World of Warships – Join the Navy, See the World!

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Todays’ video was going to be me whini…er… I mean “explaining” why Battleships needed a buff, then the Test Server news came out saying that’s exactly what WoWs is doing. Bugger. Oh well. I’d better blow some stuff up, then.

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System Specs: Core i7 4820-K 3.7Ghz i7 CPU, 16GB DDR3 RAM, 3GB nVidia GTX780 Ti GPU, running at 1920×1080 resolution

If you have a War Thunder or World of Warships replay just send the file to the same address.

Just be aware that I get hundreds of emails every week and I can’t promise that I’ll show what you send in.


  1. +Schmeethe88 The Yubari doesn’t need an AA buff. It needs to have its
    critical hit box problem addressed. A couple of patches ago it was
    severely nerfed. It now takes critical engine hits all the time. I’ve
    played a couple dozen battle in it recently, and it’s a rare game when I
    don’t take an engine critical. In four games I’ve taken a second engine
    critical within 10 seconds of repairing one. This is making the ship
    extremely hard to play well.

  2. +greenerion Accuracy buff is only effective to 3 km. What DD captain closes
    to 3km?

  3. +TheRazgrizBlaze
    There are far worse names to be stuck with, believe me!

  4. +Shade Drazaer Cheers. Had this account since I was a kid so the name stuck
    with every game I played and I never bothered changing it.

  5. +TheRazgrizBlaze
    I give you plus one internet for that username sir

  6. +Shade Drazaer True that

  7. +DroehnIng We fire, alt tab, watch the mighty jingles for 30 seconds,
    maximise the WoWS window and then fire again. Rinse and repeat. :p

  8. +- FreeFlow – I’m always wary of the paths DDs tend to use so I’m always
    ready to evade. It also helps to have the situational awareness bonus.

  9. +TheRazgrizBlaze Well you shouldn’t have to pray to RNGesus. it should take
    my aiming skill into account. you cant see most of them at 7km and you’ll
    just be sailing along and all of a sudden, 6 torps appear for seemingly
    nowhere at the long range of 2-3 km…

    and then you take a fuck ton of damage

  10. +- FreeFlow – I’m a BB captain and I don’t know how DDs are a threat to
    you. They fire at 7 km, if you turn slightly they miss. However I do get
    the accuracy problem. After all, every BB captain needs to pray to RNGesus

  11. they need to be around 6km away to launch torps without being detected..
    around mid tier that is. In that case, you have like 20 sec to change

  12. +Luftangreifer I do, it makes no difference because they wait until they
    have me at the right angle and then launch

  13. +I Shyper Nah, not that easily. Even HE shells from BB just goes trough
    without a good explode so usually it takes 2-4 hits from BB to kill a
    destroyer and usually you can’t hit a DD so many times.

  14. +ytWhiteNoise BB’s are so much slower DD’s will catch you 🙂

  15. +ytWhiteNoise I turn towards then just for fun.

  16. +Opa Pelailee In a BB always turn away from the DD, simple as that.

  17. +Opa Pelailee think about how he is pissed when BB actually do land a hit
    on him and one salvo send him back to port. Also – BB’s arent best ships to
    counter DD’s, it is cruisers’ job.
    You know, I had this funny encounter, when I tried to ambush BB sitting
    still behind island, he wasnt moving at all, so I sneak up close, jumped
    out with happy face poping smoke to cover from his secondaries… to find
    it was him who prepared ambush, he had his guns aimed exactly where I was
    and BAM! full salvo on my stupid face 😀 There were no survivors 🙂 Yea, I
    was pretty pissed 🙂

  18. +larsvd meyde Now I’m sad T_T

  19. +Sean Henry or press ctrl+x to lock them in position, but I’m pretty sure
    he already know all of this 🙂

  20. +Gary Zhang I guess WoWS HAD to have a feature for someone to hate as
    cancer, the same way artillery is considered in WoT.
    People just can’t help it.

  21. +John Codmore South Carolina vs 3 aircraft carriers never ever ends well

  22. +Gary Zhang Please point on this model ship where the bad man hit you.

  23. i can tell you why: wot has artilery. the campers that you can’t hit but
    they seem to be able to hit you everywhere. a lot of them are able to 1/2
    shot you. nothing you can do. in WOWS you have carriersm the planes you CAN
    shoot down. the torps you can dodge. and the carriers have a lot more hp so
    killing them gives a lot more exp and credits.

