World of Warships – Rogue Leader

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In which RogueCheddar proves that he’s the big cheese when the chips are down and I prove that there’s no such thing as a bad dad joke.

All music licensed from and



  1. @scottparslow350

    Rogue leader from our fearless leader.

  2. That ship looks awfully bow-heavy. As if a good wave would be enough to commence diving operations…

  3. @GamingPro-py8vt

    Oh silly Jingles! Worcester class cruisers absolutely were built. Two were finished, Worcester and Roanoke, and another was laid down. The two that were completed served from 1948/9 to 1958.

    • Bingo!

    • Yeah, that was confusing to me as well.

    • @CommodoreRayne.IMP.C-1824

      He even did a video of the Worcester class and went into detail about their design and construction

    • I was going to say the same thing.

    • That’s not what he said.

      He said the US wasn’t building the Worcester class when Argentine was looking for a new cruiser which they weren’t and while the US proposed a Worcester class to Argentine they couldn’t afford to have both a new ship built and the cost of all the production lines restarted from scratch as it had been shut down 6-12 months earlier.

  4. “The wreckage of a Smolensk always looks good”

  5. @strenifstrecs2551

    Jesus. Not popping that heal had me squeezing my mouse so hard I nearly broke it.

  6. @tristinolson6531

    That could’ve been a game of throws episode.

  7. oh, but we _can_ see what happens around 4min near Charlie, just not why: they were facing each other bow to bow in spitting distance, Napoli turned east Petro turned north into her flank initiating the ram.

  8. This should of been a game of throws. This Smolensk omg

  9. @ImperatorSupreme

    Um… Actually Jingles, Worcester wasn’t a proposal, it was a built in steel and commissioned warship of the US Navy. Two of them actually, Worcester and Roanoke. *shotgun pumps* errr… jingles please… wait… I’ll be headed back to the salt mines then…

    • He knows he’s talking about the US proposing the Worcester class to Argentine but while they could afford a new ship they couldn’t afford to have the full manufacturing line being brought back on line as well since the USN’s Worcesters had finished construction a year earlier and workers reassigned or laid off.

      Example the UK and other nations could afford to buy C-17’s off the production line while it was running for the US but they couldn’t afford to have the production line restarted after being shut down for a year.

  10. That Smolansk must have thought he is immune to AP shells, that may be true for BATTLESHIP Caliber shells, but not CRUISER Caliber shells.

  11. that camera flying around is driving me insane

  12. I can go to sleep soon, meds are going to kick in soon, ( I hope ) till then here is wishing good wishes to all that watched this with me, Thanks.

  13. Missed opportunity to name this Rogue Won.

  14. @micheljavert5923

    I didn’t actually notice the zooming out and zooming in until I looked at the comments. Guess I’ve spent too much time in light cruisers😂


  16. 4:00 looking at the minimap clearly the Petropavlovsk rammed the Napoli. With the angle he was sailing he would have come out on the “wrong” side of the island with a Großer Kurfürst, Stalingard, and Shikishima to keep him company. While the Petropavlovsk is a good ship that amount of fire power would have clapped him hard.
    Ramming the Napoli was his ticket out of a hot mess.

  17. I’m getting an epilepsy episode from the way dave is handling the cam god damn

  18. @christiandtorres9843

    San Martín, in English, is pronounce San MartEEn….. Just so we know. Excellent video, nice history lesson. All the best to you great overlord

  19. Well actually, Jingles! …. Two of the proposed 10 Worchester-class ships were built and entered American service.

  20. “We can’t know for sure who decided to ram” he says as the minimap clearly displays the petropavlovsk run straight through the Napoli which turned broadside in a desperate attempt at escape

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