World of Warships – Apocalypse Zao

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I’d been holding onto this replay for a review of the Japanese tier 10 cruiser, but then the Open Beta happened and all progress was wiped, so now seems as good a time as any…

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System Specs: Core i7 4820-K 3.7Ghz i7 CPU, 16GB DDR3 RAM, 3GB nVidia GTX780 Ti GPU, running at 1920×1080 resolution

If you have a War Thunder replay just send the .wrpl file to the same address.

Just be aware that I get hundreds of emails every week and I can’t promise that I’ll show what you send in.


  1. +Lemmiatem78 Hit Shift for the Zoom, then move the mouse up.

  2. Go in as second line ship, troll other ships that are concentrating on the
    frontline ships with ur ridiculous fire rate and 9-gun broadside. Refrain
    from taking damage if possible but don’t be afraid to take damage to secure
    a kill on a high value target.
    P.S. Use HE as u will set them on fire a lot

  3. Just go in and fk everybody, it s so fking OP

  4. Richard Gustafsson

    Ty for the answer either way

  5. +Richard Gustafsson at the moment you have to edit an xml file, too much
    text to copy in this reply so search for how to enable replay.

  6. +Someone_who_is_sad_and_will_die. Nevah… Already uninstalled the game
    because of it.

  7. Richard Gustafsson


  8. Richard Gustafsson

    I have awesome ping on their new servers

  9. Richard Gustafsson

    To record someone elses replay? No, he uses a modified replay of some sort,
    which is not yet released by wg

  10. +Mikey L He uses a third-party application like FRAPS or Dxtory to record,
    I’m sure.

  11. +Mikey L They talked about it in the forum so I guess you better look up on
    that. U may get your answer

  12. Richard Gustafsson

    It’s not a stupid Q because it’s true

  13. +mud smoke nerf was a little too strong. before it was OP as fuck, now it’s
    pretty useless for things like attack runs and covering friendlies. i used
    to like to pop it early to cover my BBs as they fired from range, but now
    it doesn’t last long enough to give them much cover before they drive past
    it. now all it’s good for is escaping. imo it should last maybe 10 seconds
    longer than current. in CBT it was way too strong tho XD.

    it’s a little annoying how easy and frequently my engine gets knocked out.
    i can deal with it, but it seems unrealistically frequent.

    vocal torp alerts haven’t seemed to hurt my hit rate yet, but that may be
    cuz the nubs haven’t learned to play yet.

    overall i would say it was necessary. DDs were way too strong in closed, to
    the point where it wasn’t fun beating up on BBs anymore. now it’s a fun
    challenge. last night i bagged 3 BBs with an island corner run, almost had
    a 4th but he shot me a split second before i could get the angle to launch.
    so yeah, DDs are still lethal.

  14. +oldfrend What do you think about the recent nerfs to the DDs? Warranted?
    Unwarrented? I did not get to play during CBT, but I heard they were a lot
    better during it.

  15. +Lunchbox2501 learn your detection range of your ships and learn your torp
    range. know them by heart. try to stay between the two, and always be ready
    to *run away*. i could write a phD thesis on DD combat, but that’s the 101
    version. DDs are the most complex class to learn, but stick with it and
    it’s the most fun you’ll ever have.

  16. +Carl Eriksson Just wait till you see the Italian ships.

  17. +onebigfatguy ehh I think it’s a skill mostly for destroyers anyway. Also
    the ROF on Japanese Destroyers still sucks, this doesn’t fix that issue
    (they still won’t be equal to the American destroyer guns – which is fair
    since Japanese get better torpedoes).

  18. +tactlessone it’s not a bad skill. But I feel it should have said “Up to
    203mm” rather then 155mm seeing as the Japanese stop using them at tier 5
    and the US at 7 and it would really help fighting DD’s that decide to get
    in close and try and out speed your turrets(most can past tier 7)

  19. +snowstalker36 I bet he did some good damage tho he didn’t sink anyone

  20. Agreed. I’m not to sure what that little friendly CV was doing, but it was
    clearly the smarter game plan.

  21. +adeafkid horseshit. if you let someone get that close to you in the first
    place you’ve already failed and deserve to be ‘holed below the water line’.
    the game doesn’t need to be nerfed just for nubs that can’t deal with
    suicide tactics.

