Destroyer Akizuki: 9 ships destroyed on map Trap – World of Warships

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Destroyer Akizuki: 9 ships destroyed on map Trap – World of Warships
WoWs replays – best World of Warships games
Akizuki: 160k damage, 9 ships destroyed – World of Warships
Akizuki is a Japanese tier VIII Destroyer.
The Akizuki is part of the Japanese Destroyer line.
#WorldofWarships #WoWs #WOWsreplays
One of the most sophisticated destroyers in the Japanese Navy. This ship was specifically designed to provide anti-aircraft defense. Due to her significantly increased dimensions, she was equipped with new dual-purpose main gun mounts that had a very high rate of fire. Among the drawbacks of the ship were the relatively weak torpedo armament and an insufficiently high speed.

Battle Stats:
Version: 12.3.0
Server: EU
Time: 20-05-2023 15:12:59 EU TIME
Player: Ixacise
Ship: Akizuki
Damage: 160604
Destroyed ships: 9
Map: Trap
A harbor suitable for navigation and destruction…

Medals: 3
Ids Achievement Warrior Medal, Ids Achievement Support Medal, Ids Achievement Main Caliber Medal,

Mods used for the replay recordings: WG modstation (calm sea, fog removed) World of Warships

You want to send me your WoWs replay?
Requirements: +3,5k BXP or +300k dmg, or 8 ships destroyed, or Solo Warrior. Send me the link/replay via mail, to find on the channel info page. Thank you!


  1. Edoardo Ammannati

    Wow u tge player I always want in my team 😀 Akizuzi top dd with impressive fire rate + modifiers can become very deadly just it has few ho , I onw that ship but im very from playing like you ! Great game , how u blowed the cv was so funny , top !!

  2. He is good ,his team’s cv is also good ,this cv keep enemys sub in sight .but team’s sub is totally useless .

  3. Yesterday I played against him in this match. I was the enemy CV. Was not my best round and I am learning CV. He was very good with his Akizuki 🙂

  4. Айдын Сейтмамыт


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