World of Warships- Hate CVs? Do I Have Some Great News For You!!!

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Hey guys! Today we have some news concerning some upcoming changes to CVs! Enjoy!


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Outro Music: Stranger Think- C418

Music: Stranger Think- C418


  1. Never thought I might say that but: Could that potentially be too much of a nerf for CVs in the end?

    • No it’s not. CV apologists and ignorant players need to suck up that the advantages enjoyed were just that crazy. Gaslighting the more skilled and informed players won’t convince any of us of this bad take.

    • I would have to disagree. We prefer balance not out right not make it fun for CV players.@@caliburxzero

    • @@professorq4081 Are you playing the same game where is this balance you speak of i have not seen it in a long time.

    • Yeah I don’t know how I feel about CV’s not being able to spot at all. Plus defAA will be able to attack planes that can’t see at all (besides the defAA ship but that’s usually not a good target) I will say that if you ARE spotted, AA might be even more useless.

    • They cannot spot while traveling at high altitude. But they can spot while traveling at low altitude.

  2. @gustavocabrerea1341

    It took them long enough to even attempt changing CV’s like this.

    • You must be new. WG has done like a half dozen carrier reworks since I started playing in 2015. I quit in 2020 so I don’t know if they did more in the last 4 years but, it seems from your comment they left it broke and alone until today. Ironic, I just finished playing my first matches in four years just a few minutes ago and then I run into carrier rework…..again! See you in four more years, or not.

  3. We can not know for sure what will happen. These changes are so convoluted that they will most likely be scrapped. And even if they do get implemented, expect it no less than 6 months from now.
    But as someone who played CVs a lot, these changes can actually be a buff to its damaging capabilities.

    • Agree, gotta see it first in game to actually make up my mind.

    • @CaptainExoticWoWS

      Yeah these changes will probably make CVs more powerful lmao.

    • Hmm yes my aircraft cruiser graf zeppelin is getting buffs here thats for sure

    • not to all CV. The CV with bigger attack squadrons will see a dmg buff but those with multiple small attack squadron will see a sharp damage decline. Also it doesnt change most of tactical squadrons.

    • @@Frankon81 Will this be nerf or a buff for FDR, though? I mean your flight stays at high altitude, not getting eating by flak – as they do now. But the relatively small attack groups can get shred to pieces and heavily reduce the actual attack power.

  4. My first reaction: “As a cv player im fine with changing things as long as its still fun”
    My second reaction: “DID THEY FIX HIDDEN MENACE THOUGH?”

  5. Food for thought, AAs and subs are too complicated for the community, that is why there is such a big difference between good and bad players. Now listening to this I really get the notion they really made the game more complex.

  6. I find it highly amusing I floated this whole idea of different flight levels when I was a supertester, and got told it was ‘too complicated’

    and yet here we are, few years later.

    • @matteoorlandi856

      We supertesters were a strange breed, this Is sure.

    • @@matteoorlandi856 Matheo, can’t say it rings a bell. You EU or NA ( and probably got a vastly different ingame name 😉 ).

      The worst thing was all this talk about not being able have your cake and eat it 😉

      Thought I liked the early days, when the devs and reps actually seemed to care enough to overrule marketing department based on player opinion. Artus was a good one 🙂

    • @matteoorlandi856

      @@MarvinWestmaas orlathebeast was my in game name, EU server. Yup, at the start was good. I left After the soviet CVs went live, around that period. While years before the people working with were agreable and you could have a chat and share ideas and opinions, things changed a lot by the time i left. Turns out running a farm requires time… Sure i had my good moments but the direction the game was going was not the One i (and many, turns out) liked and since there was not much i could do about, i left.

    • @@matteoorlandi856 orlathebeast I surely do remember, mtm78 here.

      Yeah, I remember those days. And it still bugs me to this day what they done to this game, even when we were warned at the start that eventually marketing would be the deciding department. I just hoped they would have done it in ways which better represented the wishes of their most dedicated playerbase.

    • @@matteoorlandi856 btw for me the worst moment was when I got fed up about the dev’s broken promises, and made a lengthy post in the ST section about why I quit.

      That post got removed, then edited to shit before it got placed back and I wasn’t allowed to change it.

      I get it that they didn’t want my rant visible in a public forum, but ST had their own section.

      … ahh well, that’s why WeGreedy did away with this whole ‘forum’ thing in the end right, can’t have a forum without negative feedback so ‘let’s all move to discord’ lmao.

