USS Vermont US American Battleships World of Warships Wows Review

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How to Play USS Vermont American Battleships World of Warships Wows review guide & US battleship guide including ship build upgrades + American BB captain skills review tips strategy & tactics featuring high quality replay gameplay highlights.

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00:00 USS Vermont Captain Skills
02:00 USS Vermont gameplay review guide
14:45 USS Vermont Match finale & score cards

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USS Vermont is the brand new American tier 10 battleship. Uss Vermont is based on a design of a powerful 70,000-ton battleship with modest speed that was armed with 457 mm main battery guns. After quite a long design and testing phase USS Vermont is finally out of NDA and about to be released into the game as part of the fully researchable tech tree line.
More info to be added soon



  1. Hello and welcome everyone, the USS Vermont is finally in it’s finished state and out of NDA. After slogging my way through the Kansas and Minnesota I’m glad to say the Vermont really feels quite formidable with 12x457mm guns. I’ve included the full build and captain skills I was using as usual. I hope you all enjoy the Vermont review and gameplay, let me know in the comments what you think and until the next time keep sailing it like you stole it o7

  2. Always, always, always wait for the day after it drops into normal access. Never mind that this is a tech-tree ship; people WILL FXP immediately up to her.

  3. Gaming with Jammer68

    Good job in that game! Nice damage total.

  4. It is good to hear that the Vermont is worthwhile. Unfortunately, I have absolutely no intention of enduring that slog from the Kansas to get her. I find the Kansas so underwhelming that after about 30 battles she is parked in port forevermore – unless sometime in the future WarGaming wakes up and remedies some of the problems that make her so unpleasant. There are so many other ships that are fun to play that I can’t justify self-inflicting this new U.S. battleship line on me.

  5. that is one thick boi of a ship, it makes the kansas look like a cruiser lol

  6. Christopher Jonasson

    Looks like a floating “Magniot Line”

  7. Had the XP on Minnesota for weeks. Been waiting… Took me over 200k xp to get comfortable with that one.

  8. She seems to be a good ship…. but for me max speed…. well not enough ;p


  10. so relaxing voice,good gameplay….l love to watch ur videos

  11. Here she is, the Vermonster. I got the EXP/FXP for it all saved up for it. She’s surprisingly flexible with how you want to build her, which is a nice change. Long-range and accurate? Agile turrets and faster firing speed? Whatever flavour of ice cream you want, she has it for you. The big stinker really is that it feels like the Minnesota and Kansas feel very much like a Vermont that was nerfed to fit the tier, meaning you’re climbing up the tech tree just to get something, well…competent.

    Now, for secondary builds? We’ll have to see what the captain rework brings.

  12. You have breathe new life in my minnesota grind to Vermont….

  13. she has no focsle there is no room for anchors of that sise or a chain locker and with that low a focsle the forward gun turret would end up in the sea the first north atlantic gale its a joke

  14. Noice, Vermont also has the Yamato Gun Sound ™… lol.

    With the Yamato Gun Sound ™, you can go anywhere… and do anything… because it’s the Yamato Gun Sound ™… lulz.

  15. Great game and review. I have to admit I have unequipped and left the Kansas to rot in the port, just cannot play her at all and had enough after 8 losses in a row. Think this line will have to wait until I am a way better player than currently but it’s nice to see that when I do decide to pick it up in the future, there is a power house waiting at the end.

  16. Hm. It’s good to hear the guns are as good as advertised. That said, I’ve watched another CC’s review and they brought up a potential issue with the armor scheme- the overall roundness of the hullform and the raised citadel means that swinging out to get the back guns into play means eating a lot of pen/citpen damage from other BBs if they are paying attention. Still, Vermont looks to be at least playable unlike Kansas (and to a lesser extent Minnesota). Thank you for the review!

  17. Always enjoy your reviews and style, keep it up buddy your doing a grand job

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