  24. +eggnchip Then there is the Omaha. Then the Cleveland. Oh yes

  25. It’s really strange as it happens in random ways. I think there is a timer
    that waits for a few seconds before changing the gun elevation when you
    start aiming at an island.

    When it happens your guns are ranged in on the island and by aiming above
    it you can get shots over. If the target is still tracked you can easily
    set up lead for your shots on the ship icon and then spread your salvo
    vertically to ensure at least one hit. If you got a feeling for the arc of
    your shells at different ranges it’s not as hard as it sounds but don’t
    expect massive hits.

    You could also aim away from the island to reset the ranging and swing the
    guns back before the timer kicks in again.

    I tried both methods and they seem to work but since I switched to having
    fun in DDs recently I didn’t do further testing.

  26. +Gary Zhang Yeah same for me … stil trying to figure it out.

  27. +Jerry Man Happens to a lot of us. Im still trying to figure out that kind
    of sideways near birds eye view. Kinda like above from a 45 degree angle.
    That would help out alot

  28. +TheCloudhopper The thing is, they are so versatile. They can fulfill
    nearly every role and do a great job at every one of them

  29. +Alvin Fletcher Omaha is a beast. Cleveland is even better IMO.The ace up
    the Omaha’s sleeve is the fact that it has torps. That makes it infinitely
    easier to ambush and kill battleships

  30. +I Shyper Exactly, I just saw the stats and this guy Jingles was
    complaining about is, on paper, a better player!

  31. +I Shyper
    Agreed. Jingles was being way to judgmental of that guy just cus he started
    late. You never know he may have the horrible loading times problem so cant
    start till after a few minutes anyway.

  32. +C0m0rat You should be good enough once you reach tier 5 then feel free to
    try out other class of ships.

    I also forgot to mention new players are forced to practice against bots
    for a while in coop. So it’s actually a shallow learning curve. Nonetheless
    if you have any questions feel free to ask. I can’t play WoWS right now so
    I’m settling with giving advice to new players.

  33. That was actually my next question, very cool. Thanks much.

  34. +C0m0rat Start down the USS cruiser line. It allows you to get used to
    leading your shots thanks to the high rate of fire.

  35. Well that explains a lot of the stuff I see in replay videos then lol.
    Ok, cool, I’ll check it out.

  36. +C0m0rat It doesn’t have a steep learning curve. It’s just a matter of
    common sense.

  37. +Daniel Monaghan at lower tiers its the fighters job not the ships,
    although that doesnt stop people from just never using fighters. so I feel
    your pain.

  38. +Math654e Not a bad question. Still trying to figure out myself

  39. +Roy Shein Uh huh.

  40. +Jeremy Rogers The thing with battleships is you need to keep your distance
    with destroyers. Its a lot easier to kill them. But when you have
    non-existent AA and there are 3 carriers on the enemy team…Yeah.

  41. +Olaf Meester this… my email from the test server sight was in my gmail
    spam folder

  42. +robosapieo 232 WG nerfing fun since…..wait, they have been nerfing fun
    for too long for me to remember

  43. Their are other countries in the world other than yours

  44. +Tobias753 Never had a problem with destroyers. They rarely bother my BBs.
    Air launch torps are a pain though.

  45. +Tobias753 I believe a good change is that air dropped torpedoes should
    have a warning range of 1.5km and need to be dropped at that range. That
    way if the target still gets hit, its their fault. Plus it will stop quite
    a few of the Cleveland AA op threads that I have seen

  46. +Gary Zhang
    yeah, aerial drops are a problem, if there are two squadrons and no AA
    cruiser around, ur gonna take damage if he has some experience and drops
    close. I played around 7-8 games in carriers and I can already hit BBs
    consistently no problem.

  47. +Tobias753 Destroyers can be a problem for battleships. The best way for
    the battleships to stay alive is to be in a situation where its a lot more
    difficult to get torped. Aerial torpedoes on the other hand…

  48. +TeamChemicalDestruct
    The closed beta had what thousands of people in it. I think it’s safe to
    say they had enough for testing.
    As for balancing still confused how they have been running WOWS for over
    half a year. Yet somehow haven’t fixed these issues which were brought up
    pretty much right at the very start of it all.
    Now the developing features and all that, they already have the game set so
    there really isn’t anything left. At least anything that important to the
    core gameplay, so really just little things that would be no different then
    any other update.

