World of Warships- Top 5 Easter Eggs/Hidden Details

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Hey guys! Today I bring y’all another top 5 list, this time, Top 5 Easter Eggs and details in the game, let me know if you’d like to see more! Enjoy!

Music: Stranger Think- C418
Ross Rowley:

Outro Music: Stranger Think- C418

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  1. Fun fact: If you detonate a Hood in a Bismarck you will have created another easter egg

    • Bjorn the overly, excessively enslaved singaporean

      @Andreas Siouras yes but only by its captain I believe

    • @Bjorn the overly, excessively enslaved singaporean the mpre you know i guess

    • @undertakernumberone1 Because Lutjens’s message is far easier to code a medal for than a torpedo hit by Ark Royal. Video game logic I see

    • @Andreas Siouras Only English spoken countries refer a ship as a she, other countries refer their ship as a he or it. it makes the most sense as it is an object after all.

    • @Amadeo Komnenus In port, when using the “Unsinkable Sam” camo for the Bismarck, there is an animation that can be seen of a black cat gamboling on the deck, forward of forwardmost starboard 150mm twin turret. I have not tried looking for the animation, in a match.

  2. Grimmshred Sanguinus

    When an italian ship does friendly fire dmg
    “Time to switch sides”

  3. Awesome video, however it was the Prince of Wales that left the hole in the bow of bismark. Duke of York sunk the scharnhorst. I guess creating an accurate battle damage camo would be difficult as there was barely anything left above the main belt….

  4. @Sea Lord Mountbatten dont forget the “stabbed” Caesars Salat on the Giulio Cesare it is reference of the assasination of Julius Caesar. (behind the B Turret)

  5. Its rather interesting that they leave these Easter eggs for players to find. If WG werent a bunch of pickpockets, i’d say it was a rather wholesome touch.

  6. Koyel Datta Gupta

    that last one gave me laugh that paolo emilio having a pizza that was so funny easter egg

  7. I was amazed when I finally unlocked the Bismarck , and was able to use the “from the depths” camo. It really is fantastic. Shame the Scharnhorst doesn’t have its own version.

  8. the pizza is.for the crew when they finish yoloing a one ship then survives they take the pizza and some chill on the beach chair at the stern deck lmao

  9. There’s a bench with a baguette, croissant, tumbler, and newspaper at the back of Richerlieu. HonHonHonHo Qui Qui

  10. “And if you look really closely, on this tiny part of the ship, you can see *the Art Department hard carrying yet again.*

    Petition for WG to add “Bridge Viewpoint” camera mode for all ships!

  11. david and martine albon

    If I went round calling myself an emperor just because some watery woman lobbed a scimitar at me they’d lock me away

  12. w9amCYYTKksreuaukczt0HJFq4GSh5FeSHYD2jdxLtyuKaCn4T

    So basically… WG doesn’t give a damn about historical accuracy 😛

  13. The Perth has a Koala in its crows nest

  14. Best easter eggs are the underwater environment that makes your ships get stuck for no reason on open water and lose clan battles.

  15. 10:15 it may be a reference to “flying a desk”, as in, to be promoted out of a flying post.

  16. My thoughts too.

  17. Almost all italian ships have large amounts of tomatoes and mozzarella cheese laying on their foredeck which makes them look like a pizza margherita… ;-P

  18. monty python and the holy grail is based i guess

  19. lol Futurama reference in Warships.

  20. Really? That’s awesome. Dangit WG Add the commonwealth cruiser line already so I have a reason to get the Perth!

  21. Sea Lord Mountbatten

    Yes yes, its was PoW that engaged Bismarck and not DoY, I’ve had DoY on the brain recently.

  22. I suspect its there because the ship is Hermes and so is the character.

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