  22. +adeafkid 1km is still far to close to avoid unless your in a DD. they need
    to make the arm distance 2 to 2.5 km at a minimum to give cruisers and
    battleships even a small chance. you have to remember that torp speed past
    tier 5 is almost always over 60+ knots.

  23. Maths, not even once.

  24. animeblitzballa33

    +Simon C Maths is hard.

  25. Timo dd (TheR3dOne)

    +Tim Ronquillo that hip never existed idiots u cant sink shit that doesn t
    even exist

  26. Because we sunk that bitch…. MURICA

  27. +Molon Labe ?

  28. +MLG_Steak 12 stupid, like yours

  29. It is a coral reef at the bottom of the Pacific.

  30. +Comberrium Complain to the japanese community 😉

  31. Richard Gustafsson

    I swear I heard it from somewhere. Maybe even before the 1800’s and 1700’s

  32. +moosenugget7
    Influencing is a whole other concept though. Nobody said they didn’t
    influence eachother, it’s bound to happen to any country which are that
    close geographically. It’s not a matter of getting along or not, many
    countries have influenced eachother through war. But being influenced
    doesn’t equal “almost being the same”…

  33. +Iono Sama You’re absolutely right, Japan and China absolutely didn’t (and
    still don’t today to some extent) like each other. Totally understand OP’s
    dislike of the Zao name as it does sound more Chinese. However, they did
    get along at one point in time. Matter of fact, kanji, is basically the
    Japanese borrowing Chinese characters. To say China and Japan never
    influenced each other isn’t 100% true.

  34. Iono Sama (IonoTheFanatic)

    +Richard Gustafsson you could say that from the very founding of Japan, the
    2 pretty much never got along… hell, the ancient legend of where Japan’s
    ancestor came from pretty much nailed the nature of the relationship
    between the 2…

    the wars, and raid since then (and poor Korea stuck in between) just
    ensured that it would take a miracle for the 2 to get along with each

  35. +TheRazgrizBlaze All battleships have long range, but the problem is that
    their guns are inacurate even at ranges to 10km. Either that or I do not
    posses the magic of controlling RNG, because my shots at that range fall
    short or long in the same salvo. Only one or two hit the target. And unlike
    cruisers, BB can not afford missing, because in that reload time cruiser
    can dish out 5 more salvos.

  36. +Timur Pirkhal
    As soon as he turns away the yamato should turn back into the cap circle.
    Yes the cruiser is faster as it moves away but it’s not nearly as
    threatening as a broadside of torps. Every move you make in a BB needs to
    counter the enemy or the BB loses. I can’t remember the stats but I swear
    the Yamato has more range than the Zao. I can’t access my game because I’m
    in another country right now.

    I’d expect that tking and campers would be a problem with open beta but
    since this was during the CBT fleets normally moved up as one massive
    group. TBH that yamato should have never pushed through mid. That tends to
    be heavily defended by DDs spamming torpedos at anything that pops its head
    through the islands.

  37. +TheRazgrizBlaze That would only delay what was coming for him if Zao
    decided to go with the plan he did, or get to a completely different story
    if he decide to turn away from BS and use long range fire. None of what you
    say gives me a slightest impression that Yamato would come out as winner in
    this situation. Also, about charge leading… I’ve figured that this is not
    the case with BB as I get team killed by everyone who have torpedoes on
    them when I do. But when I don’t, no one moves forward an inch, they all
    stuck behind a single island and wait for destroyers to come around it and
    finish the job…

  38. +Timur Pirkhal TBH all newbie players should start with the USN cruiser
    line as it allows them to get used to fights in the game. IJN cruisers if
    you want to get used to the destroyers of either navies.

    Unfortunately what tends to happen is that people join and play as a BB
    thinking it’s a heavy tank which leads the assault which it’s not supposed
    to. I could write a guide on how to use them but that would be long and
    boring. So I’ll just use the example above.

    What the guy above did is stop in the cap circle and his bow was closer to
    the Zao than the stern. This is pretty much a death pose, an easy
    stationary target that can’t respond to torpedo warnings. If I was in his
    position I would have turned away at max speed but still travelling in such
    a way that with a small turn all 3 guns would come to bear on him.

