World of Warships: Legends — How It’s Done | Aircraft Carrier Shokaku

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Destruction from the sky! On this episode of How It’s Done, T33kanne shows us what the Tier VII Japanese Aircraft Carrier Shokaku is capable of under difficult circumstances. Turn the Tide!


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  1. Omg, i love this ship

  2. SkyRaider Eclipse

    Can you make the roars for the new commanders louder they are hard to listen to most of the time

  3. Lets go, first view!

  4. A suggestion, when you make this type of videos, could you put what commander and with what improvements was the game?

  5. POV: you wanted to say you were first

  6. When is the ps5 graphics update??? As you said said it would be released following this update

  7. No Lexington is the best

  8. Could you do some slight balance with aircraft as when you get knocked out the planes in the air have a limited time before they get killed instead of being knocked out by AA e.g 20-25 seconds before run out a fuel so us low teir destroys can have a chance as the AA for us is useless

  9. Alexandre Stgermain

    @Joeman24 I totally agree Lexington is good but they each have different advantages

  10. KMS Graf Zeppelin

    Why did I hear a German on a Japanese carrier?

  11. At the moment it is not worth driving with the CV’s because you will not be rewarded for educating yourself, but please introduce it. So make educating fun too.

  12. “How it’s done”
    *loses game*

  13. Wow.. I am a much better carrier player than I thought! Thanks for the video !

  14. Was it impossible to have one of the development team members put audio commentary pointing out key points and gameplay how to and what not to do. Voice over gameplay needed.

  15. Rumaldo Gonzalez

    Bring back Fuso the way she was and lower the tech tree ships price already damn it!

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