Azuma – 9 kills || World of Warships

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  1. That was painful to watch. What was with all the shell onboards?!?!

    • Dont mean to be rude but that looked like a player who normally doesnt do that well but got very lucky with the RNG this match.

    • +VuHien2011 he did. The rest of his stats on that ship would indicate that none of his other battles were remotely close to this.

    • Andy S his overall stats are not wonderful, he had lucky battle. Same was a Lightning on T9 game that took out 8 guys ( 3 detonations he did) same stats as that one below average.

  2. I would really like to buy this ship but that 25 mm everywhere.. Gosh so painful to watch

  3. 9 kills ? Still not buying it.

  4. Whoahh, division teamate follow the cv, nice strategy…. and 3 time, he have the choice to cap, but no….FIRE AP, FIRE AP, FIRE AP!

    • Yeah I was also surprised about that all time AP like he was in Stalingrad. But the play style, well you have to be passive in 1st 10min just total kampa behind even BBs. You push after that cause you have that kind of armor.

  5. This video just lucky one

  6. WOW

  7. An average player finishing off a bunch of low hp ships giving endless broadsides… This was unusually boring to watch.

  8. what a weirdo, why does he zoom out and look right at his ship as soon as he is about to fire? this ship is also super trash, as big as a BB, with no armor, and weak guns.

  9. “1” key on his keyboard is probably malfunctioning ??….

  10. mark brandenburg

    4:10 gives a perfect impression of how stupidly large this ship is for a cruiser.

  11. Never happens to me when I am playing the Azuma. As a ship with good guns made out of flash paper, I seem to get all the Reds attention and nary a broadside to shoot at.

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