  39. +Magni56 Yeah, well, Zao can get a range and endlessly spray HE over
    Yamato. No mater how good the guns on Yamato are, on big ranges all
    battleships somehow loose much more accuaricy then cruisers or destroyers.
    And about 1 v 1s… Against carrier? Nah… Against cruiser? Just said how
    it’d go. Against destroyers… They can stay out of spotting range and
    still hit you with torpedoes, which reload faster then guns on BS and do
    hell of a lot more damage. Sooo yeah… I am not a pro ofc, but I doubt
    that people I meet at tier 4 so far are all much more skilled then me.

  40. Richard Gustafsson

    There will always be bots playing in low tier so don’t you worry 😉

  41. +RogerWilco Ahh yes the T3-4 BB’s are less exciting than the T5 and above.
    They still have their uses and playstyle but I mainly stick to T5 and
    above. I am not looking forward to getting back to my PC after the holiday
    to try and get the Kongo back because everyone will be T5-10. I’m also
    gonna miss late night games where you play with the same 10 people over and
    over again because lack of people playing.

  42. +mud same here… I am liking my DDs and CAs, but not my one BB at the

  43. +RogerWilco That’s exactly what I am doing. I am at about a 50-50 split
    between good games and bad games in my battleship and it is absolutely
    infuriating to play, but goddamn I want to try out a carrier.

  44. +Eric Gorter Boring.

  45. It only matters at long range depending on your main battery caliber size.

  46. +Digital Death
    Protip: They still do. I love it when noobs spam HE at my Aoba while
    showing their broadside. Just pump AP into that waterline and then put out
    the fires.

  47. +CrimsonDynomo117
    We have but this is 2015 not 2009 and gamers, especially multiplayer pvp
    gamers perceive any slight advantage as “overpowered”, any slight
    disadvantage as “broken” and have the patience of an ADHD goldfish on
    crack. Unfortunately *those* are the majority of gamers and those are who
    the likes of Wargaming and Gaijin are aiming their games at.

  48. CrimsonDynomo117

    +WrathOfTHeOlimpus Please cite your sources.

  49. WrathOfTHeOlimpus

    +CrimsonDynomo117 world of warships is better without submarines.

  50. CrimsonDynomo117

    +Pierre Akol Why is it none of you people seem to have played or heard of
    the Battlestations series of games, which were very much like this game,
    had subs, were balanced, and were damn fun. Look em up. Battlestations
    Pacific was the most recent.

  51. +Unfluffy Dave nice auto-balancer then eh?
    *wouldn’t need to worry about the issue of everyone using them if you
    actually have to be worth a shit to use one, lol….
    (good and rewarding units that take skill to use, like BBs when right)

  52. +ZGuy0fSci well i do but i want to know if its worth my money over another

  53. +ZGuy0fSci wouldnt know havent the money for it

  54. +63Games it is fun ain’t it? *when aircraft are not screwing you over, lol)

  55. But the problem is, how do you know that the lowered damage is an
    over-penetration, or non-penetrating spall damage? Or that you hit but
    missed the citadel?
    I’m surprised they don’t list AP values and armor thickness like in WoT,
    would be helpful.

  56. I’m still a n008, but just as a ballpark I wouldn’t use AP when playing
    as a battleship against cruisers and destroyers closer than 5km. Probably
    not good to use them even further than that. At the port, you can see the
    full AP damage of the shells. I would watch the damage done to ships and if
    it is much lower than that, switch to HE

  57. I kinda figured it was something like that. Is there a way to check your
    penetration values? I haven’t seen it.

  58. +Ichorslick99 over penetration. you are too close to shoot a cruiser with
    ap as a battleship

  59. +SerenityRadiance i know, i was asking if there was a way to be a lazy
    scrub and not make the total yourself

  60. +SerenityRadiance
    Yes but those were still seperated between AP, HE, fire, flooding, and
    torpedo damage. The sum of all those damage isn’t written and u count by

  61. SerenityRadiance

    +DarkAngelZz59 You can see it in the post-battle screen when you open the
    “personal performance” tab, as well as see what it was that did the damage:
    AP/HE shells, fires/flooding, torpedoes, secondary batteries, ramming, and
    aircraft. During the battle, though, you’ve only got the floating numbers.

