(Sponsored) World of Warships Fubuki Gameplay.

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Sponsored by World of Warships!
Play the game using my recruitment link https://warships.us/Wolfpack345 which helps me to earn the recruitment rewards and helps you to unlock the HMS Warspite, days of Warships Premium Account and other goodies!
For the Recruiting Station Event details, check here https://worldofwarships.com/en/news/sales-and-events/paypal-recruitment-rewards/

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Thanks to Finnish Jager for making the thumbnail!

Special Thanks to these Patrons!!!
Alexander Hough
Geoff Wells
Edward Kent Drumeller
George Richard
Donald J Sullivan
Christopher Mercaldo
Niki Vindum
Peter Nysgerrig
Brandon Peck
Royal Gleaves
Scott Valline
Scott Zadora
Eric Cannon
Metz Dakka
Sean OConnor
Bos Landschap
James Griffiths
Jeff Nigel Lyngø-Grosen
Captian Tom
Jeannette B
Kieran B
Tom –
Ely Hilliker
Mika Koutukari
Paul Bukowiecki
Teutonic Meme
Bayard T
Johannes R
John W

00:00 Intro
01:19 Fubuki Gameplay.


  1. Boy, your team was terrible.

  2. Damn I’m early

  3. Hit like to support the Wolfpack !!

  4. Wolfpack, keep up the great work! if you want someone to shoot ships with you sometime I’ll be your wingman.

  5. rapid camera movement viewed on a 49 inch screen invokes motion sickness very quickly…

  6. That Gneisenau made a pretty determined effort to throw the game at the last moment there…

  7. Remember the wise words of Uncle Jingles:

    “Smokescreens are torpedo magnets!”

  8. Let the man have his sponsor, no need to dislike guys.

    • I think this kind of sponsorship hurts WoWs the most, all the creators that I watch only play it while being payed. Not a good first impression for an ad

  9. Christopher Strimbu

    When’s the episode with the Yamato coming out?

  10. When smoking up, don’t go to hard! You have to drop down speed to I believe 12 kts to be able to stay inside the smoke.

    • when escaping at flank speed, away from bombarding enemies you don’t even have to be inside the smoke screen. you just need to cover your ship using the smoked areas as a curtain between the enemies. unless there is another enemy to spot you from sides or front you would be better off that way at staying undetected.

  11. Юрий Альгин

    not “glass cannon”, it’s glass torpedo

  12. Ленивый Эйдж

    hey Wolfpack, have you considered doing sponsorhip with War Thunder? their ships are actually historically realistic!

  13. What about a war thunder video? May be good. You have planes, tanks and ships in one game

  14. man i love you wolfpack, but its hilarious watching you play! lmao

  15. LOL! You keep laying smoke, but running out where you they can see you around it!

  16. Should have tried minekaze, the thing is a beast

  17. Man, I just want subs to come out so I can reinstall and have some fun.

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