  7. Hi
    These are my thoughts regarding this devblog, as a player who plays a roughly equal amount of all classes including CVs (except sub, fuck subs)

    The spotting thing seems like a good change, most heavy cruisers and battleships already have a large enough air detection range that new CVs will still be able to strike them no problem, though it may involve a bit more prediction to where the enemy is, which I personally think is a good thing, because it would make CV gameplay more involved and not just “click on enemy ship, remove 30k hp,” but it doesn’t make CVs completely useless without team spotting

    This should remove the random spotting of DDs when the CV is just trying to do something else, which is very infuriating for the DD

    The secondaries seem like more of a meme change, CVs generally have poor armor and would continue to be be ineffective if they used them as their main armament, and you will be unable to control the secondaries when flying planes, so it would only be an effective choice against DDs close enough to get spotted by your ship, or if you’re deplaned and desperate to do anything. DDs like shimakaze will still be able to stealth torpedo you to death, especially because it’s harder to spot them now with planes, which I’ll touch on later

    DFAA/Barrage Fire will likely be limited to ships with very good base AA such as Jinan, if something like a zao or gearing used it, they would just make themself an easy target for both the CV, who ONLY sees you, as well as the rest of his team

    Active concealment seems like a good change, it’s basically just a buff to the priority sector that would increase player interaction on both sides of the engagement, while raising the skill floor on both ends. This also allows for ships with otherwise bad AA to still be able to deter CV strikes even without shooting them down, because they’re now blinded. This shouldn’t stop CVs from attacking targets that are already spotted, which is fine, because it was more of a problem when a CV could easily pick off any low HP target behind the frontline trying to use their stealth or waiting to get a heal off

    The passive increase to AA seems kinda unnecessary and convoluted as it is. Usually, CVs focusing on a specific ship is due to a tactical advantage of targeting that ship, usually because they are by themselves. With all the other changes to spotting, this should already not be a problem for non-BB classes, as they are the ones being detected the most by enemy ships anyway. I believe this would make more sense as a battleship commander skill instead of something on all ships

    Overall, I like these changes, because it feels like neither a huge buff nor nerf, because CVs can now more easily reach their intended targets and avoid certain high-AA ships if they wanted, as long as they aren’t next to the intended target. As someone who does play CVs sometimes, I think these changes will make CV-surface ship interactions more dynamic and less boring for both players

    sorry if that sounded a bit convoluted, i was writing it at 3am

    • What do you think about impossible aiming from smoke, you can’t see anything outside if you are stuck inside. So removing vision sharing needs to be shared to all ships.

  8. @isaacrichardson103

    For me, it sounds like CVs will get a free pass to the back of the map and then start their runs from the flanks.

    • @Gardenstategreat1225

      Exactly my plan. I can attack from anywhere and not lose plans that arent attacking. This will reward skilled cvs more

  9. As much as I like nerfing CV spotting, it feels like they went a bit too far there. CV being able to spot his own targets was rarely the biggest complaint. And at least assuming your CV wasn’t as stupid as your dds you weren’t going to be entirely blind. I feel like they went out of their way to make it hard to understand and also entirely destroy the balance and will need tons of adjustments.

    They could have made most people happy with minimap only spotting and it would have been easy to implement. This system is going to be very hard to implement, full of bugs and most players won’t understand it for a fair bit.

    • @elliottbriggs3385

      Your thought on the bugs is right on the money. Remember when they tried to change the camera, and we got what? 6 artillery bugs? I can’t imagine what’s going to happen with these big changes

    • Ye minimap is cool thing, they can do this for all ships, no more island or smoke camping.

  10. won’t lie I miss how the old carrier gameplay was. wish they would just keep it to where you can control the planes, or just play the old way. I know it probably will not happen, just wish they would work on these changes a while and listen to our feedback. btw thank you for your last video. I will be buying Kidd soon. It has made a special place in my heart.

    • What I find funny is that people focus on how CV’s were harder to play, AA was more nuanced, and CV’s could run out of planes, as if it was so much easier back then, forgetting that a good CV player could nuke any full health ship in a single attack, pick on ships they knew had bad AA, could still spot ships, could use their fighters to sweep any catapult fighters in the air without retaliation (when they existed), and often appeared with a buddy since MM was not fair and could give a team 2 CV’s while denying the other team any. CV’s were monsters back in the RTS days.

    • RTS nostalgia is just the past and it’s perpetual rose tinted lenses, it was the most unbalanced shit we ever had.

      A single great CV player single handedly won games and literally so, not figuratively like good DDs. Every single RTS match was a coin flip to see which team got the experienced player and who got the newbie, one side always won.

      You cannot have a god on each side of the field playing chess with eachother while everyone else roleplays as pawns.