  62. +Hanif Siraj oooh… why would wargaming implant a function useful like
    that anyways

  63. +DarkAngelZz59 count manually obviously

  64. +Hanif Siraj Let’s just say Jingles makes a lot of mistakes 😉

  65. +Southern Connecticut Airsoft
    First time I’ve seen Jingles’ videos was March 2015. U can consider it new

  66. Southern Connecticut Airsoft

    +Hanif Siraj You must be new here.

  67. +Southern Connecticut Airsoft I also want to say that but come on. People
    mad mistakes alright

  68. +Southern Connecticut Airsoft *click* *BANG*

  69. +buk1237 good guns, great AA so you don’t get TB’d, and its agile.

    People that don’t like getting hit by Torpedoes tend to like USN CAs.

  70. +onebigfatguy No idea.

  71. +Sir Broadsword Saw that as well. seems like maybe a replay bug? or is the
    skill itself bugged?

  72. +rob clay From what I saw, the BB ability barely repaired any damage at all.

  73. SerenityRadiance

    +rob clay Your reasoning is flawed- a single ship should not be able to
    completely and permanently negate the armament of a carrier- nobody would
    play them because they’d be useless after the first assault. Remember that
    the aircraft that the Zhao shot down represent firepower that the aircraft
    carrier *never gets back* throughout the remainder of the game.
    Overwhelming airpower is destructive initially, but it’s also very fragile.
    I don’t think that carriers are op except in tier IV matches when nobody
    has significant AAA.

  74. +rob clay agree. They need to undo the AAA nerf from 3.1.5 and give back
    Cruisers the AAA power needed to swat cancer sky torps from the air.

  75. Snjór Stevensson

    +gamerguyx095 I think you’re getting confused between the battleship
    Yamato, and Admiral Yamamoto.

  76. +gamerguyx095 No.. It’s pronounce Ya-ma-to, even google translation got it
    right if you put it in Japanese.

  77. Beakmans Apprentice

    +ZGuy0fSci That’s a tough choice… I wonder if it’s all just one’s
    personal preference…

  78. +SovietFilms Much answering for Question worthy asking. ;’3

  79. +ZGuy0fSci much explanation

  80. +Peter Melicher Do you like Gunfighting or Torps?
    Playing Escort or Lead-Attacker ?

    IJN are a “You vs the Enemy” , USN are “You as part of a Team” style of

    Do you wish to stay stealthed as you hunt torpedo targets and avoid the
    enemy “U-Boat” style, if so go IJN DDs. The guns are ok being good enough
    for harassment fire and self-defence if you are good but not what matter
    Not a bad choice for loners if good at running away.
    (for those not wanting to ever be seen if can help it)

    If however you are a pro at dodging hellfire of gunfire and prefer working
    as part of a group doing scouting for then using said groups of allies as
    cover while you shell the living fuck out of enemies, then USN DDs are
    great to use against other less good DD drivers to protect your fleet along
    with having ‘ok’ AA gunnery.
    Not for those who want to “go it alone” as much as fight as a team.
    (for those that know when it is ‘safe’ to be seen and love adventure and

    Same for IJN vs USN CAs, that USN CL/CH units are Escort Ships first as
    with the Yubari, built for gunfighting at the limits of their range never
    getting closer than they have to as they dodge all enemy fire, some of em
    having torpedoes.

    Your big thing in IJN CL/CH ships is hunting the enemy BBs and CAs with
    torpedoes along with gunfire closing the gap still having the guns to deal
    with DDs but not the AA firepower to negate CVs so not being good escorts.
    Its more about fighting as a smaller team group as rather than being with
    the main group.

    USN CAs are all about again Team Support, both having and providing with on
    the average FAR better AA than IJN cruisers along with having LOTS of guns
    that fire faster making USN CL/CH ships that more deadly vs DDs.
    Again though, fighting as a group is important as it gives them someone
    else to shoot at thus USN CAs are best used alongside BBs as escorts to
    protect BBs but also such that BBs give enemies an “easier” target to fire
    at as a distraction so USN CAs can do their work as the ‘real’ threat.