    Again the game is a finished product all they are doing is adding little
    things and adding a new nation or more ships is just comparable to a DLC
    but free.

  49. TeamChemicalDestruct

    +IvanKesja And still its in open-beta, but not for having an excuse for
    bugs and lack of features, but to have more testers for better developing
    and balancing. So nope i gonna call it beta all day long.

  50. Well said sir.

  51. Well said sir.

  52. +Talon3000 Yeah.

  53. +Samuraiedge2 well a bad player can make the best ship look like it sucks.

  54. +Samuraiedge2 And your a tier 5. If you can’t kill a saint Louis in a tier
    5 there is something going wrong. Saint Louis is still dangerous. Just its
    meat for higher tiers. Still dishes hurt out though

  55. +Ushio01 You do know BBs are supposed to be the counter class to
    Cruisers… it is annoying as fuck to shoot 20-30 shots (HE btw) to kill
    one DD with 12 hitting on a BB, only needing to do 50% on his health. That
    is BS, because BBs have a 30 sec reload minimum reload. So to recap some
    points. Slow reload, no guarantee of hits, and no guarantee of damage, hard
    as fuck to avoid point blank torps. If you played a BB you would already
    know this.

  56. +Ushio01 I don’t think you played BBs yourself. Because most of the times
    ,at least with the colorado ,if you get lucky enough to hit you do like
    1020 damage.*sigh* Also when I mean more accurate ,i mean a BIT more
    accurate not laser cannons..

  57. +1stWarlord So BB’s should accurately kill any DD or CA right got it.

  58. +Ushio01 That would be ridiculous ,but to medium range ( ~8-9 ,maybe even
    10 km on high tier battleships ) the guns should be more accurate. I get
    the perfect lead on a pensacola class cruiser at 10 km in my colorado ,but
    all the shells either overshoot or fall short while he can just wreck my
    ass with his 203mm guns.

  59. +1stWarlord Yeah BB’s should single salve everything up to 20km or there
    underpowered /sBB’s have only received 1 nerf to there secondary armament
    otherwise nothing but buffs and still nothing but whinging.

  60. +Carlos Escudero When spotted there seems to be a 50/50 chance your target
    is paying attention. Good enough for me since I avoid detection if
    possible. By offsetting the last torpedo salvo and anticipating a defensive
    turn this number goes up.
    DDs are so much fun.

  61. +MAX L maybe he is grinding up the tiers, cant instantly be tier 10…

  62. +Carlos Escudero cuz jingles only plays low tier battles

  63. +Joe11Blue I never hit my team mates with torps because im not that bad….

  64. +garfield2406 Yeah. Its funny watching them rage after you sink them from
    full health

  65. +Barbed Cleveland is perfectly fine!

  66. +Casey Goddard Other than removal or swapping it with the tier 3 IJN BB?
    Nothing. They’d have to fix dispersion in low tier BB’s overall.

  67. +Barbed I hope they do something about the Myogi.

  68. +Barbed So far Cleveland is safe.

  69. +Trigger Nut How can someone see any “cues” by looking at a comment. Your
    family history has nothing to do with what i just said. If it was indeed a
    stupid joke, cool. If you were serious, again, cool, but ignorant. Also,
    your great grandfather must be really old. At the very least 116 years old,
    since he was apparently old enough in 1914 to serve in WW I. Was he born in

  70. +ultraboy222 Oh by the way asshole , My great-grandfather served in both
    World Wars, and both of my grandfathers (On my mother’s and father’s side)
    served in the Navy in the Korean war. Also, my uncle worked in the Navy as
    well. So you think I’m ignorant about our Military. Right? UltraFag. Learn
    social queues, IT WAS A JOKE!

  71. +Trigger Nut Seriously? How about radio operators? Engineers? Mechanics?
    Captains and Helmsmen? Aircrew? Scientists? There’s much more to the navy
    (or to the army in general) than guns and swimming. That was so ignorant of

  72. lol well good luck anyhow.

  73. Haha! Not according to the recruiter! Appearently i still needed to know
    what the fuck the polynomial equation was before i even started pt. Idk
    what was up with the whole thing though. I’m really just leaning towards
    voulenteering for my state malitia. :p

  74. +The Mighty Jingles I’d hate to correct you, but it’s Professor Cooper.

