Dasha Presents Update 0.8.0 | World of Warships

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Let us introduce the first Update of the year! Carriers redesign, new rank battles. new game event “Fly! Strike! Win!”, Naval Battle and much-much more!

Keep an eye out on the official World of Warships website. Your first port of call for new ship releases!


  1. World of Warships Official Channel

    What do you think about this Update?
    Ready to fly and throw bombs on your enemies?:)

    • Your delusional… nothing was fixed… spotting wasn’t fixed…more carriers and planes than before with unlimited usage…. have you been in a tier 10 game yet??? Ask the dedicated DD players what they think. The old system could have been fixed. This change was so that it could be used on a console system. Pure and simple. Carriers are as important as they were before. Crappy player as your CV driver?? You’ve lost the game. +Horacio Fernandez

    • +MR_SHADES 1 Nope. I just follow their youtube channel and read the EU forums.

    • +MR_SHADES 1 … tbh i haven’t tried the update yet. However its imo a little early to trash this game-play change as a dealbraker as Antony puts it.
      Until now i only saw player vs bot games, and we all know how “efficient” bots are … And if there’s re-balancing to be done, am pretty sure that WoWs will make them.
      As for the “infinite plane”, I dont have issues with that per se. On the old system I sometimes ended up with no planes some 2/3 into the game. Also, from what I saw in the gameplays, you can only have 1 squadron flying anytime. That also limits the CV’s powers as the clock is ticking.

    • +jamc666 yeah you are right , i also havent played yet


  3. 5th.!

    Also rip musashi players

    • Yeah xD my best credit grinder T^T

      Buuuut I still have an Atlanta in my port huehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehue

    • Yeah and i just got her recently…
      Guess the AA is gonna be even worse against the new aircrafts

    • Right now it looks like DP heavy cruisers will be worse off, since ranges no longer overlap. (Despite how WG specifically said USN ships would retain their specialized role as strong AA ships and now many of them are ending up worse than other classes or lines – i.e. some of the IJN battleships actually have more effective AA compared to the USN counterpart because they have no short range aa guns and their medium range aa extends all the way to the ship)

  4. I like the RTS model but look forward to trying this change.

  5. But why remove a portion of the carriers?

  6. 1 word – Alaska ?

    • +Worthless Peon Lol. Whatever rocks your boat.

    • +CloneD Anon Yea i expect so as well , she is mentioned in the patch notes as coming soon but you would of thought they wouldnt have removed the other 2 until their replacement was ready

    • +JWA79 their priority was to get Mushi and Kron off the market because apparently there are too many of them out there (yeah sure, let’s see how common they are once ppl start using TX CV’s. It will be a reenactment of Operation Ten-Go, lol). So once the market is flooded with Alaska’s and JB’s (which have way better AA) they will get pulled too. Probably have a year (or less) before that happens so save up if you want them before they’re gone to the supercontainers and RNGesus.

    • +azraelswrd Already have them all , Nelson included thats why I’m so anxious to get my hands on the Alaska and yea i wont be in any rush to take out my Musashi when every match has at least 2 CV’s in it

  7. WHERE IS ALASKA???? “Near future…” bs

    • +Solomani I doubt that. I do think people will get bored of playing CVs after a while and just go back to BBs, CL/CAs and DDs. Then, there will be the same amount of people playing CVs as there is now. It’s a major change and WG will continue to balance it out as it goes.

    • +CloneD Anon CV not important any more.One squad and gimmick fighters?Any noob can play that and kill the random games…Because people will play cv more everyone will need to speck for AA and loose other skills more important.

  8. Insert Year of the CV Joke here

  9. Not looking forward to the CV rework. Hope it does not turn out to be a mess.

  10. Yay Dasha 🙂 Let’s sink emm

  11. のんびりポチマロ

    I want to use Hiryu……Will the day come us which we can play her?

  12. What utter BS. The dev blog a few weeks ago said alaska was finished and would be in the game soon. And still no alaska. This is really pissing me off. You people need to stop dragging your feet.

    • they let the hype creep its way on us

    • +Hanimichal 1 million free XP is easy to get, compared to how hard 750k was when the Missouri first came out. Another 250k is literally, a couple days of game play.

    • +MidnightPhoenix07 Just a point, you can buy Dragon, Oroborus, Wyvern, etc in the Yamamoto, American Cruiser and British Containers. Yes…Players that don’t have high skill level, or don’t play as often of course will find getting 1 million Free XP difficult…my point is…if it bothers them that it’s harder…it’s possible to get it faster. For competitive players, another 250k is literally 2 nights of playing after work.

  13. Im just here for the hurt feelings! XD

  14. Oh my god, she’s beautiful

  15. Removing some aircraft carriers was a mistake

    • Indeed.
      They should have removed them all

    • they plan to bring them back in a new carrier line.

    • +Feras great another one that thinks nyeeee the cvs are so op delete them, please play a cv instead of screaming

    • +Zocker 129 By no means are CVs overpowered. If you sail solo during a CV game you are a fool. And those people start crying. Thats all it is. But the game needs to be dumbed down to accommodate low IQ players. That is all it is. CV gameplay is very complex as it is. Now you get this arcade style play. Ha I wonder how long it will take before people start crying about infinite planes.

  16. Already sold all my destroyers.

    • +David Lmao, ive played WT for 5 years and now WoWS. There’s no convert XP in WT, you can research any vehicle/aircraft/ship with in their own lines with the extra XP you have, you dont need doubloons to retrain your captains in WT. WT has its flaws bt WG is far worse. Look at the bullshit premium ammos in WoT. WoT player base is dropping so damn hard right now and they are all moving over to WT. You can stay in your wonderland bro.

    • +Irfan Khalis of course this is all subject to opinion. We were talking about wows not wot. I agree pressing the 2 key for skill is stupid. That’s why I stopped playing wot. The economy is broken in wt. You forgot to mention you have to research 5 tanks/planes in that tier before you can get into the next tier level. Not just the tank/plane line you want. They also have some pretty strict community rules.

    • +David Regardless, there’s a reason why even WoWS is losing numbers. Once WT has full ship trees, WoWS will go the way of WoT as well.

    • +Irfan Khalis wows isnt losing numbers though. It’s not even leveled out yet. Do you have a source for wows player numbers? Wt peaked in 2016 and hasnt hit those numbers since. They however have stayed pretty level around 25,000 active players

    • +David
      Well im a noob in WT now..had my first games last night.
      Not bad at all actually!!

  17. Surprisingly, no one talks about concealment nerf…

  18. 0.8.0 im ready…..
    ready for uninstall the game ……. lol

  19. Dasha in Chinese dress, and her powerful pose. I am melting.

  20. So now we have world of CV’s.. LOL… looking for a new game as we speak…………

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