World of Warships – Celebrity Deathmatch

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In which I come up against ShipTheNutz, Hypnotoad and NLBladeNL in various random battles and we slug it out to see which YouTuber is boss!

Or possibly who’s the luckiest.

Get your Jingles loot here!
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System Specs: Core i7 4820-K 3.7Ghz i7 CPU, 16GB DDR3 RAM, 3GB nVidia GTX780 Ti GPU, running at 1920×1080 resolution

If you have a War Thunder replay just send the .wrpl file to the same address.

Just be aware that I get hundreds of emails every week and I can’t promise that I’ll show what you send in.


  1. +warhawk9566 most ships have to wait and that’s something we have to
    accept. The Yorktown class has little to do with the Essex. Enterprise will
    likely be a premium.

  2. Yamato is already in game, Iowa is already in game, so many iconic ships
    are in game, except for Yorktown and Akagi, two of the most iconic ships of
    the era

  3. +warhawk9566 Akagi is going be part of the line of carriers that were
    conversations. The Yorktown is also going to be part of the second carrier
    line. Accept it.

  4. *conversions* and again, Yorktowns were iconic, great ships and they would
    fit into the tree perfectly, they should be in game already, and what other
    carrier line is there? The only carriers they don’t have are a few more
    escorts, yorktown and wasp. How are they gonna make a full tree out of
    that? Yorktown should be right in between Essex and Lexington.

  5. +warhawk9566 So basically a nation’s most iconic ship is the one it names
    its sci-fi spaceships after?

    Aside from the HMS Tardis, obviously.

  6. Battlestations Midway is alot closer to WoWS.

  7. +itsVilu Hell, I’d say the HE is even more effective than AP was.

    When Destroyer and small Cruiser guns can easily hit ANY Battleship, in ANY
    location for 1000+ damage per HE shell? That’s a problem.

    When they ALSO light things on fire with every other shot, AND break all
    their modules? That’s a BIG problem.

  8. Gerrit Valkering

    +Vewser I think it was the stern thats supposed to be pointing upwards.
    Thats what my ships tend to do at least

  9. KingdomOfDimensions

    +ESSOKAYmusic The medium and TD meta needs to be turned down a notch (as
    well as light tanks imo, looking at you T-54 lwt. >.>), and the IS-7 is
    definitely not op. U wot mate?

  10. +DezGamez
    Looking at you trying to dodge those torps made me almost feel sorry for
    you. 🙁
    Good shots indeed, btw did you clean your pants? 😀

  11. No DezGamez you can’t let Jingles kill you.

  12. +DezGamez dez you needed 100% more ‘wiggle wiggle’ just then =)

  13. KingdomOfDimensions

    +McLeod “Tier 3 armored cruiser” I loled. Jingles probably just confused
    the Aurora and the Murmansk 😛

    But seriously though, the Murmansk is a beast ship, same with the
    Gremyaschy. Russians >.>

  14. “Teir 3 armoured cruiser”
    Oh, why you must be referring to the St. Louis! If it wasn’t so outdated,
    it could easily be considered a battleship! That thing has more guns than a
    Russian WW2 veteran living in Poland! (No offense, Poland.)

  15. +KingdomOfDimensions In War Thunder and W.o.W Russians = OP


  17. Ginés Ladrón de Guevara

    +Tiaan De Swardt

    No, only a couple of premium ships.

  18. +Tiaan De Swardt nope, three prems, the aurora at tier 3(Armored cruiser),
    Murmansk at tier 5( basically an Omaha cruiser with better torps) and the
    grem (tier 5 destroyer)

  19. +PhinfanUK well a volley in warfare terms is defined as a simultaneous
    discharge of firearms, so any definition can be used as jingles said.

  20. +AMX30 general connotation would I believe be: Volley- lobbed fire from
    range, Salvo – just a term for firing a group of weapons together or in a
    chained order, Broadside – Single short range salvo from all main guns
    along one side of the ship, the “broad side”, and Barrage – sustained fire.
    That’s all connotation though, the terms are mostly interchangeable in
    actual usage.

  21. +foobee2 Yeah; I Agree with this.

  22. +AMX30 I’m definitely a “salvo” fan.

  23. +FrAnC3sCoN123 The term volley is reserved for small arms and almost always
    used in that context. In no reputable work on post Dreadnought naval
    warfare will you find anything but “salvo” being used.

    Ships do not fire volleys. Soldiers do.

  24. A20 it will go by fast

  25. +PedanticGaming off to the salt mines with you! 😛

  26. TheGreatRakatan

    +PedanticGaming In English it would be the May-Han

  27. Do you mean English as in ‘people from England’ or as in the language?
    Because it was named after the American Alfred Theyer Mahan and, at least
    in the documentaries I saw regarding him, it was pronounced Ma-Haan.

  28. TheGreatRakatan

    +PedanticGaming Well, if that’s the case then that’s fine, but I was saying
    in English, the language, usually when you’ve got two vowels, one on either
    side of a consonant, the first vowel is pronounced as it is spoken in the
    alphabet. Of course there are many exceptions because it’s English.