  75. Richard Gustafsson


  76. +The Mighty Jingles Unrelated but when I registered the email went to my
    spam folder for some reason yours may have too

  77. +Tom Awesomeface He just played it in an earlier video.

  78. +The Mighty Jingles You would love the Isokaze! It’s a boat load of fun! *Badum
    tss* Ill be here all week

  79. +Sleepy .Time lol

  80. +aceILM -_-

  81. +aceILM -_-

  82. The_Tanke_Shashou

    Yes….you were drunk.

  83. angrydragonslayer

    i’m on the clemson in obt and it’s hard as hell avoiding my torp-spam if i
    get the chance to sail in a circle :3

    never mind that i have good guns on the ship

  84. +TheGamer4ever The sixth sense skill is a tier one commander skill, should
    be the first thing you put on. If your spotted, and see nothing, you need
    to start making course changes every few seconds, because there is a dd
    there, even if you cant see it, and yeah, there are torps inbound

  85. +TheGamer4ever You can avoid torpedoes being launched at you by never
    putting yourself in a position to let them get that close to begin with.

  86. +TheGamer4ever Isn’t that kinda your own fault that you let them american
    DD’s come so close then? Sure if you’re last in the team or so, but

  87. +TheGamer4ever waiting for jingles to make “well accually jingles” quote

  88. +Trifler500 We will have to see. It could still work like that!

  89. +Trifler500 sadly it looks that way.
    that 3km accuracy fix/buff is just pointless 🙁

  90. +Bernd Berndsen What I was hoping they would do is make an accuracy curve,
    so that accuracy is really good at up to 3 km, then drops off gradually,
    with the worst accuracy at maximum range. Instead, it sounds like they made
    it a stair-step, with great accuracy at up to 3 km and then terrible
    accuracy at any range over 3 km.

  91. +Bernd Berndsen this. They should have made it a min of 7 km. even at that
    range most jap DD’s still have more then enough torp range to still hit you.

  92. +Melancholic Ghost You mean cause of Phly & Baron, right?

  93. Melancholic Ghost

    Since I apparently can’t edit my own comment, I’m gonna just Reply to it.
    Who votes we all start calling the Wakataki, the Walkie-Talkie? Why?
    Because reasons!

  94. +4plains well first of all I can proof it. Go to my WoWs stats
    (Superjagdtiger14) and there you can see my highest damage dealt ever in
    one game. Secondly I have alread mentioned that the 115k (so 115000) damage
    were dealt in a T4 ship so I did more than 11 times the amount of hitpoints
    of my destroyer( about 10000 Hitpoints). To put that in context for you it
    is like when you do over 4000 damage in a Mathilda.

  95. +ricktheboss19
    I’m not saying that. I’m saying that everybody can state a number without
    proof for the sake of saying something.
    And that an absolute number doesn’t really convey an achievement that much.
    Do 1500 dmg in WoT, is that impressive? In a T8 game, not really, in a T2
    game, HELL YES.

  96. +4plains aha so doing 115k damage is easy…so go ahead and dish out that
    damage in ine match;)

  97. +NstHarlequin
    And also everybody can state a number.
    The awards are much more impressive, like high caliber, devastating strike,
    Because they are relative to the total HP of the enemy team/ships.

  98. +Aile O’Neil A mighty fine job it does of that in WOW

  99. +ultraboy222 it can make a difference. Would you rather have 3 south
    Carolinas or 3 st. Louis, both can take equal punishment. Also, I find HP
    can make a huge different when fighting battleships and anything with
    torpedos. Destroyers health doesn’t matter as much as they lack any armour
    to begin with, but the st. Louis has very good hp and armour for something
    at tier 3. It makes sense historically as the st. Louis was designed to
    fight battleships.

  100. +Aile O’Neil Health isn’t as important in WoWs as in WoT. It doesn’t really
    rise that much at higher tiers. I mean, a tier 10 battleship has 97k
    compared to 45k at tier 4. That’s not a big difference. Compare that to the
    Matilda at tier 4 with 340 HP and FV4202 with 1950. That’s almost 6 times
    greater health as opposed to 2 times greater in WoWs. It’s even less of a
    difference on cruisers.

