World of Warships- A Better Mainz & HMS Tiger

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Hey guys, today we go over the recent DevBlogs which include the addition of Weimer and Tiger ’59, enjoy!


Outro Music: Stranger Think- C418

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  1. Was going to say when first seeing Weimar my first though was “Isn’t this just Mainz?” lol.

  2. Weimar is just a Mainz 2.0

  3. Fun fact tiger 59 is what the minotaur got developed in to. And it’s a ship that actually existed

  4. Bruh, you posted this video at 5am est. Why am i still awake to see this.

  5. 4 guns, ap only, low range and no armour. Sounds amazing…..NOT

    • I went and checked the dev blog before saying this but its basically an Edinburgh with no torps and less guns but it gets smoke and radar.

      The tech tree has to pick smoke or radar and radar is the more fun build but the smoke is better for survival, having both will be interesting.

    • edinburg got 298k and tiger got 240k dpm. bad turret design not allow bow fights, no torps. its only fine against destroyers with these stats and cant do much alone

  6. Nanchisan Nanchisan

    I fear that they will make a full CL tree made of premium

  7. Give me Battlecruisers! please WG, it’s a British thing. Great video as ever dude. Thanks

  8. Weegee’s giving Munchen the California treatment I see. Very cool and totally not just another cash grab.

  9. I also got really excited for the battle cruiser possibility….. Big sad.

  10. I would rather have the asymmetric warfare back

  11. Weimar: exist
    Yorck: Well, i think i’ll got powercreeped again. *Cry in Yorck existence*

  12. HMS Tiger59 reminds me of a cruiser size Friesland

  13. No worries, they’ll nerf the german ship eventually.

  14. The range and armor is a big concern. You don’t have Yorcks 25mm armor plating and you lack the nice range of the Munchen and Yorck. Engine boost is not going to save this ship at medium to close range.

  15. I want the HMS Tiger… take my money

  16. the tiger is like a Friesland who lost hydro and he shells got its concealment nerfed and is three times bigger.

    • but has radar. this is basically a plymouth nerfed down to T8. It has a nearly broken combination of consumables, but doesnt have the DPM to fully take advantage of it (its somewhere between leander and fiji). This is a team player ship. It runs DDs off caps but needs the team’s help for anything bigger like BBs or higher DPM cruisers.

  17. Still look at it this way Sealord, it still means we might get a RN Battleship BC line *fingers crossed*

  18. dude, you did not even play that ship yet. You getting far ahead.

  19. 13:14 – I’m so psyched for that updated water impact shell splash effect which looks way more realistic with that delay before shooting the tall jet of water up into the air like IRL, rather than the current insta splash effect we get now where the jet of water shoots up the very instant the projectile touches the surface which is not how it happens. This new graphic looks so much better even just from the addition of that more realistic short delay before kicking up the tall water jet, like if you were to take a big ass boulder and heave it into the water it’s the imploding air cavity behind the sinking rock that creates the upwards water jet and not so much the initial impact itself of the object onto the surface of the water.

    Started watching YouTube content of the PS4 console version of WoWS called Legends or whatever, and was jealous right away when I saw how realistic the water impacts were in that version compared to what we get on PC. They’ve straight up taken that effect from Legends and just copied pasted it into the PC version now, which is gonna be dope plus the AA guns are going to be shown now blasting off with muzzle flashes along with the secondaries and mains… Sh*t’s gonna get pretty sick me thinks, and hopefully all these constant fire and smoke sprites being added now all over every ship doesn’t end up taxing everyone’s framerates too badly. There’s already something up when it comes to 3rd person spectating a friendly ship after you’ve already died for example, and the game and/or framerate starts stuttering right as a bunch of enemy HE shells start impacting the deck. Then at least for me just for a split second the game completely chokes and pauses on like 1 frame for a millisecond before returning to somewhat normal framerates again right as it’s trying to animate all these HE shells exploding on a ship’s deck at the same time as some fires get triggered on deck as well, and for some reason the combination of all the explosion/fire effect images in this game occurring all at the same instant taxes the hell out of the game. Either it’s inherent to the way the game has been made and runs, or perhaps it’s just my average gaming PC that’s causing the stutters during moments of fire and multiple explosions going off.

    I’ve also noticed an ever so slight but still noticeable stutter whenever I’m spectating ships as they get killed, something about that huge death explosion animation makes my game hitch up again just for that millisecond or two before returning back to normal. Hopefully this new doubling basically of little explosion animations going off every 2 seconds on everyone’s ship in the match from the new addition of AA muzzle flashes isn’t going to completely f*ck the game’s ability to render smoothly even more.

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