World of Warships – Winning mistake?

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There was a good reason why I stopped playing CVs for a long while and you’ll see here exactly why…BUT THIS TIME…something went horribly wrong…which was not that bad at all?
Enjoy and have fun watching 😉


  1. bill Murray look alike in youth from Syria with love

  2. So many reds lemming for the CV like a T4 game XD

  3. You should map the Carrier selection key to G or some other key way the hell away from where you like your airgroups. Personally I mapped the carrier to G and the airgroups to 1 – 8. Prevents mistakes like that.

    • Holy shit i aslo have the G key as the selectiom key for my cv and 1 to 8 keys for the squadrons

    • I think that if you press move button few times WHILE changing squads game can register this as CV move command. Happens often when i spam move orders. But well. RIP strategic CV soon anyway.

    • I barely played CVs but hey I have the G key for carrier too! Its what Fara advised in his good’ol CV guide iirc ;D

  4. 3:15 call for ship to head east 4:44 calls for ship to move south (ship icon)

  5. Jutland. Cause it juts out into the sea

  6. You exposed yourself, but on the other hand when you are this close the frequency of attacks is simply disgusting. Could be valid strategy if you can get close enough.

    • yeah if you have good team as support that cover your back … the teams I have had lately ……. oh sorry Error …..Team ….. does not exist …….. it’s all for 1 and none for all ……. Weekends and Holidays Pfft .. HAppy New Year Captain .

  7. *Flambass* —- If I was playing Jutland – it would be pronounced Useless

  8. A Danish guy said its called JYLland.

  9. The next logical step would be the carrier mid-rush on Two Brothels.

  10. Flambass, as it is a British ship, call it Jutland with a J as that is how we pronounce it. It’s not like we’d start calling ships of other nations with different pronunciations just because we prefer to do that!

  11. The reds wanted your Bacon soooo hard XD

  12. Just a tactical AR buff flambass 🙂

  13. I would like to see you with IJN carriers

  14. 3:33 Jutland has a hard “J” like jam or John has.

  15. Seems about right, hold all 3 caps and a point lead..Charge the CV!!! This is basic wows tactics..

  16. Man, watching this makes me understand why so many people dislike carriers.

  17. Jutland is with a hard J in normal English. Not Yutland.

    [edit – I see I am about #6 saying the same thing]

  18. “Be careful setting a trap for wolves… sometimes you catch a tiger!” Robert E. Howard.

  19. Ok, now this is a sleeper jingles game, I think 😛

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