More Gold League QUALITY gaming – World of Warships

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#wows #worldofwarships #flambass
Gold ranked league just keeps on giving, there is nothing more to say. Just enjoy watching all these pro players doing all these pro plays and take notes xD

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  1. @Metallica4Life92

    That has to be the faster High Cal I’ve ever seen

  2. Dispersion is so weird in this game. I shot at broadside stationary mintoaur and all shells landed either short or were too high, and I got 1 overpen.

  3. @Notsogoodguitarguy

    How to play Conde on small map? Kemp bush…ah, shit, wrong game.

  4. This is who still play this game… and it doesn’t matter to them coz they’ll go into new game not caring.

    • The downfall of this game is amazing. I enjoyed videos so much, I gave it a try to play.
      When I left game, I still enjoyed watching videos of the game. I’m starting to not enjoy even watching them.
      A full circle of WG 😅

  5. @stephenleggett4243

    “Unpredictable” is a very diplomatic and polite way to describe the players of wows.

  6. @darksoulforeverblack

    WG is crushing the game to the ground pretty fast and hard as much as they can,they really putting an effort to it

  7. @darksoulforeverblack

    i was chasing 2 dds with a musasji yesterday

  8. @rolandvalerius2374

    Perfect word “upredictable” – you see unicums just YOLOing in and die….you see 45% WR players really crushing it! Lineup means NOTHING in Gold these days! Neither does ship selection! The positive side: You can take whatever ship you want and nobody cares! No worries!

    • @thegreenfather1978

      I blasted through bronze and silver this sprint to rank out of gold, and the difference is insane.

      Bronze and silver felt like regular ranked. But gold ? A total circus.

      I had a full 50%+ WR team lemming to one side of the map, meeting with only half the ship, sinking only one (the one DD that was there, fairly quickly too) and letting all the others flee. Who did they blame for their loss and call noob ?

      Me, in the torpedo DD. Because I went alone to the other side to intercept the other half of the team. Sunk a Yamagiri, almost sunk a BB, and did all the usual DD stuff and spotting and zoning. Alone.

      Textbook unicum DD play, top of the team by far, 71% WR this season of ranked, but I’m the noob who can’t play.

      I’d understand coming from potatoes, but someone with 55% recent WR in ranked ? What ?

    • People have sold their accounts after getting sick of WGs bullshit. That’s why winrate means nothing anymore.

  9. @andrewpulda7969

    “Good Game” or “Good as it Gets” both G.G. in a way.

  10. @russianbias8003

    Silver>Bronze>Gold. Never tried gold again after painstakingly gotten there and saw how majority of the players in that rank play

  11. @brianspiller9075

    Why does Princess ask out loud about a ships statistics instead of looking it up from the current teams/ship line up?

  12. That Brisbane and PR did what they did because they get away with it 50% of the time at least, as the Puerto Rico shot shown. Wargaming is utilizing hidden mechanics to protect bad players. The armor and gunnery models haven’t changed, yet punishing flat broadsides has diminished.

  13. @grahamnightingale9513

    It may have been a shit show for you to play but I have to guiltily admit I laughed my ass off! Especially when the cruiser came around the corner and got deleted. comedy gold.

  14. Gave up on it long ago. It was clear the skilled player base was shrinking rapidly. Made the experience too frustrating, as it was a feast or famine

  15. What kind of quality is this kind of red players

  16. 3:20 Queensland’s Olympic Games.

  17. @jamesstevenson3116

    lol and here I am trying for a week to get the 5 wins and get outta bronze. Half the time we lose, Im top xp but still have trouble 😅

  18. those torp😀 beats at 6:50 was just rubbing their noses in it

  19. The only winning move is not to play.
    1983 Wargames

  20. @kengilbertson1004

    I thought I didn’t play vs Flambass, then I remembered I dont play on EU.😅

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