World of Warships: Opening Christmas Boxes

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I open some Christmas boxes on stream. I talk about how I feel about loot boxes and government action. I’d like to avoid it if possible.


  1. Hello

  2. Wtf? You is a god lol

  3. Aerroon you are wrong… It was not the Dutch it was the Belgian who started this. As a result all loot boxes are forbidden. Wich sucks because I live in Belgium… 🙁

    • I know that the Belgians started it, but as far as Dota 2 is concerned, as far as I know, Belgians got their trading and boxes back, but the Dutch didn’t. Or at least they didn’t get the boxes back.

    • +Aerroon for DotA I don’t know that but it started with the loot boxes from battlefront 2. Anywho the only way I can get the boxes now is when I pay my clanmamber to gift me the boxes. Wich is very akward to do haha

  4. Guy opens 4 Supercontainers and gets 3 Premium Ships…. what a joke. I’ve gotten 3 from random daily XP drops and get Signals or Free XP… Awesome lol. Still love your stuff though Aerroon, no ill will for you personally!!

    • +Michrou Yeah I mentioned that in last comment, still confused me but no worries! Ty for making me aware though.

    • +Matthew Robinson I think it works like this:
      – If you have all the ships *like Jingles*, you’ll get a ship (usually a T61 or similar, but sometimes something more) in a container, and just get the gold
      – If you have some of the ships, and get a duplicate ship, instead you’ll get a “re-roll” – a supercontainer with a ship you don’t have

      There are other cases too, but I’m not sure what they are – it seems like sometimes you’ll get the gold and no re-roll, even though you could get a different ship that you don’t already have. This never happened to me, but I’ve seen it happen to some CCs. It may be there’s a separate “roll” for rare ship (like the Belfast etc.) vs. roll for normal premium, and if you roll a normal premium and you have them all you get a duplicate + gold. Not sure though.

    • The first Supercontainer you see, is an actual supercontainer. I literally got that Supercontainer ON STREAM right before pressing the record button. It was quite nuts.

    • +EvilTimNum666 Ahh gotcha, thank you!

    • +Aerroon Very nice, good to hear sir!

  5. Is there any free box to get?

  6. That’s a very interesting way to argue against lootbox legislation. And I do agree, especially on the part about children and parents. It is your child, it is your money, you hold the total power over whether or not to purchase a lootbox(or to “encourage gambling” as it is often referred to). Is it really the governments responsibility to control this? I think not at least. Politicians just like buzzwords that grabs attention and could potentially give them more votes. I really doubt they would care about whether you spend your money(for yourself or your child) directly on a given product or gamble your way to it.

    I do not think we should limit lootboxes. They have shown themselves to be a good way especially for F2P games to keep earning money. One could argue that the way EA does it with their ludicrously expensive FIFA packs is ugly(especially since the games themselves cost money to begin with), but its still each and every customer who decides whether or not to buy them. You dont like it? Dont buy it. If the game relies too heavily on it, dont buy the game. An educated adult(which I assume all of us who have the possibility to buy over the internet are) should NOT need the government to tell you what digital toys you are allowed to buy. It comes down to your controlling yourself and if you feel the boxes are gambling and therefore bad, don’t buy them and if you do anyway, understand that you are telling the industry you accept lootboxes.

    One big reason for arguing against lootboxes in certain games are the ones where difficult-to-obtain items are only obtainable in lootboxes(or at least VERY hard to obtain by playing). I can see how this would make ones not wanting to buy lootboxes think that it is very unfair and therefore want the lootboxes gone. And well, this is a thing that I can see as bad as well, especially if the game costs to buy in the first place. But then maybe you should do your research and not buy the game in the first place, and especially not pre-order it. One thing alot of people seem to forget is that a game developer have no responsibility to make a game YOU like. They make the game they want, with the monetization they think will work best(..or maybe what the higher-ups decides) and if you don’t like it, don’t play it. You really shouldn’t need the government to legislate whether or not a game is allowed to sell digital toyboxes or not…

    • I hope that if lootboxes continue to be a thing that somebody sets up some kind of review site, where they only look at the monetization methods of a game. And then they would give it some kind of a score. Eg if a game gives you rare loot through lootboxes and it’s objectively better than the alternatives, then it would get a low rating etc.

  7. I don’t have a problem with loot boxes, I have a problem with odds not being displayed.

    Also, Kinder eggs are illegal in the US for FDA reasons. You cannot sell edible items with inedible items inside as someone may choke on it. Nothing to do with gambling.

    • I didn’t mean to imply that Kinder Surprise eggs were banned due to gambling. My bad.
      I agree that odds would be nice, but if people actually push the idea enough that lootboxes are gambling, then they probably won’t have to give you the odds. I know, I don’t understand why gambling games don’t have to do it either, but that seems to be the case.