    So the biggest question being,

    Do you want to focus on blending into groups as a ‘team dynamic’ based
    playstyle ship, Or do you prefer actively hunting the enemy with one or two
    allies namely DDs and other CAs using Torpedoes?

    *Also to take note that USN ships are more agile on the average.

  81. +SovietFilms Typical American fanboy?.. Well, if you want to use the better
    of the two, then you should go with Shimakaze ;P

  82. subtlewhatssubtle

    +Andrew Kuklis Looking at the vid again I admit I would’ve thought you were
    trying to go in for the ram as well after reading that in chat. Just makes
    that full brace of torp hits all the sweeter. 😉

  83. Haha. You think he would have, I mistakenly typed “going in” in all chat 😉

  84. subtlewhatssubtle

    +Andrew Kuklis That was still a brilliant torp run on that Yamato
    beforehand. I don’t think he saw it coming until he ate the entire salvo.

  85. +Andrew Kuklis Like Jingles said, it is very different in battle.

  86. +CrazyChemistPL

    hey crazy this is kuk111, i beat myself up about not firing my torps also
    post battle. in the heat of the fight i was just focusing on getting well
    aimed rounds on that last guy.

  87. BluecatProductions11

    I get real lag my comps ancient me sad:(

  88. +Justin C i actually started re watching a few weeks ago on season 5 now 🙂

  89. +MrChaosRegins Yeah man. Changed my name figuring most SG1 fans would
    understand 🙂 Nice to see myself in a vid and getting some props.

  90. +Denis David Damsa
    Bismarck was a meh design – pretty much a warmed-up and enlargened WWI-era
    ship including the outdated armor scheme. Almost 25% more diplacement than
    a King George V-class with comparable protection and the same number and
    caliber of main guns. 8,000 tons of extra displacement and the only
    advantage were 2 knots more top speed.
    H-41 was slightly smaller than the Yamato and was proposed with 8*17in
    guns. It’s the most likely candidate for Tier 10 on he german BB line.

  91. Denis David Damsa

    +The Warlord of the Rising Sun Maybe. I mean, the Bismark could do 30 knts.
    And besides, the H class battleships, after the H39, are bigger and better
    than the Yamato.

  92. The Warlord of the Rising Sun

    +My Hentai Girl >.> If anything the Bismarck is overrated, it only had
    15-inch guns, 8 of them mounted in 4 double turrets (mind the Nagato, the
    tier 7 IJN Battleship had 16-inch guns, also in 4 double turrets, and the
    USS Colorado, the American tier 7 Battleship had the exact same armament),
    not to mention the Kriegsmarine mostly consisted of U-Boats, and had only
    one Fleet Carrier (the Graf Zeppelin) and never finished it’s 5 planned
    auxiliary carriers. It’s been announced that the Bismarck is only going to
    sit at tier 7-8, and the upper tiers will be the fantasy ships that were
    never built like the H-39. And considering the Yamato has 18-inch guns, 9
    of them, even more guns than the Bismarck had in total, it would get
    slaughtered if the gun calibers and their damage remain as they are. The
    Royal Navy, however, was more well balanced but I still think it was a good
    choice to use the USN and IJN as the first major nations as they had the
    most complete navies throughout the time period from World War I to World
    War II.

  93. Japan Naval is overrated

  94. +Kompoism Right… Sarcasm

  95. +TheRapie Alt and F4 dude

  96. _Cpt_Oblivious_36 _
  97. thx to u all, never got so kind replias on youtube 😀

  98. They must have changed that when they moved to open beta. This was a closed
    beta replay.

  99. +Jamie Crisalli -Not true. When you change to torp’ view, the clear space
    before the start of the green and grey firing the arming range.

  100. +Archoncommando Only torpedoes dropped by planes have an arming time. Those
    delivered by ships are live as soon as they hit the water.

