World of Warships: Shimakaze – The Best Torps

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Having some fun with objectively the best torps in the game.

World of Warships footage of the tier 10 Japanese destroyer Shimakaze.


  1. Ahoy captains o7

  2. Is this gameplay or a podcast?

  3. Can you do a republique or Alsace video please?

  4. I always enjoy your videos.

  5. I like beer

  6. Triggered by the “vacuum sucks” joke. No it does not.

  7. boristhebarbarian

    that chat discussion about DD’s. remember that DD’s in WoWS are outsized meaning they are larger in game relative to other ships then they are IRL. If BB AP comes back maybe WG will shrink DD’s to make it harder to hit them

    • I doubt that they’d shrink DDs. Good point though.

    • No please don’t I’m a dd main but even I think that making them invulnerable to all BB’s that aren’t Russian is a good idea. It’d be Russian bias all over again!

  8. Aha! A Shima video! No wait, a meme, 20 km torp Shima video! Lovely game!
    1. I’m going to try out the meme Shima myself, see if the 5 kts speed reduction and 3k damage reduction can be overcome by the satisfaction of hitting someone with a torp on the next map.
    2. I actually think the Shima is OP. The player-base that plays the Shima though is very UP. Which is the only reason why it’s not being nerfed.

  9. This gives me bad memories. The one game I played with you like two years ago a Shima torped my Mogami to death, back when I didn’t have the 3.4 sec rudder shift…

  10. “why is this gearing so bad”….. Proceeds to be torped and killed by gearing only seconds later lol

  11. I need more Shima

  12. that midway was really good. also lmfao enemy haku AP-bombed you hahahahaha

  13. Use2Earn Make Money Online Platform

    cool video

  14. How is gearing so stealthy?!

  15. no the hayate sucks cause it costs 2 mill and aint worth it

  16. That is one hell of a beautiful skin

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