World of Warships Funny Moments #13. My Ship Will Go On

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  1. Peter Andreas Kirk Lossius

    Even Wargaming likes that a Smolensk is being sunk

  2. funny comment?!….well “SUBMARINES “

  3. This is what you should do when you go world of warships with your girl, take the torpedos for her .only if your girl is not a ship-girl.

  4. Confused Admiral

    2:57 They deserve this _K A R M A_

  5. michGPAA Webwrangler

    Never can get enough of the Smol smashing…

  6. Spencer Jackson

    BRO!! The get down mr president clip is basicallyidowrk!! XD

  7. Some One is nothing
  8. Triple Flesh Wounds and 114k damage done AFTER you are sunk. Is that a record?

    And someone REALLY likes the Die Hard achievement.

  9. Guys demolishing those Smolensks deserve triple the amount of doubloons.

  10. Is that BasicallyIDoWrk’s voice in the first clip?

  11. 0:14 basicallyidowrk?

  12. 3:50 tfw you were in this game but don’t submit the replay 🙁

  13. 1:59 can we just take a moment to admire that guys player name!

  14. Celine dion : my heart will go on
    Worl of warships : my ship will go on

  15. “Cover me!….. Thank You!” for when someone takes rounds meant for you and sinks. “When Hard Core gamers go next level” for players that shred 4 or more of the enemy fleet in CQB action.

  16. you’s should make a Funny moments of your decision to Nerf the Odin and call it balanced, Give odin back its health


    ok i am happy to do that and best game ever

  18. Can we have a list of the songs?
    There are a couple that I would like to listen to.

  19. There ya go: HitMix 🙂

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