World of Warships- Italian Stronk

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Hey guys! Today we have we a replay featuring the Tier X Italian Battleship Sicilia! Enjoy!

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  1. Day 1 of asking Sealord Mountbatten to make a WoWs replay playlist


  3. In the end the reds where ganing points but they had no caps

  4. There I was thinking it’s my replay 🙁

  5. @gorazdnovsak3705

    It is replay bug. See who is geting points at the end…

  6. Points must’ve been bugged in the replay. They had no caps and still got 9 points per second? No way that’s right

  7. been like it for ages, have to swap team points replay glitch

  8. there was a bug. green had all three caps but the points were accumulating to red team

  9. The points were a replay bug. The enemy team got only 300+ points

  10. Love seeing BBs take shots at DDs, normally at long range I would be less likely to do so but when you got 16 guns odds are a bit better. Nice shooting, would of loved to see more secondary work put in , but the main guns were putting in the work.

  11. Sealord – there is a glitch in replay and points. Think they are shown as opposite points…

  12. replays are bugged with the points, cant trust em.

  13. @wedgeantilles3983

    Interesting that everytime he ‘wiggled’ the aim when he fired the grouping was very tight, but the 2 salvoes he didnt wiggle the dispersion went back to being normal italian bb shotgun spread. Gonna try that wiggle.

  14. Looks like the points are reversed on this replay? No way the enemy team at just the CV left is racking in points with no caps, while Bos isn’t getting any

  15. Just to let you know, in the pinata event, one of the support con. for DDs is an engine boost, and if you take Yolo Emilio pop smoke, pop engine boost, pop support engine boost, you go 73 knots, undetected, its the most fun i´ve had in the game for a long time, give it a try.

    • i have my Iowa set up with brisk, so i can get up to 38.1 kts, but in the pinata event, someone also hit the speed boost, and my Iowa was doing almost 50 kts

  16. with columbo getting a UU does it make sicilia redundant?

  17. Hello Sealord. I really like your content quite a bit and replays are always fun watching people pull of some great games. I was wondering if you’d ever be interested in a type of replay video where someone sends you a game and you give advice based on the replay to help people improve their play?

  18. He could easily have scored a couple more kills were it not for some last-second “steals”, and ended up with 9.

  19. @broccanmacronain457

    That’s a spicy Sicillia!

  20. Excellent game bos! Always shoot the dds guys!

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