World of Warships: Akizuki – Amazing Game vs Double CV

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Akizuki is pretty good! This double CV game was better than usual!

0:00 Game
18:08 End Screen
20:20 Captain Skills & Upgrades
23:42 Outro

World of Warships footage of the tier 8 Japanese destroyer Akizuki.


  1. I was just watching some of ur other vids lol

  2. Even though it was a 9v9 it was an excellent game!

  3. Akizuki is a great ship! Great guns and good Torps.

  4. I believe they call it a sandbar.

  5. 3man ENUF division couldnt carry 9v9 game where both your CVs died basically at the beginnig? lmao, thats a little bit of a shame for a guys like this under those circumstances

  6. I’m not a big fan of taking IFHE on Akizuki/Kita/Haru since the IFHE nerf. 37mm pen doesn’t let you pen the decks of US BBs, let alone Russian/German battleships. 3 skill points to let you pen bow and sterns while cutting you fire chance in half, I’d rather have more consumables.

  7. It is called a reef. 16:26 the word you’re looking for.

    a ridge of jagged rock, coral, or sand just above or below the surface of the sea.

  8. Why not use ap? Akizuki AP shreds broadsides, especially dds

  9. Prinz Eugen

  10. I swear, You get the best matchmaking I have ever seen anyone get.

    • This is Youtube, people only show us good match. If you want to see normal games then you should watch it on twitch

  11. every time your commander says feuer! my mind say …und wasser XD

    • Speaking of this. If anyone here is ever a script writer for a medieval story, then keep in mind that people did not shout “FIRE!” when shooting arrows. They would probably say something like “Loose!” or “Shoot!”. “Fire!” comes along with FIREarms.

  12. Bismarck secondaries stole your kraken with that anshan…

  13. Even with IFHE, taking over 240 shells until your first & only fire would see me arguing with myself!

  14. 2 days ago i was playing my kitakaze in randoms and it was a 4v4 (very rare occurrence) with double CV (Red CV is FDR + Kaga) (Our CV is Shokoku + Hakuryu), worst game i had, couldnt get unspotted the whole game

  15. I use Azuma from AL on my akizuki, had a lot of trouble with her, but you made me wanna replay her, and had fun my 1st match! awesome video, keep up the fantastic work

  16. Great game but i really hate how you didnt use AP at all. So so many beautiful broadsides wasted ;-;

  17. Neither of the cvs you faced are capable of doing very much damage to destroyers. just wanted to point that out. The danger is solely from spotting.

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