  101. +urduib heh. Please always be on the enemy team, I love easy targets
    WoWs is all about teamplay and trying to predict where you will be needed,
    but i feel I’m wasting my time telling you this.

  102. +MrPhil360 World of Sail sail sail and nothing happens. There is no tactics
    in wow, just sail into enemy or you dont get to shot your guns before its

  103. +bendsomemetal ford Expensive, yet can’t even edit comments on youtube.

  104. bendsomemetal ford

    But Ima fat lazy American, and my iPhone won’t let me edit

  105. +bendsomemetal ford Dude, just click on the arrow on the right and click
    edit comment

  106. bendsomemetal ford

    Is Anglican

  107. +random turtleguy You have my sympathies

  108. +carn109 its 3:03 AM right now for me the only reason i stay up late is
    because of jingles

  109. +john1182 yes 🙂

  110. +carn109
    the joys of australia

  111. +urduib 8 vs 8 is the co-op mode. PVP mode is 15 vs 15 if I recall correctly

  112. +Sibghat Shaikh All i want is naval battle. make 20 vs 20 and problem is
    solved. 8 vs 8 is just a nightmare sailing as fast as you can directly
    towards enemy, hoping to make some points before team killed all enemy
    ships. I tried in battleship to never shot one shell before enemy team was
    gone. Team just sailed over enemy and fight was over in 3 min. Thats not
    realistic, that is not fun gameplay.

  113. Its a bit unrealistic. Well all Wargaming games are more arcady than
    realistic. War Thunder ships is going to be more realistic

  114. +Sibghat Shaikh Lost one battle out of 80-100. This game is set up so you
    win. All i do is sail and sail and sail. i can manage to play 1-2 battles a
    day, perhaps they should make it into a game were you shot at ships, but
    maybe thats to complex a concept. If i wanted to sail i go down to my boat
    in the harbor. Could still be a good game if they rethink and relaunch.

  115. +ThermalPredator X Ah, fair enough. I’m not going to uni, so i’m not too
    bothered about it, but yeah if you need it to do that go for it man 😀

  116. ThermalPredator X

    +Henry Jackson Yea but I’m not happy with an E, I’m resitting it. I need 2
    Bs and a C to get into my university game development course.

  117. +ThermalPredator X E’s still a pass though man. I got a D, so not much
    better haha.

  118. ThermalPredator X

    Got a B in Technology, C in ICT and an E in History, but to be fair history
    was hard and only 3 people from my class passed it with Cs XD

  119. +ThermalPredator X There was free alcohol when I got mine today!

  120. +Elijah Olivarria FALLOUT

  121. +Elijah Olivarria Android?

  122. +Redlin5 Lord Nelson. Nuff said

  123. Daniel “SGTsandwich” Neubauer

    +Ramiro Torres “Hold up, baby, somethin came up.” “I’ve got an important
    video to watch!”

  124. Love your vids btw

  125. Yup same here only its 4 in the morning so yeah but it’s jingles so it’s
    totally worth it 😛

  126. I was up for the meteor shower anyways 😛

  127. 1 am here in Seattle

  128. 1 am here in Seattle

  129. robotics club during final week of building, trust me i know,
    photo is old if your basing your response off it

  130. Keneith Okleitskov (Leedleweed)

    +ThermalPredator X ty

  131. ThermalPredator X

    +Alex Wright He means the camera, not the weapons.

  132. +Keneith Okleitskov 3 to torps, 1 to he 2 to ap and press 3 once you have
    the torps selected to change to narow/wide

  133. ThermalPredator X

    +Keneith Okleitskov Z

  134. +Keneith Okleitskov Z

  135. jonathan östansjö

    +Coldguy03 ohai! :p

  136. You shut up, you’re spamming

  137. +Stijn Hernalsteen first

  138. Daniel “SGTsandwich” Neubauer

    Not even close…

  139. +Keneith Okleitskov Dude, check the Letters ! check em man.

  140. +Keneith Okleitskov mmb/z for camera track

  141. +glaxko2 first like on the video even!

  142. Keneith Okleitskov (Leedleweed)

    I was the first viewer, but this guy took my spot at being first commentor.

  143. Daniel “SGTsandwich” Neubauer

    Under 5 club though, got here at “3 views” lol.

  144. Keneith Okleitskov (Leedleweed)

    oh you little

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