      Also you all are forgetting that RTS CVs could literally delete a full HP GK out of the game with a single torpedo cross drop. Every single CV torp had the same damage as actual DD torps and you had at least 8 of them making a X shaped drop on your ship at the same time from four directions forcing you to eat almost all of them

  11. @brandonsheffield9873

    Sounds like attacks on DD’s will be none existant, unless they shorten rhe attack preparation time dramatically. This will be a huge buff to DD’s.

  12. So I have main’d CVs since their inception. I genuinely enjoyed the RTS style game play. It gave your ship more of a tactical feel as opposed to just flying around, spotting DDs and targeting helpless lone wolves over and over and over until they die a death of a thousand cuts. I feel removing spotting from CV aircraft pretty well completely is just fine for me at this point. I’m am 100% sick of players whining about me not spotting exclusively for them. It shifts that role squarely on their shoulders, and they can have it for all I care.

    My question is, has spotting been removed from the fighter squadrons you can spawn? Will fighters attack “high altitude” aircraft, or just attack run aircraft? Will fighters respond instantly (would love to see this for surface ships, honestly), or will they still pretend they don’t see anything for 30 seconds? This alone makes me feel CV Captain skills are also going to be completely reworked as well. Only makes sense at this point.

    Overall, in my opinion, I’d rather get that RTS feel back. Remove spotting from CVs. I’m totally a fan because now I can concentrate more on attacking the enemy. I’d love to see the minimap interaction again. Hell, it’d be awesome to send out multiple squadrons of aircraft at once. Have the planes be AI controlled unless you select a flight to take manual control. Even have the AI attack enemy ships if one is spotted nearby. It would really bring that tactical feeling back again without making it broken (as AI controlled planes are more hilarious than dangerous currently). Or I guess you could make squadrons act like they did during the Piñata event. The CV player can select areas for attack squadrons to appear and the AI attacks whatever is spotted. Then you can select manual control of a squadron for more precise attacks.

    Anyway, shotgunning ideas. I’m genuinely excited for CV changes. Like I said, I have avidly played CVs since their inception. I’ve played since Beta. I love CVs, but at this point I not only feel and understand the frustration the community has, but feel it myself even as the CV player because everyone expects you to do absolutely everything everywhere at all times for them, including winning the game solely by yourself. It’s about time the bulk of spotting was finally shifted to surface ships. Just imagine…… We might actually see brawling again…….

  13. @larkinwilliams9651

    All I know is that these proposed changes will make it impossible for CVs to survive late game. DDs will just stay outside of spotting range and wreak havoc on the CV regardless of whether he can fire his own guns or not. The next issue is CV as the lone survivor of a team; what will the CV do with no one to spot for them?

    All of the nerfs are reasonable except for not being able to spot for yourself. To me the “immunity” of high altitude is a worthless trade off in comparison to looking at an empty ocean for 3/4 of a game.

    DDs will now control the ocean because they are going to be the primary spotter, can deal severe damage incognito, and have no counters other than radar for the most part.

  14. In my experience the more complicated WG makes something the more they are trying hide or obfuscate something else.

  15. A carrier needing surface ships to provide spotting is objectively STUPID. (Especially if DFAA can still attack the High Altitude planes.)
    But I can understand the CV only updating the minimap.
    Other than that, fair enough. (Although I think the passive increase should slowly run down after 4-5 minutes.)
    For anyone wondering, I play a bit of all five classes.

  16. I don’t think this is a nerf, but more of a buff. Cv planes now never die. When they travel they take no damage, when they attack they take reduced damage unless the target has pressed the priority sector at the exact right time. And he’s probably too busy to keep track of the (boosted) planes as wel as the sub that is pinging and the other ships are shooting at it.
    And regarding spotting, he’ll just keep going into attack mode without actually attacking so he’ll still spot everything like before.

  17. if you remove the ability of damage dealing aircraft to spot just balance it with a new class of aircraft that can ONLY spot.

  18. The no spotting thing is probably a step too far as, in terms of teamplay, it pretty much eliminates one of the major reasons for the carrier’s existence. What might balance it out is to add an additional type of aircraft: spotters. Doesn’t carry weapons so it can’t attack anything, and all it can do is trundle around looking for things, and just updates the minimap. That way, if a carrier wants to attack a vessel it spotted, it has to send an attack squadron to the last known position where the enemy was spotted, then switch to attack mode to find where the ship actually is. Simultaneously, the defending ship gets an alert it’s been spotted from a spotter plane, so it knows it could be coming under air attack shortly, giving it an opportunity to get ready and try and time the priority sector at the right moment.

  19. I don’t think they need to add all these mechanics. Minimap spotting and slowly increasing AA damage would fix a lot of the current problems

  20. spotting for themselves makes realistic sense. not spotting for team will be good balancing

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