Audacious Impression – World of Warships

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First Impression on the British Carriers and also Audacious, discuss the playstyle expected for the British Carriers. Hope you have a wonderful day and I’ll catch you next time!

Tier X British Carrier Audacious Replay – Warships Friend Invite – Discord Server


  1. Those bombers seem way too powerful and those torps seem the better than other CV’s due to their accuracy plus power. At least USN & IJN tier 10 CV’s have their own weakness, but this CV seems way too powerful from the look of it. Dive bombers have to spend more time within AA range due to their dive, but these RN bombers are just stupid while still accurate and torps should not converge on any CV since it means the enemy cannot dodge too often any of them… Oh and having better survivability is just stupid, this should be a USN CV thing…

    • +Liam Turner Because of radial engines instead of water cooled? My point is that you cannot have the cake and eat it. If other tier 10 CV’s lack in some areas compared to others, why RN should have all the best of both?

    • +CloneD Anon They don’t get the best of both, they are very slow, which means you are consistantly in AA fire for longer than your peers, trading higher ship durability for lower hangar space = not easy to rapidly field full squadrons after heavy losses. good accurate torps but very short range, again the planes are in AA fire for longer, and the accuracy can be a detrement if the opponent dodges, and the cluster/carpet bombers will still be within shortrange AA when doing theri bombing run. besides, the stat numbers haven’t been fully tweaked yet, work in progress and everything

    • +CloneD Anon And you may be completely right about this CV being OP in it’s current form, in my opinion though they seem to have some build in weaknesses that could give them a counter, but as the whole carrier thing is still being balanced, i would wait and see how it fares a little later down in develpoment.

    • +Teh_Copbine Agreed. It is still work in progress.

  2. This is hands down the Most OP CV In the game.

  3. Hate update hate update hate update

    • adapt or quit. you don’t have to stress out yourself

    • ^what he said

    • CynicallyObnoxious

      Oh dont worry Monk I think most are just gonna quit them pensioners better double or triple what they where spending

    • Raul Alexandru Bota

      So I like playing as a CV now but I’m not touching my BBs or any other surface ship because it’s not worth any more… I mean I’ve been trolling BBs so much it made me laugh at theyre efforts to try and cap or push or defend themselves ? CVs are good now because at least they’re realistically being effective.

    • CynicallyObnoxious

      CVs where effective before just because some people are decent now doesnt change the fact that the community was too fucking lazy to learn how to play and whined and cried to get this dumb down arcade shit

  4. imho the game right now is at a very critical point, especially in regards to carriers. they should first try to improve/fix the aviation/anti aircraft situation with the help and to the full content of the community, before moving on in this sector (pun intended). at this point the game is not in a state where new elements should be implemented

    • totally agree, if they fuck up the balancing hard the game will take serious damage, which makes me sad since i really enjoyed the game.

    • I don’t even bother with sector fire, its worthless especially if you’re being attacked by multiple squads of planes.

  5. What was that first squad? Sacrifice to the cv gods?

  6. I do not play CV’s but from what I’m seeing…this looks like good players get to kill off ships with practically 0 risk to themselves.
    -infinite planes meaning that any losses taken..are non-issues.
    -avoidable AI controlled anti-air on enemy ships, the avoidable part also seems to be the major portion of the AA damage..means the AA does practically nothing against a strike before it comes in.
    -planes can do multiple strikes per run, with very high odds of getting status ailments like fire and flooding.
    -exploitable “bounce off edge” mechanic.
    -extremely accurate strikes even on small and agile targets like destroyers, and with weapons that when used by ships tend to be prone to missing (torpedo)
    for bad or new players the flak burst will reduce their overall impact on the game because the’ll lose planes at an excessive rate, but they can’t be deplaned like a ship can have all his guns shot off…and its basically all the CV is risking to begin with as the planes have no limited airtime to counteract the fact they now have an on-board plane factory.
    this doesn’t look like it leveled the playing field between ships and CV’s atoll.

    • Odd ship tiers should be brought back this in my opinion will help with the feast or famine experience that CV’s and the rest of ships are experiencing.

    • “I do not play CV’s but…”. Thank you for your input.

    • Thanks for the listing, but you are exaggerating in all of your points, so I guess you are only a butthurt DD player.

    • Actually play a cv and learn how untrue your statement is. CVs are by far the weakest class when it comes to damage. Both teams need to be pretty stupid for the CV go capitalise in any way.

      Some games I’ve played and half the enemy team is dead in the first 5 minutes and I’ve only managed to get 24k damage dealt.

      BBs, cruisers and dds all have much better alpha strike damage

    • Just like how P2W Premiums and arty is killing off WoT, CVs will kill of WoWS soon enough. Such a shame.

  7. Tier X is OP so this is a bunk shill representation of the UK line -1

  8. Audacious? More like Outrageous, am I rite?

  9. I shot down 52 planes in a Duke of York the other day, followed by 35 in a King George V, survived both times, I’m liking this CV rework.

  10. Now I really see that wip ships are tested by good and bad players 😛 My heart’s bleeding when I’m looking on this gameplay 😀

  11. 0:42 how do u open that menu?

  12. I think the update is starting to appeal to me. It still needs a lot of work but it’s getting there. I like that it does feel like some ships such as the German dd line feel that they actually can take out a couple of planes when before they hardly did, but also if you play well enough at. The planes, you can strike at lone aa cruisers if you work your throttle. It’s hard but I did strike out an Atlanta with torps and boy was there salt.

    • I tripple citadelled a worcester with AP bombs high altitude drop, that maneuver is hard to perform and often times than not the aim is messed up or the cruiser turns out of the way before the bombs hit but when it lines just perfect you see the ship sailing into the bombs its extremely satisfying I like the rework it doesnt feel hopeless you can kill planes and defend urself even in a shimakaze and can sink strong AA ships if you play it right.

  13. A more in depth video on flack avoidance would be awesome

  14. Not British enough! It’s superstructure should look like a tea set, everyone knows that! And it’s planes should all look like scones! >=x

  15. today the best thing people can do is cry about anything and everything, the new gameplay changed a lot of camping into advancing, staying in a group next to Cruisers are now more recommended than ever… and being a CV or fighting against one is just… fun. I love it!

  16. It is simply unacceptable that plans can avoid flack when ships have no control over where flack goes.

    • Adapt or quit. Easy as that.

    • That does not fix an issue, the flak should be more controllable

    • Spineking Jørgensen

      +Gray Carlyle ‘Adapt’ My ass, we cant control the Flak so no matter how good a player is if the CV player is good enough he can yeet your reinforced AA side. Regardless the biggest problem with old CV’s is that there was a too big difference between good and bad players. That problem is still here and its bigger because flak is insanely strong so it shreds noobs but has gaps where good CV’s can abselutely avoid damage.

  17. Game is totally broken. The gameplay in 8.0 is detected all the time relentlesss air attacks and Cvs that are very hard to find and kill. It’s terrible. Notser why are you doing the shill thing? Are they paying you now after the free trip?

    • You might as well call jingles a shill too.

    • Yep, thanks to trashy CCs like him we got 8.0, coz oh “they feel alright” …ofc that dumbass didn t think of the rest of the game, seems like Audacious is fine as well…next vid: “oh oh DDs aren t fine” …surprise surprise…but hey he felt that way as much as he felt IFHE on 203s makes sense… just a worthless and clueless idiot this guy

  18. Tier 6 and 8 made the carpet bombing mechanic look awesome, then the tier 10’s bombs seem almost useless, but the torps are uber OP. Makes sense. 😀 (I’m betting on a big retune…)

  19. James Bigglesworth

    Rollback 0.7.X

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