World of Warships – I don’t know if I’ve ever done this before

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How many ppl can say they did this before I wonder. I know a lot will say they did the other thing but I wonder how many can say they did THIS.

Enjoy and have fun watching Pommern push ze middle 😉

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  1. WHY do you feel the need to post these videos right when I’m about to go to bed?? Another night with no sleep i guess

  2. Well, it’s a gorge, so let’s call the map “Gorgeous Flambass”. 😉

  3. Good luck on the move. Smooth sailing. 🙂

  4. 1:35 Twitch sniper on opposing side is following Flambass’ commentary.

  5. Which way, mate?

  6. @kennkoala south. Country Queensland to Smellbourne.

  7. I wish for a new map called “speshul tactics” with one big island in the center and two channels crossing it east-west and north-south

  8. I did compliment my entire team once, but that was playing ranked.

  9. I love that the supporting Jutland’s name is [GREEK]Thundercommand. XD

  10. You compliment the team, I compliment you. Thumbs up! (also, there was a minimap)

  11. david and martine albon

    @kysz1 preferably with tall islands around the edge of the map to stop sniping

  12. Bruh every secend youtube vid is two brothers XD

  13. Name it “Mrs. Citadel’s Gulley”.

  14. It should be called: Flambass pass

  15. Or possibly “the Flampass”

  16. Imagine what Elon must feel when he has to move to Mars!

  17. It would be nice if we saw “Hans’ playground” for a weekend event; just something cute. Doesn’t need to be permanent.

  18. A sign on both sides that says Straight of Flambass, Flambass Pass, or “Speshul Tactics”

  19. Read the title and thought he was making a joke about going down the middle on Two Brothers lmao

  20. It’s ”strait” , but you could call it ”straight Hans” 😛

  21. Fidipififi: “Unusually Generous” Unleashed

  22. If only it was an atoll, because: “Flambino Atoll” just has a certain ring to it.

  23. 8:00 I think that’s a bug, every time I shot at a CV those days and followed the shots, I’ve heard this whistling sound

  24. Hans:s pass?

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