Japanese Destroyers. I wonder what all the fuss is about?

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System Specs: Core i7 4820-K 3.7Ghz i7 CPU, 16GB DDR3 RAM, 3GB nVidia GTX780 Ti GPU, running at 1920×1080 resolution

If you have a War Thunder replay just send the .wrpl file to the same address.

Just be aware that I get hundreds of emails every week and I can’t promise that I’ll show what you send in.


  1. +Themightystuka Git gud scrub

  2. +Vincent Godenir Batram? XD

  3. +ramjb “if you don’t like something don’t dare to share your opinion”,
    “like it or shut it”

    FINALLY someone speaking up against the dumbest arguments made by dumb
    fandoys protecting dumb games.

    Give this man a medal. Give this man a truckload of cookies. Give this man
    anything he wants or needs because he is the hero youtube needs, not the
    hero it deserves.

  4. +Npiax Thanks :). And I agree, it’s a game, and not a simulator. But my
    gripe comes with the lack of attention to detail and effort. I don’t have
    anything against it sacrifizing realism for gameplay in most areas, you can
    perfectly do it, and end up with a game about warships, that still makes
    you FEEL you’re controling warships and fighting with them, while being
    very easy and undemanding to learn, fast paced, casual to play, yet as
    immersive as fun.

    It’s not a simulator. It doesn’t need to be one. I, for one, don’t critize
    it for not being one. But that’s not my problem with it.

    I for one try to do whatever I do well, I care about delivering good
    quality stuff whatever I do, specially if I like what I’m doing, I like to
    deliver something that’s good. that’s me and my work ethics, at least. And
    I tend to think poorly of someone who only does stuff to the bare minimum
    without caring at all for the quality of his job.

    A game with warships that is pretty to look at but which vehicles don’t
    feel nor fight at all as warships for me is a very poor job, a weak, lousy
    and lazy attempt to grab people’s money with as little effort as possible.
    It just transmits me that the developer is greedy and is doing a game not
    because they want to make a good, strong, game which represents ships well,
    but that they rather want to spend as little as possible to grab as much
    money as possible using ships as an excuse for a new game. And I dislike
    when I see that kind of work delivered, done to the minimums, uninterested
    in delivering real quality beyond pretty graphics, just in doing money with
    the least effort possible. I dislike people moved by greed rather than
    moved by a desire to do good, meaningful, stuff. I find it poor manners.
    but I guess that’s just me. That’s one of the reasons I find this title
    infuriating and I guess that’s a personal reason that noone is forced to
    share. That’s the reason I dislike EA. that’s the reason I dislike Ubisoft.
    That’s the reason I dislike many developers and/or publishers than do that
    stuff all the time, because for whatever reason, they get away with it most
    of the times they try. And with this title, that’s the reason I dislike
    wargaming too.

    The other reason, however, should matter for everyone. And said reason is
    that, as I said elsewhere, swap those warship models for some randomly
    created spaceships, change gunfire for plasma bolts. Change torpedoes for
    photon discharges. Change the sea and islands for a 2D representation of an
    asteroid field near a planet and call the game “world of galactic wars” –
    it would work EXACTLY the same way it currently does. And seriously that’s
    really sad for people who ACTUALLY do like ships and know about them (and
    for those who don’t aswell- because they’d get to learn a lot of historical
    stuff in the most fun way possible – by playing).

  5. +ramjb Am I the only one who is interested in people knowing stuff I don’t?
    Man your comments are cool and interesting, and you can clearly see that
    you know your shit. The only thing I would say is “it’s just a game, and
    they even say that it is not a simulator”. No insults, cause there is no
    need to insult.

  6. +RabidRizon
    A. He never said no one else should play only that he didn’t want too.
    B. Why are you so defensive over a product made by a company that is out to
    only get money (not saying that is a bad thing as that is how a company
    works , but it’s aim is get your cash not be your friend)
    C. Don’t start insulting people for expressing an opinion.

  7. +Phoenix Fire Sorry er, I no understand English.

  8. +Tod Howard bad for English sorry.

  9. +merolleiro
    “Increased acquisition for torpedoes” skill
    – it’s called “VIGILANCE” (+20%)

  10. +HORIZONS Why would you use acquisition on any DD?

  11. +KlausKinski some ok AA can help to shoo away pesky spotters and reduce how
    many bombs are getting dropped on ya, lol…. in exchange for some guns.

  12. TwoGuys OneMinecraft

    +John Data They’re just friends, no matter how some might look at it.
    Though, I have to admit i’ve had that thought process too, they are JUST

  13. +frolt bro lets have a orgy

  14. +frolt bro thank you u2 🙂

  15. +Jerry K. 26th is the day we get 0.4.0 but public opening is probably going
    to be 1-2 days late giving old beta players a head start.