  8. Lootboxes are cancer for various reasons including :

    – you can’t trust devs to not alter the gameplay to push you into buying them. Which includes AAA single player games bTW (as demonstrated by shadow of war)
    – gambling is regulated specifically to avoid for profit entities to go all out on pushing it on people. That’s why most countries have regulations to limit the addictive effects
    – some people indeed suffer from addiction. And addiction is not simply something you can brush off as “hey they just need to not buy it”. It’s like saying “hey sure there is pollution but nobody forced you to breathe”.

    Magic the gathering has little to do with most lootboxes to begin with, mostly because you have an item that you can actually resell. Diablo doesn’t have lootboxes because you don’t pay anything to kill diablo, it’s part of the gameplay. ACtually diablo used to have Real world money involved with loots, which caused massive issues and complaints from the community, which forced Blizzard into reworking the entire end game basically.

    And kinders essentially have nothing to do with it, so let’s not even bother with that part.

    • >- gambling is regulated specifically to avoid for profit entities to go all out on pushing it on people. That’s why most countries have regulations to limit the addictive effects
      And then at the same time the biggest gambling institution is your government yourself. Sure, I’ll believe you.

      >- some people indeed suffer from addiction. And addiction is not simply something you can brush off as “hey they just need to not buy it”. It’s like saying “hey sure there is pollution but nobody forced you to breathe”.
      Some people suffer from alcohol addiction. Should we ban alcohol? Apparently gaming addiction is a thing now. Should we ban video games? Or I guess “regulate” to not be as addictive (read: fun).

      Magic the Gathering has a lot to do with gambling. The fact that the cards are tradeable makes it actually MORE LIKELY that you’re dealing with gambling. If you look at the Dutch case you’ll see that the reason Dota 2 got into hot water is BECAUSE of trading being available. If they hadn’t had trading, they wouldn’t have had a problem. Kinder Surprise is related, because in essence, you’re dealing with something like MtG packs.

      >ACtually diablo used to have Real world money involved with loots, which caused massive issues and complaints from the community, which forced Blizzard into reworking the entire end game basically.

      Yeah, they did. And many people are clueless. In fact, they blame auction houses IN GENERAL. Remember, Real Money Auction Houses were NOT available in Hardcore, yet that’s the game mode that the biggest players would be playing. Yet, that one suffered the same problem. Why? Because there were so many other things wrong with the game that were unrelated to the RMAH.

      Also, you COMPLETELY misunderstood what I meant about Diablo. When you kill a boss in a game like Diablo, you’re basically rolling dice to get your loot. It uses THE EXACT same psychological effect as slot machines do. In fact, under the hood, they’re running very similar code.

  9. I agree with you on many points especially parental responsibilities and how regulation is unnecessary. I do however think you are skirting the edge with slippery-slope fallacy when it come to regulatory overreach.

    • The slipper-slope fallacy often isn’t an actual fallacy, because it’s a rather common pattern in how regulation works. I mean, look at any kind of environmental regulation. Every single thing there is a step for the next one. They don’t go “okay, we achieved X, now we’re done” they will keep going forever. That’s because there’s a political force behind that issue. If a political force appears under the sail of video game regulation, then they’ll ride the wave for as long as they can.
      Or think of it in another way: when was the last time your government gave away power and compare that to when they took more power.

  10. I don’t mind these WOWS lootboxes. These basically guarantee a return on investment if not a significant gain. My main issue is when the exploitation goes a bit far as seen in WoT right now. hiding an overpowered vehicle and hiding it behind loot boxes knowing full well idiots will give hundreds for the chance. Its awful. Kinder eggs would be much more suspect if they came out and said that 1 in every 100,000 eggs contained a check for $100,000. Ultimately the consumers have the power like you said. So I stay the hell away from WOT boxes but consider WOWS boxes.

    • Yep, I agree a system like WoT’s is dumb. Then again, there are many other decisions in WoT that make the game objectionable.

    • +Aerroon It isn’t terrible, tho WoWS is better. You get gold, premium time, random other stuff, and bonuses for doing all that decoration stuff. WoT could do better by having a wider variety of premiums in the crates, and more variety over all – more skins, camos, $$$, etc.

  11. Good talk. Happy Christmas Aerroon. PS. I will watch loot create opening videos to get an idea of what I might get if I gambled also it is a bit exciting even when somebody else is getting the prize.

  12. People find this interesting because they like to see what you get

  13. We think alike. Good job Aeroon!

  14. Who the hell disliked aerroon!!!!! Great vid mate

  15. The Witcher 3 music, yay!

  16. I think that many people who don’t want lootboxes in their games aren’t asking for the government to make that change for them. I think that these appeals are typically aimed at game companies.
    The problem is that you can vote with your wallet all you want, but it won’t matter. These publishers are not concerned with the sorts of people who may or may not spend $20 on their lootboxes. They are primarily interested in the whales. These people’s spending practices will keep these things in the games regardless of how people like you or I choose to use our money.

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