World of Warships- The Slippery Slope Of Selling Tier X Premiums

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Hey guys! Today with the next TX premium ship outright sold for cash, we talk about the slippery slope that the game is heading down, let me know what you guys think!

Outro Music: Stranger Think- C418

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  1. I agree with you fully. Many times I take Amagi into randoms and see higher tier premium ships in battle. I felt very assured at first, only to see them push into the centre and get done. The higher tiers are gone already, and the opponents take the advantage.

  2. I really don’t want to see any more tier 9 or 10 premiums being sold. If anything, they MUST cost coal or steel, and can’t be brought outright by inexperienced players. Half the North Carolinas I run into these days are utterly inexperienced, they have no idea what they are doing, but they brought the King Kong bundle and now they get to play at tier 8. If it already doesn’t work for tier 8 ships, there’s no way in hell it will work for tier 10 ships.

  3. i now mostly play T6 in randoms and the only time i play high tiers its usually Ranked or Competitive

    • Same. I’ve been playing a lot of lower and mid tiers lately. More interesting maps, more interesting ships, more interesting meta, and usually less toxicity.

  4. Buying into high tier is never a problem, as long as MM makes sure to evenly distribute those players between teams.

    Unfortunately, MM doesn’t, so landslide game happens, and landslide games is what really ruins the experience.

    • it’s hard to distribute them between teams. if there was skill-based matchmaking, it would probably use winrate as the “skill meter”, and they might have few battles but a good winrate

    • @WarMike_1 Would still be better than now.

  5. Playing less and less, have had 3 weeks break for the first time since 16/17.. Think i have lost my fun in this game

  6. Waiting for them to sell the Tier XI Satsumas and Hannovers.

    • I mean, if they want to introduce T11 that would potentially alleviate pressure on T7-8 matchmaking, so… some good in the bad, I think

    • if that is true, and the T9 can stuck with T11 ships
      iam happy because my paolo finally can get more credits from it lmao

    • @Stefano Crosazzo I think we need some variation on the random modes. e.g. where 2 T7 = 1 T10 or something and you can have unequal numbers.

    • I remember the Puerto Rico

      Tier 8 and tier 10 can be in the same match. I dont think it matters. “Good” players just sit way back and wait for “noobs” to spot for them so why not let them spot in a ship they paid for.

  7. Sell the ships that’s their choice its their game. However some mechanic to make it obvious to all who has experiance might work. Not stats based maybe just number of games played or something simple on the team sheet ?

  8. Eh, the way higher tiers are going, I don’t think that selling tier 10 ships will cause too much more damage

  9. To be honest, I’m fine with them selling ships at T10 for cash, as long as there’s still a way of getting them via ingame ressources.

  10. seeing how fast people can grind to t10, and the number of blowout games that I see. i think this ship has already sailed
    I mean there are already so many players in higher tier that you might as well exchange from a bot. is this going to make a lot of difference?

  11. this wouldnt be an issue of there was a skill based MM…….

  12. It’d be cool if you could buy them, but you had to be a certain ingame level to actually get them, so people who have like 10 battles can’t buy one instantly

    • just limit them to co-op, that’s what i do, bought the Jean-Bart and exclusively play co-op with it

    • @Alain Sterckx That’s just stupid. That would massively reduce the value of the ship.

    • @dzello so you prefer having guys with sub 100 games on your team in T10’s ?

    • @Alain Sterckx I prefer having enough braincells to know selling a ship that’s limited to co-op is a trash idea because no one would buy it hence no point selling it in the first place.

      Plus, I ALSO couldn’t care less if someone with sub 100 games buys a tier 10 ship, it’s not gonna affect me whatsoever. There’s a 11/24 chance he’ll be on my team and 12/24 chance he’ll be on the other which is literally positive for me.

  13. For over $100 the ship had better have 16 inch guns with the option of Mk 23 shells with an explosive yield of 15-20 kilotons as a 3rd ammo type to choose from.

  14. They should sell Tier 10 ships to players that have played for at least a year, that way I won’t throw my drink at the wall and Microwave my laptop when playing with someone that grounds in the ARP Yammy and can’t get off the Island for 7 minutes.

  15. This comment. Perfection.

    I started playing the game back in the late open beta (or early release in ’15, don’t really remember) with the sole intent of getting to the Montana. I did that. I still play this game though, mainly because said Montana is extremely fun (for me) and it’s gonna take a lot for me to let go of that.

  16. I remember this statement but to be fair: when they made this statement there were A LOT less ships in game then now. The older the game gets and the more ships get added to the game it also means that more and more people will have regular tier IX and X ships and the less adding a premium of that tier will have an effect on ship balance.

    So the cap on tier VIII made sense back then, but these days far less.

  17. drake consumer of souls and cheese strings

    @Martin Laver can you link the Q&A then? I’ve trawled all over their oldest articles, videos and dev updates and have yet to find any of WGs “promises” that supposedly exist

  18. drake consumer of souls and cheese strings

    @Castigador1982 I can’t think of any game that’s remained unchanged in 5+ years. As you introduce new stuff your focus and priorities slowly change.

  19. yeah, not to mention how many t9 premiums are honestly closer to tier 10 than anything else in the t9 lineup and when it comes down to it, any level of justification of “balance” or to make people “grind a line to be good at the ship at t10” is a joke. the people who claim that dont have t10’s or are too bad at the game to realize that is a lie

  20. Oh yes, I forgot about the Derpitz! That is plain nostalgia.

  21. Same. Team.

  22. Firstname Lastname

    The game was free and viable years ago when there weren’t T10s for sale and when the game wasn’t full of lootboxes.

    This excuse is pure bullshit.

    Shit like selling T10s or RB or any of the other gameplay impacting microtransactions WG’s introduced has nothing to do with financial viability, and everything to do with greed.

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