  29. Yah no kidding, the HE “rebalance” has made the Cleveland and Atlanta the
    scariest ships in the game.

  30. The Hungry Wolf 足柄

    +KingdomOfDimensions Probably has a bit to do with the fact that
    Myoukou-class was older than the Mogami class.

  31. How the hell do you surprise buttsex in a ship???

  32. +StuK Pig ramming speed 😉

  33. +Biggles No, surprise *russian* buttsex is best kind

  34. +Twinkie Phobe Things Jingles taught me today

  35. +CSR Denis 25 mins is short for Mein Lord Jingles

  36. He said “short content week”

  37. Harbinger Reaper

    He’s not lying, his videos usually last for like what, 30 mins?


  38. +koovie koovies you can get into the beta acces if you buy a ship.

  39. +koovie koovies No, we all do.

  40. +koovie koovies When i was younger i dreamed about minecraft LOL

  41. +koovie koovies I dreamt about World of Warships too. Though I didn’t so
    much dream about playing it really, what I really remember about the dream
    was being excited that they finally added the British Royal Navy and German
    Kriegsmarine. Bit of a bummer to wake up and instantly know it wasn’t the

    Right now as far as I’m concerned, most of the ships are just placeholders,
    heh. Since I was never really that interested in the Pacific War… but
    very into the Atlantic War.

  42. +Josh Friedman they were simply being Russians. The officers’ quarters were
    clean, the outside was repainted over rust, when they left they did not
    salute the American flag, just got on a soviet freighter and left… draw
    your own conclusions.

  43. +JaneCobbsHat Kinda paints a portrait doesn’t it? -_-

  44. +Josh Friedman Indeed. A perfect metaphor for communism.

  45. Amen, I grew up behind the iron curtain, I got no amnesia.

  46. +Wesley E Yo Wes, I don’t think that Jingles follows every one of his

    I’ll watch it tho 😉

  47. +paul mckenzie Search Youtube for iChasegaming. Most of his tutorials are
    previous to patch 3.1, but you’ll get the idea.

  48. cya in the salt min-ALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTAD

  49. Ingles is so famous, even his fans have fans

  50. +HypnotoadProductions enjoy your nightorday.

  51. Admok Banterman

    +HypnotoadProductions OMG YOU GOT A MENTION!!!! 😀 Been around for about
    year or so 😉

  52. American battleships’ strength is thick armor and immense primary and AA
    firepower. Although they may have a little trouble engaging targets like
    destroyers, if they land a main salvo on them they can defeat any ship
    armor in the game.

  53. +Nukeboy9814 And US BBs can turn tighter than the Japanese BBs

  54. American BBs start getting good-great secondaries at tier 6 and above.

  55. I think the point of it was trying to balance the game until tier 6 as the
    American 5 inch guns were good at surface and anti aircraft combat

  56. +donerkebab97 Only the case up thru tier 5 with the South Carolina,
    Wyoming, and New York. Tier 6 and 7, the New Mexico and Colorado – same
    era as the Warspite – you actually get a healthy INCREASE in the secondary
    battery with the hull upgrades, along with the increase in the AA battery.
    Tier 8 and above – North Carolina, Iowa, Montana – five twin 5″ dual
    purpose (surface and AA) turrets per side for a secondary battery.

  57. +Bram06 I know him!

  58. HypnotoadProductions

    +greenerion Thank you, shameless self-advertisement. ^^

  59. +Jose Rodrigo A better pc won’t help with ping.

  60. +LoadingGod Maybe a better ISP will..? My current ISP is giving me 1mb speed

  61. Yeah that might fix your ping, for more FPS you’ll need a better pc.

  62. Ok, I’m currently using a Macintosh 128K (1984) to play WOT and WOW, I have
    128kb RAM 🙂

  63. +Jose Rodrigo intel pentium g3258 and gtx 960 , witha liquid cooler like
    corsair one for the cpu , and you are good ,

  64. +TheGamer4ever there is no NDA in the player agreement supertesters have
    that but beta testers dont have that

  65. +TheGamer4ever only supertesters are under NDA beta players can do whatever
    they want to do as it is CBT with money for the key to unlock it so no
    there is no NDA for beta testing section

  66. +Userext47 So you mean that after the new update they didn’t want Beta
    testers to confirm they read the End User Agreement and therefore say “Yes
    I’ve read the NDA and I understand it and therefore promise to not say
    anything that Wargaming have bot said is okay to publicly talk about.”
    Jingles and other YouTubers don’t have to follow this as Wargaming have
    given them permission to talk about what they want when they want but YOU
    still need to realize that just because you can buy yourself into the CBT
    doesn’t change the fact that the game is in CBT (Closed Beta Test)

  67. +TheGamer4ever there is no NDA in the EULA at the moment if you didnt know
    that well good luck trying to lie better

    The second WoWs went to beta they lifted NDA there is no NDA for beta only
    BUT ONLY supertester have that kind of thing they have their own forum
    mixed with ours they are not supposed to talk about supertest unless they
    are allowed to so NO there is no NDA in EULA for beta testers

  68. +TheGamer4ever Userext is infact correct (I myself do CBT videos all
    players can freely talk about the game wtihout asking for permission from

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