600 000 Damage in World of Warships (NO Arms Race) Rekord ???

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Werbung: HOLY Energy® kombiniert geilen Geschmack mit echtem Fokus – ohne Zucker, Taurin & künstliche Aromen.
Code: PASCH – 10% Rabattcode der gilt immer!!!

Thank You =)


  1. @King_Of_Oompa_Loompa

    Yes it is a world record ( 2nd is Yugumo with 592k )

  2. it is such a joke that he got 2.5k base xp for this. every sub that is doing nothing all game gets almost the same amount of xp….. that was impresive as hell. and i assume the points bug in replays is still not fixed

  3. When WG have to balance you with such a team…

  4. The fact he had over 480k damage before taking any meaningful damage from the enemy team is hilarious 😂

  5. @themhsthefishermen7043

    el doulathore americano + animal Vermont

  6. wtf was the mysterious operation at the end??? Why use alternative mode? If he was keeping normal shooting, he may reach 600k and live longer.

  7. Another giant game in a loss.

  8. @thepigsty-opcschmiede1599

    Consueqense of a ignored Supercruiser. There dd misplayed while He wasnt going for the outer map Line.

  9. He had more points how was it a defeat?

  10. This is the Perfect MM and battle duration. Absolutely Perfect for such damage, of course with the supership OP BS

  11. 💪 💪 💪 💪

  12. bunch of bots that dont even shoot at you. if i had a match maker like he got id make an insane amount of damage also.

  13. Irre nur irre, was für ein High Score 😱 kenne keinen Vergleich aktuell. Da ist es auch völlig egal was auf der anderen Seite aus dem Ruder gelaufen ist.

  14. What a potato ending lol….

  15. Time mark 15:26 … 4 caps are red but game points are added to the green counter ?! It is the third time I realize this behavior in a Wows replay! Seems to be a common failure in program.

    • it’s been like this for a while, yet 2/3 of all comments in every replay vid are people confused about the end of the game xD

  16. Guess before watching: It’s gonna be Annapolis

    Edit: of course…

  17. @wellintongoulart3582

    Sou o último Montana que ficou vivo e posso afirmar, deu tudo certo pra esse cara nesta partida, eu fui desconectado 3 vezes pelo ping, o time estava contando com a vitória muito cedo e começaram a suicidar, o rng ajudou, vocês podem ver que quando ele estava perto de bater no Bajie, ele estava totalmente com a broadside para mim a menos de 10km e com uma salva completa dei 5k de dano… realmente quando a wg está ao seu lado ninguém pode decidir, contudo um excelente jogo

  18. Dishes out nearly 600K damage and still loses. Glad to see that nothing changes even when you’re this good. 😅

  19. Gerade bei Team Krado gesehen im 500K Club ^^

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