World Of Warships – Nostalgia’s Grind [Episode 3] Wave Crushing Farragut!

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Next tier! Farragut! Welcome back to the serie with this 3rd episode.
I’m really having fun grinding this line…



  1. One Vid every day. OMG we are not worthy of that.
    P.S. plz japanese bb line next

  2. really love how you editing and commenting! Keep your works cause i’m really love your content, Sir!

  3. So much fun robin <3
    American CAs next pls

  4. Lol the seal club continues! GG again tho dude cracking citadel count aswell!

  5. You are spoiling us with every day video ?????

  6. Awesome vids man keep up the good work.

  7. I played with my CV food for 5 mins and killed them before the game ended

  8. Good to see you still play proper ships, you console peasant 😀

  9. Robin, u have a gift! I am waching ur vids since long time. Great job!!!

  10. Man, the frequency of the videos is amazing 🙂
    And even though I stopped playing WoWs myself I still enjoy watching your games, keep going Robin!

  11. Will u be doing premium ships? I would love to see a game in the Kidd!

    Btw, thank you very very much for blurring the chat. For me they ruin the experience of the game.

  12. @The Sailing Robin You should use the priority sector system for the AA

  13. Do the ships automatically hoot now or is there a button programmed for it??

    I am re-downloading this game because of you btw

    just btw xD

    • There’s an automatic hoot when bumping into friendly ships.
      On top of that there’s a buttton (usually N) to hoot your horn on desire.

  14. Did you really grind to tier 6 the two days or did you wait with releasing the videos?

  15. Nice CV Hunting. That is how to handle not so stealthy ships. GJ

  16. Terry Hollenbaugh

    Robin great replay, I am currently watching all your replays on your channel and I have to say WOW!!. Some of them are very funny yet most are very close indeed

  17. I always go John Wick with a Farra but isn’t my so-so favorite. I still love that Gadu mada though.

    That Kite away while firing troll.

  18. Rahulaanchal Gupta

    Damn this is like a dream come true.. everh morning I’m greeted to another vid in my feed!!!

  19. Farragut was such a fun ship for me during the grind.

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