  101. Richard Gustafsson

    P12:a 😛

  102. Hahaaa jajamen

  103. Iono Sama (IonoTheFanatic)

    +Nadir R The rule of thumb is… CAN YOU PENETRATE HIS CITADEL OR NOT?

    and for this you basically think of it like a tank penetration scenario to
    an extent…

    a BB at an angle at you??? and you are a cruiser with only 203mm guns at
    best? forget about AP then because you will almost never penetrate his
    citadel baring some luck or very thin citadel roof armor on some BB

    that’s like shooting a Maus at 30 degree angle with his lower plate covered
    and his turret at an angle as well… with a 90mm… a waste of AP shell…

    But a cruiser presenting his broadside at you at less then 10km??? YES
    PLEASE… because cruisers armor while not too shabby at an angle, is
    generally not enough to protect the belly from most AP shells… from
    directly port or starboard of the ship…

    everything basically is centered on the chance to penetrate and damage the

    if your AP can do it, you always take it and hit them for massive damage…
    if you can’t then HE against superstructure (NOT THE BELLY) will do more…

  104. KingOfRotterdam16

    +Nadir R AP at distance, shots will come from above where armor is thin. HE
    at close range.

  105. The Warlord of the Rising Sun

    +Nadir R AP is good on cruisers (mostly heavy cruisers however) because
    they have just enough armor so that the shells don’t over-penetrate, AP is
    also good on BBs at long range because of plunging fire, the shells dive
    into the lightly armored decks and hit the citadel, but at close range all
    the shells hit the armored belt and they don’t penetrate. HE is better in
    close range situations against BBs. In DDs I fire all HE, whether I’m in
    one or shooting at one, and when I’m in a BB I shoot all AP except at DDs.

  106. +Nadir R One thing I didn’t see mentioned in replies to you: plunging fire.
    At longer distances (basically, the outside edge of your effective range of
    main batteries) your shots are falling down very steeply. This allows them
    to only need to penetrate the deck of your target, which is usually
    minimally armored.

    This allows low caliber guns to shoot AP and actually penetrate MUCH more
    heavily armored ships.

  107. +Nadir R Use HE always against destroyers and when you are in destroyers.
    In Battleships, use AP against other ships except destroyers. In Cruisers
    it depends on the guns. In ships with 6″ guns (150-155mm), I use HE against
    destroyers and against all other ships at close range. With 203mm guns
    (8″), at medium range, I switch to AP against cruisers but HE against
    everything else and at long range, I use AP against everything except
    destroyers (due to plunging fire mechanics). Plunging fire doesn’t work
    well against american battleships after tier 5 though so that might be a

    8″ (203mm) guns have a lot more AP penetration than 6″ (150, 152, and
    155mm) guns but at close range even they will have trouble with battleship
    belt armour.

  108. Matthew Wehmeyer

    +Jack Beauregard He had to make sure most of the torps hit. Despite the 15k
    damage “ship killers” IJN Cruisers and DDs fire tier 5+ BBs start getting
    great torp bulges. These knock almost 1/2-2/3s the damage off if the torp
    outright. If you notice all 8 of 15k torps hit the Yamato and just went
    past the 70k hp the Yamato had left. So the torps were doing under 10k each.

  109. +Jack Beauregard Yamato has one of the tightest turning circles in the
    game. Just a long rudder shift time.

  110. Kuk111 here. It was a game of chicken the whole way! Who would blink, . You
    getting the kill shot , Me pushing the ship as close as I could, praying
    she would hold together. Someone wasn’t sailing away in that knife fight.
    This time I was lucky it was me. I salute you Yamato 07. Was a long 7
    kilometers. 🙂

  111. +Sasa Anakijev You’re absolutely right. I got cocky in that engagement due
    to my past successes at one shotting cruisers. I fully expect him to turn
    at the last moment but my main batteries couldn’t keep up with him and it
    cost me my game. You can see them turning but not firing at the last moment.

  112. +Jack Beauregard because its substantially harder to citadel someone from
    their front than it is from their side. He was waiting for his primaries to
    fire; denying the yamato the citadel shot.

  113. +David Snoek Playing wot in 30fps… falls to 1-2fps and 500 ping in wow…

  114. I agree, warships is harder, but to me its more rewarding,

  115. ahem, “kukhuvud” :>

  116. +Doughbert Gargar Yeah, there are some really good and informative WT
    channels out there.

  117. Doughbert Gargar

    +MorningGI0ry Well I suppose WT players can all agree now that Jingles have
    finally given up on WT, which means WT players should either accept his
    decision and move on or WT players who are here and subscribed for WT
    content should just unsubscribed to this channel.

