Bourgogne – 339k dam – Crazy ending, dodging enemy carrier || World of Warships

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  1. Corum Jaelhen Irsei

    5th !

  2. Murillo Mota Alves

    he cidadel GK by bow… i duno its possible
    And 4 cidadel on single salvo… after dodge a lot of bombs… RNG help him a lot

    • Like the other answer says, it’s possible, sometimes if you aim their front turrets the shell just plunges the barbette and reach the cit… Not so often but possible, i did that with amagi, izumo, yammy, and alabama on kurfust, friedrich and bismark. The most strange cit ever seen is the monty conning tower… Sometimed you hit and get a cit ?

    • +jotasmail Plus thee is a tiny spot on the nose where the armor is not higher than 32 and is flat so it can be penetrated, but you’ve got to have an insane luck for one shell to go through that spot.

  3. Ginés Ladrón de Guevara

    Nice match, though he shoots REPEATEDLY too ahead of target. He has a low self control and too excitement.

    • Ginés Ladrón de Guevara

      +Jojo Divas

      Too much lead. First salvo on amagi should have obliterated it, but he missed all.

      And he did the same on GK several times.

    • Ginés Ladrón de Guevara

      +Jojo Divas

      He shot well, I agree. But it seems he got too excited at some point 😛

  4. Kristof Kolumbus

    nice summarized, plus the fact – AP shooting on bow-on targets, I was laughing after the Roon ( 27mm – no owermatch ) bounces :)))
    Just trying to explain for myself, the bow-on superlucky cita on the GK… That was fkng strange.

  5. Kristof Kolumbus you see what I mean.

  6. Kristof Kolumbus

    +Jack Munro-Cox ofc, I am currently also “Bourgogne-main” and you could see my Bourgogne replay here aswell, more by Arctica channel. But this… just another lucky guy.

  7. Kristof Kolumbus yep, he had a the luck going for him lol

  8. Great match there. Bourgogne shining like a Supernova.

  9. Kurios_aka_ JanWinter

    WTF… Citadell in front of the GKF?
    ??? My goodness….
    And Reload Booster is so OP… by the Jean Bert, too…

  10. Epic!!!!
    Haven’t seen such a good match in years 🙂

  11. Has only 380 mm guns, lots of tier 8-10 cruisers can bow tank that. The ship is only good when on enemy’s broadsides just like Alsace and Jean bart.

  12. wtf was that citadel right there bois

  13. Seems like it has good AA

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