Shattering Hopes and Dreams! (World of Warships Legends)

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#WoWsLegends #Montana #SE43


  1. Hi Spartan – would love some games with the new British tech tree tier 8 ships. I have enough silver to buy one of them and struggling to decide!

  2. Keep up the good work Mr.S!

  3. Do a battle royal with another cc. However many tier 7 bb there are split between two of you. Highest damage end of match. Highest moves to next round. So on so fourth. Then so tier 8 then legendary. Then winners face off

  4. dgeneratio1 [Dialga88]

    Been a while since i’ve seen Dunkerque, The Meet the is outdated as you didn’t have Jaujard back then so a New Meet the, would be good. Also got Giulio Cesare from a free crate today. Also have an Anshan so some videos on those would be good.

    Build try: Rupprecht with Pickup Commander (You lose Secondary Accuracy and Range but gain Will to Rebuild and gain more Secondary Charges with Shorter Cooldowns). Not sure if it’s good or not, more like an Experiment.

  5. BBS .mid tier Japanese I find quite difficult to do well consistent so a video about them would be cool.
    Or mid tier Russian BBS as I could do with tips using them.

    No DD videos, in my opinion they have a low skill cap. It’s usually a mistake by the DD player that gets them killed, or being hunted by other dds or cruisers ( but when does that ever happen ?
    Stay invisible and launch the wall of skill at BBS – standard DD play.

  6. Hey Spartan! Great content as always. I’d like to see a Tier List of current Bureau Projects.

  7. For whatever reason tier 3-5 British battleships and I just didn’t get along but I decided to give King George V a chance the other day and unlocked her. Have to say, I didn’t think I’d like the little guns at first but I’ve been kinda impressed by the higher rate of fire and the ridiculous fire chances in this thing. Plus she was a real ship that did some history, always a plus in my book, I prefer real ships or ships like Montana that came very close to being built. Moral of the story, give every ship a chance.

  8. Please do a video comparing the differences of Marco Polo without the SAP upgrade, and with the SAP upgrade

  9. Awesome! Glad to hear it!

  10. By the way . I love how you try to get players to play better . How come players aren’t seeded?

  11. hey man i just found your channel great warships content you and tbull my go to for this game now!

  12. Can we see more of the German battle cruisers in action because they are fun and they make great videos

  13. Spartan I wanna watch some more videos on Des Moines, Mino and Plymouth please. As well as Marlborough. PLEASE MAKE IT HAPPEN.

  14. Would like to see the Monaghan or Jervis ..two of my favourites Spartan

  15. And De moniii Legends those three

  16. Yes please compare the 3 admiral elite

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