Battleship Bourgogne: Aggressive behind the enemy lines – World of Warships

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Battleship Bourgogne: Aggressive behind the enemy lines – World of Warships
WoWs replays – best World of Warships games
Bourgogne: 381k damage, 6 ships destroyed – World of Warships
Bourgogne is a French tier X Battleship.
The Bourgogne is part of the French Battleship line.
#WorldofWarships #WoWs #WOWsreplays
A battleship design developed in France in response to construction of the German H-class battleships. The ship was a development of the Richelieu class, but in contrast to her predecessor, she had more powerful artillery that was arranged according to a more reasonable scheme. One of the design versions received twelve 380 mm guns that were placed in three main turrets.

Battle Stats:
Version: 0.11.11
Server: EU
Time: 09-01-2023 17:34:50 EU TIME
Player: Cpt_Devastating_Strike
Ship: Bourgogne
Damage: 381897
Destroyed ships: 6
Map: Warrior’s Path
A hypothetical Canadian archipelago is the setting for Warrior’s Path. Opposing teams must navigate through numerous islands in order to engage the enemy, and only careful positioning will allow capital ships to support their teammates without risk of crippling torpedo strikes from destroyers lurking amongst the rocks. This map can only be played in three-area Domination Battle mode.

Medals: 4
Ids Achievement First Blood Medal, Ids Achievement Main Caliber Medal, Ids Achievement Support Medal, Ids Achievement Warrior Medal,

Mods used for the replay recordings: WG modstation (calm sea, fog removed) World of Warships

You want to send me your WoWs replay?
Requirements: +3k BXP or +300k dmg, or 8 ships destroyed, or Solo Warrior. Send me the link/replay via mail, to find on the channel info page. Thank you!


  1. Why doesn’t carrier attack? is that point where the aircraft carrier is the attack point for torpedo bombers???? The battleship is already dead!!!!!

  2. Good reply for a lucky game!

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