World of Warships- What An Amazing Hidden Gem Of A Ship

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Hey guys! Today we have a replay featuring the Tier VII Japanese Battleship Ashitaka! Enjoy!


Outro Music: Stranger Think- C418

Have a replay?

Music: Stranger Think- C418


  1. @gasainagaro6064

    it was one of my first premium and since the begining i thought it was the best ship

  2. I did 212k damage in t6 game using Graf spee with 6 kills..was a lot of fun

    • Nice that’s big for a Graf spee. I managed 252k in t5 Murmansk and literally set a world record. Was also fun!

  3. In the words of Jingles

    “You can’t say Ashitaka without saying Sh*t”

  4. “Those thing fire AP shell”
    Not anymore. WG removed all AP secondaries years ago.

  5. @richardhutchings1980

    Flamu just did a video about this ship. Nippon steel

  6. @mickybeaver5522

    She was the first premium ship I got. She was so amazing and I forgot about her too. Good old days.

  7. @samuelmcdonough3605

    This ship was part of a set that gets extra financial bonuses. Was a good workhorse.

  8. That CO is probably just looking at the fire chance, or he’s scared of subs and DDs.

  9. @JohnsRandomVids_US

    Thanks for showing my replay @sealordmountbatten it was a truly exceptional match for this ship. My commander build is a standard full survival Yamato build. Sorry I kept looking around so much. How close the match was had me nervous while trying not to beach myself lol.

  10. @HomelessEmperor-ps4gs

    I adore my Ashitaka; not only is she a good looking ship, but I find it has some of the most reliable gunnery at T7. Sure, japanese dispersion is what it is, but I find there is rarely much to complain about with this ship; it is consistent. Its damage is consistent and satisfying, but it can just as easily be beaten back. I find her very fun and gratifying to play

  11. Ah yes, the “T7” Amagi. 10x410mm guns at T7. Nice.

  12. @kingofcastlechaos

    I like watching for these ships in battle the day after SLM drops his videos, easy to spot SLM watchers!

  13. Still one of my favorite BBs. She also prints money pretty well if you bought the kobayashi camo before the changes.

  14. Have had Ashitaka for aeons with the Kobayashi camo. I’ll have to dust it off and see how she does.

  15. @michaelbillings5746

    Great Video. Nice Ship. Sadly the Ashitaka is only available for 9500 Db’s. Real Money

  16. @danielvaughn1535

    I absolutely love having games like this that go down to the very end. It doesn’t happen often, but when it does, it makes the game so enjoyable.

  17. It was the opposing team’s other Colorado that burned down the New Mexico, not the HE firing Colorado the Ashitaka was shooting at. I have noticed more and more BBs just using HE regardless of their overmatch potential. Mathematically I am not sure they are wrong either. Overpens are so prevalent that the consistency of HE, particularly accounting for perma fires on ships with over taxed DCP and the fact HE doesn’t care at all about angle of impact likely means HE is simply superior to AP for all ships as the default ammo.

  18. Ashitaka has always been one of my go to ships, apart from Ark. I usually abuse it by divving up with a T6 CV. That ensures I NEVER see a T9 ship. It’s pretty competitive even when up tiered and downright OP when top tier. Imagine facing this thing driving an Omaha 😂😂

  19. Ashitaka is a blast to play. I first got her from a Santa Container, and I’ve had a good time in Ashitaka

  20. @frantiseksedivy5136

    11:15 in my opinion it was not so much tunnel vision, he kept his angle from the nagato

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