World of Warships – Cunningham’s Minotaur

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Yet another Minotaur battle, though this time with an overhauled build to take into account a new arrival: the special commander Andrew Cunningham. #world of warships
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  1. haven’t been this fast in a long time

  2. Droid Motorola 388

    I wish I could play this ship more often to learn how to use it but I don’t have enough credits to hold at least 3 games.

  3. Perfect timing Robin i really needed a video like this today.

  4. The opening relaxed me much more than i thought…….. Great job on The video mate..absolutely gorgeous…

  5. This is just so relaxing. Big fan of your videos!
    Happy to see you hit 30k on YouTube!

  6. Wow… Such a GG Robin. Thanks for sharing and GRATZ on the 30K goal – well deserved for sure.

  7. Once i teamed up with a Shimakaze and a Minotaur in my Smolensk….we were nowhere to be seen..not always present on the frontlines
    Each of us got 5 reports (From enemy cruisers and battleships that we scewed over)

    Also that was a nice 1v23 game

  8. I love how calm your voice is, this is brilliant and very enjoyable!

  9. Just keeps getting better and better I have to say. I don’t know why, of all things, WoWs videos can be so relaxing to watch, but honestly I think your (absolutely gorgeous) voice alone makes the videos have a really calm and nice atmosphere.

    On a side note, I love how I just had a match with you, but didn’t notice until basically before it ended lol. I won’t spoil anything here, cause I don’t know if you just played for fun or for a video, but who would’ve guessed, you topped the scoreboard once again xD Keep it up, my favorite frenchman. Congratulations to the 30k subs as well!

  10. the dude: i am trying to get the cv to send planes
    me: wtf cv is dead xd

  11. Congrats on 30k subs robin! This is just the beginning…

  12. Congrats for the 30K subs.

  13. Such a good ship that I’m slowly grinding in my off time. Thanks for the vid SR

  14. Sometimes the “smart” play isn’t always the most fun. Your games are always splendid to watch because you always vary your game, I think that is the sign of a smarter player than always taking the safe route.

    Peace from Oz Robin, may you get a bag of subs for Christmas 🙂

  15. geez what a monster of a game. Well played.

  16. Your consideration makes me realize what I lack of.
    I sometimes can’t wait torp when close fight with BBs.
    You so great.

  17. Sir, you define what is an Introduction and what are the tiny details associated with it, that just gives the video that substantial factor in the overall quality and beauty of the content.
    Writing this even before the video ends, that is how much I liked this video.
    Thank you Robin.!

  18. The best cinematic opening ever, awesome and relaxing as well.. good job Robin!

  19. Only just discovered your channel, after Jingles showcased one of your earlier Minotaur battles. As a bog average 51% win rate player, I find your insight and commentary incredible informative. Not to mention the excellent video editing for the introduction – Great work.

  20. Awww, I recently was put on a team with you when you were sailing a radar Mino, and I was Daring.
    I had a little bit of hope that you would comment on that game since it had some great teamplay in it.
    Good video anyway! 🙂

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