Stream highlight // Belfast ’43 / “Not great, not terrible”

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I haven’t yet had any great games in this ship, but this one at least shows off how it fares in a tier 10 match.


World of Warships is a multiplayer warship battle game – you can sign up through:


  1. I have it, NOT impressed so far.

  2. Having a really hard time trying to convince myself to buy her, despite having been on board the real thing in London (a expirience well worth it I might add)

    • Grandad (god rest him) served on her. One of the funniest and best experiences of my life was when I was about 12 and we went on HMS Belfast for my birthday with my family, Grandma and Grandad came along too. As we were walking around he would talk about his experiences and such. We didn’t notice until about 10 minutes later we’d gathered a crowd of tourists who were following us. I remember my Grandad saying “I’m not a tour guide, I’m just here with my family…” and all these people looking kind of sheepish but some were like “oh…is it ok if we keep following you, it’s been really interesting!”

  3. tbh its really not a ship i consider worth paying money for

  4. Jedi: Oklahoma over Kansas. Both are terrible but at least you can sing the song from Oklahoma?! Lots and lots of choruses while awaiting reloads.

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