Hittin’ Hard! (World of Warships Legends Xbox One X) 4k

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  1. 360p gang where you at lol.

  2. When you’re about to sleep but see that Spartan just uploaded

  3. I like when you give great information during a match

  4. Interceptor 0079

    Gg with the vald, it is a little consistently inconsistent with ap

  5. Im at Izmail I know I’m gonna have a shit ton of fun with the Vladi’

  6. Zill The Godzilla

    When I first heard the Vladivostok I thought spartan called it bloody volstok

  7. I find it very weird that the Russian BB’s guns sound like cruiser guns.

  8. Stormcat Miranda

    I believe you made that jean bart re evaluate his life decisions as a jean bart captain. Ouch

  9. You were in the Vladivostok, in Land of Fire, on that side of the map, I had a game in my Lyon where a Vladivostok was there and I was on the other side… He checks the map and player list – am I,extrafoxysox3, in my Lyon there? No. oof xd

  10. Gianni Van Emmerick

    I had 3 games today with no jean barts in them and they where amazing

  11. Findlay Robertson

    My like was purely for bitch slapping the Jean Bart, but of course I’m British so a healthy hatred of all things froggy, except their women, is only to be expected.

  12. Bought a month of Premium and practicing in vs AI, will most likely stay in the fun zone, Tiers 2 to 5 DDs and CL/CAs!!! Have a small (50 ships) acct on PS4, but that’s for if Xbox live is down, no Premium either.

  13. Spartan Elite43

    Oh I have touched plenty of them. One shotted TheHive_Hound in his Jean bart in my Iowa. Have scored 3 cits in 1 salvo from my Amagi they can definitely be touched

  14. Spartan Elite43

    Early tier Russian BBs are op but sinop and vladi are balanced. That being said when cocktail BB captains sail broadside the Russians will make them pay

  15. Spartan Elite43

    RNG giveth and RNG taketh away

  16. Spartan Elite43

    Yeah guess it depends on when video finishes uploading

  17. @Spartan Elite43 Thanks!

  18. Findlay Robertson

    @Spartan Elite43 : Sometimes giveth, mostly taketh away.

  19. hitlersmissingnut

    I’ve found vlad to be imune to citidel. Iowa and Jean bart just dont hurt it.

  20. Spartan Elite43

    Ive never said the Hood was Bad I quite like the Hood!

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