  118. +MorningGI0ry War Thunder atm… well, the MM does work fine, it’s just too
    many people don’t realize that, even if their lineup is mostly, for
    example, below 5.0, if they stick a 5.7 BR tank in their line-up, then they
    can meet tanks with 6.7 BR.
    I’m not saying the BRs for all the tanks and planes are good, and their is
    still the pretty obvious Soviet bias(do we really need the T-10M and T-62?
    I think not.), but I find it hard to call the game crap.

  119. War Thunder has point and aim mode, tryhard mode and “simuletr” battles.

  120. +bluenova123 This guy has hit the right sentence.

  121. +The Pilot Penguin Too late, my SJW headmate caught the smell of guilt.
    I recommend asking Putin for asylum, preferably in Siberia.

  122. The Pilot Penguin

    +GrimFaceHunter ok sorry im in too deep jeez

  123. +The Pilot Penguin “Bro”? That’s offensive.
    Check your heteronormative, cis, gender-binary privilege.
    That is also insensitive to otherkin.
    For the full list of all the other privileges you need to check, kindly
    refer to tumblr.

  124. Richard Gustafsson

    Only I that lost my eyes/ears on the video because of this thread? XD

  125. +TheAirGrenade Thought the same thing as a Norwegian! xD

  126. +Tim Aarum kuki means penis in Hungarian.

  127. +Tim Aarum Thanks for the info. First thing to learn in any foreign
    language are the profanities . 😉

  128. +Tim Aarum also in norwegian

  129. Christian Seierup (MindfulCrane)

    +Maree Printemps that does not matter when you can stay at 18km+ range and
    only be spottet when fireing at 16-17km and just spam HE at those BB’s its
    very funny and effective. I have had a lot of 200-300k dmg games that way
    taking minimal dmg unless i decide ok they need me closer at this point, in
    witch case ofcourse i get close.

  130. +Thekilleroftanks He’s talking about the Zao and only the Zao, which has
    very good torpedo angles. If he was talking about the Aoba, Myoko, Mogami,
    or Ibuki, I’d understand, but not the Zao. The Zao has the best torpedoes
    in the game, almost the highest damage, but the highest speed. That means
    you will hit more often, and because it doesn’t suffer the bad torpedo
    launch angles of it’s predecessors, it’s lethal.

  131. +Manuel Fernandez You forgot that most IJN Cruisers have gigantic Citadel.

  132. Thekilleroftanks

    +Manuel Fernandez but because their angles are shit. most of the time,
    (like 70% of the time) you can never use them to their full effectiveness.

  133. try the repair option, still works for me

  134. Qb streamed Wows last week…

  135. +jakekillify iChasegaming is a good channel for WoWS. Chase doesn’t put
    stuff out out daily like Jingles does, but he probably does 3 videos a week
    or so, and Chase isn’t doing Youtube/streaming as his job. He’s doing it in
    his spare time.

  136. +kastro20k And apparently, kock means cook in Swedish.

  137. The Pilot Penguin

    +_Cpt_Oblivious_36 _ haha

  138. _Cpt_Oblivious_36 _

    +kastro20k ok i about spit my tea all over my keyboard when I read, “Love
    Organ” LOL

  139. So true… 2 years on SEA server, only just got my first t9 tank.

  140. +Vuong Nguyen WoWS is in open beta buddy, get ur noggin washed with some
    salt water and steam on the high seas.

  141. +Codey Pritchard yes there are fucktards there that believe that a
    battleship that takes years to turn as well as the turrets can do the
    objectives that only cruiser can do in a short time 20s or less. It is like
    asking a turtle to do a task which a rabbit can do much faster…….

  142. +Marc Michel WoWs can be just as bad

  143. +Vuong Nguyen Why not go on to WoWs then?

  144. +hyppyrotta71 HMS Barham would disagree

  145. +hyppyrotta71 Next thing you know, Wargaming starts doing weed and
    introduces nuclear powered subs firing nukes… Would make for a very
    interesting April fools.

  146. +William Ly
    Yap, they would, but it wouldnot even make historically sense to put subs
    against battleships.

  147. +Duncan Cook Ok. Just trust my word DDs are good. At least IJN DDs.

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