  16. +lisoanfoxx Ahh, well that is interesting :> yeah if the game is just sped
    up then that makes it easier to swallow.

  17. +Userext47 True, but torpedoes will probably be much harder to hit and much
    easier to evade in WT. Might also be possible to shoot at them to disrupt
    its course or destroy them (i wish)

  18. +eisloewe01 i agree, but x7 the speed is too much. You could have had real
    time speed or somewhat sped up if you limited the view distance, having to
    use other methods to spot targets over the horizon. Ships could spawn
    closer and have it work despite slower speed. Not saying WoW should do
    this, i quite like it, but the ships are going near a third of the speed of
    sound… and nobody seems to notice.

  19. +Tristan Lane get of twitch, if salt had a deffinition this would not fall
    within it. If i complained in the context that i lost a match because of
    the game speed then i would be salty.

  20. +RabidRizon oh sure, then let’s have a ww2 shooter where your tommygun can
    destroy a tiger if you shoot at it long enough. It’s just a game right?

    I don’t mind the speed so much that i will not play and enjoy WoWs but it’s
    pretty gnarly to see destroyers doing 400-500 km/h and battleships doing
    250 km/h, if you can’t notice it then good for you, hope you never buy a
    speed boat, you’ll be dissapointed.

  21. +Verdiss its a game balance lie. and for your first question what exactly
    do you mean? america used names for ships at the place they were built i
    guess but japanese flipped their shit so i dont have an idea over that
    there isnt a code for naming the ship generally

  22. +Liamv4696 ikr, I’ve finally learned the difference, then this happens and
    threw me off lol

  23. +Liamv4696 That’s probably why they kept him below decks on ship and
    nowhere near the

  24. +Liamv4696 You expect a chair polisher to know the difference? 😀

  25. +Liamv4696 Oh Jingles. I am guessing you were barred from the helm in the

  26. +Liamv4696 He needs to bring that back, I swear.

  27. Χρήστος Καρσανίδης

    +Userext47 Alright, thanks for the info i didn’t knew. Cheers. 😉

  28. +crakercamper91 there is non

  29. +frealms Well, you are missing the alpha ship too. Hope that doesn’t ruin
    your day.

  30. +Stu Saville Yeah but the collector in me is screaming. Lost the chance to
    get the Mutant in WoT because I was unsure of the game at the time and now
    I missed the chance to get this one. Damn you pixels! =p

  31. +frealms Arkansas is nothing special. Just a stock version of the Wyoming
    class from the same tier.

  32. +Brennen Walsh Starboard*

  33. The Hungry Wolf 足柄

    +Kevin Tunney There are chrome extensions for that apparently. The anime
    was kind of bad and was mostly there as fanservice to people who played the
    game. Its plot makes no sense and the writing was inconsistent at best.

  34. Hes already watched it he has a soft spot for kirishima and ended up buying
    a statue of her.

  35. If he even wins the lottery to get in he would then have to do some
    “cheating” in regards to him being able to play without the need of a vpn
    and he would also need to find a way to get the english patch. Fortunately
    this is all found on the kancolle wiki.

  36. +Kelvin Mok Pretty sure he has only watched the anime, though. Since, and I
    speak from experience here, its kinda hard to play for us westerners.

  37. +Kevin Tunney I’m pretty sure he’s referenced it by saying BURNING LOVE in
    one of his earlier WoW videos.

  38. +Deschain212 The games makers said there will be no subs.

  39. +Jameson Betts That’s because he is English. All Englishmen speaks a
    perfect French and secretly worship France and the Frenchs, even if they
    will never admit it.

  40. +Sreven199 Nope, Singapore here. About 7-8 hours ahead of England

  41. +Kaixa123 You must be in europe

  42. +Rainbow Dash 3 pm here XD

  43. +Rainbow Dash 12 AM where I am!

  44. +eisloewe01 Unless the update notes were misworded, I do not know. Ask War
    Gaming to clear up the confusion, the statement to me says not the
    25/26 but some date very near in the future.

  45. +redmike 1617 Why would you wipe with the patch and not immediately start
    the OBT? This doesn’t make sense.

  46. +eisloewe01 “We are wiping it all, so once the Open Beta begins (at a later
    date), everybody starts on a relatively equal footing. We’ll have a start
    date for you very soon.” Looks pretty obvious by that statement it isn’t
    the 25/26.

  47. Patch downloading now 🙂

  48. +redmike 1617 Its not. 0.4.0 will wipe all progress for CBT players and
    adds WoWs to the wargaming account in regards to gold and premium time.
    Patch 0.4.0 whoch goes live tomorrow IS the start of OBT!

  49. +Apathetic Bystanders here’s a cookie

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