Air Strike – First Look (World of Warships: Legends Xbox SX)

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Air Strike – First Look (World of Warships: Legends Xbox SX)


  1. How is Italian AA on PC? If its good the cruisers might have a niche as CV hunters.

  2. Been enjoying the battling against AC, been trying out the Italians aswell. not had much luck so far but the rolling smoke has definitely come in handy!!

  3. Was pleasantly surprised with CVs. I was fearing a PC-level disaster but the WoWsL devs pulled through. Plus the new effects are beautiful.

  4. I was surprised as well. Happy with what they’ve done so far. Hopefully they don’t cater to the people who just want a ship that can wreck havoc on everyone else with no real counter. A nice support ship. Not my style but I’m sure some will get very good with them. But there should be a difficult learning curve, and I think they’ve succeeded.

  5. Alexandre Viallard

    Feels like you are in matrix

  6. Agile carrier build soon? Lol

  7. LetCrescent [LT][N][EN]

    How Bro how we all of os not good at playing CVs bro youst play one game or one vid and you can forget about it dem you. Lol Xd please play one or somfing

  8. Its a refreshing difference. The game was getting a bit stale and frustrating for me and it adds new challenges so I welcome CVs. I think they’re quite fun to play as too.

  9. I’m ready thanks to you hipper lol.. Leuchens and mimbelli and mikawa maxed…agile all the way… Good stuff hipper

  10. One thing I’m glad about is that the games aren’t just the carriers attacking each other. I tried the carriers on blitz and the matches were just the carriers throwing planes at each other until one died.

  11. I like them so far. Killed 4 cvs and only been hit 1ce by a cv. Best cv game is 85k in Langley after raming a bb.

  12. NO need to justify “agile builds” anymore… players who use these set ups KNOW…shhhhhhhh lol

  13. Loving the increased video output. Like to get my vitamin H each day 🙂

  14. Cv looks pretty week in tier 3 maybe it will change later

  15. I found cv a little hard to strike with. Yubari yohagi and iwaki have really been dominate in air strike thanks to their versatility
    And agility. In defense and attack the ijn cc have really come to party hard

  16. J Smith Great to hear mate

  17. leng wait for it dary

    For me i love to play the carriers as a support role for my team. I love to help with reconnaissance and assistance in damage.

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