Battleship Hannover: Casual player dominates Arms Race – World of Warships

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Battleship Hannover: Casual player dominates Arms Race – World of Warships
Hannover: 446k damage, 4 ships destroyed – World of Warships
WoWs replays – best World of Warships games
Hannover is a German tier 11 Battleship.
The Hannover is part of the German Battleship line.
#WorldofWarships #WoWs #WOWsreplays
A behemoth battleship of 100,000 tons, equipped with extra-heavy 483 mm main guns and mighty AA defenses comprising anti-aircraft and dual-purpose gun systems designed in the 1940s.

Battle Stats:
Version: 0.11.10
Server: RU
Time: 05-12-2022 15:33:39 EU TIME
Player: ANDREI7_7_85
Ship: Hannover
Damage: 446761
Destroyed ships: 4
Map: Mountain Range
A mountain range in the middle of a strait.

Medals: 4
Ids Achievement First Blood Medal, Ids Achievement Main Caliber Medal, Ids Achievement Support Medal, Ids Achievement Instant Kill Medal,

Mods used for the replay recordings: WG modstation (calm sea, fog removed) World of Warships

You want to send me your WoWs replay?
Requirements: +3k BXP or +300k dmg, or 8 ships destroyed, or Solo Warrior. Send me the link/replay via mail, to find on the channel info page. Thank you!


  1. when active buff 2K DMG Per Sec lol Secondaly Only

  2. pretty poorly played imho. They got real lucky earlier on and was showing way too much side to the enemy. Against better players would of got killed way earlier and why was he constantly using his ASW air drops against ships…was it just boredom?

    • Poorly, indeed. He showed too much broadside just to align his turrets and he was punished. He was lucky with his huge HP pool, but… He should’ve let his secondaries do their job more.

  3. Captain WorstPirateIveHeardOf

    I swear these are 420s instead of 483s. wg should buff them to get her more in line with the current meta

    • 1 full pen is 6k, and you barely get any ricochets. How exactly do they need buff? When used properly they do the job.

  4. Love it when a brawl is successful. Fuck I hate how passive the gameplay meta is now.

  5. Who played this match was she the secondary.

  6. lets be honest, he played poorly

  7. where to send the battle I have with Lenin 234K

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