World of Warships – WTF?

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It’s not unusual to see me feature replays that include the occasional WTF moment, but what IS unusual is a battle that consists of nothing but WTF moments. This is one of those battles.

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System Specs: Core i7 4820-K 3.7Ghz i7 CPU, 16GB DDR3 RAM, 3GB nVidia GTX780 Ti GPU, running at 1920×1080 resolution

If you have a War Thunder replay just send the .wrpl file to the same address.

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  1. +polytechnique montreal Back in CBT there was a common used mod that made
    that view. But that mod is no longer updated and afaik would not work
    anyway in 0.4.0 (OBT Client), as WG changed and secured the code against
    this (and other) mods, as this view is now part of the spotter airplane
    comsumable for BBs. And this was a good move from WG to do that, because in
    BBs and CA/CLs that view was very good – not so much in DDs, as the range
    of the guns is so short.

  2. Ser Garlan Tyrell

    +HerrRoehrich Oh good! I might actually give warships a look then. Thanks.

  3. +Ser Garlan Tyrell According to WG, no further wipe is planned. May be
    subject to change though.

  4. +Kyle Trahin Hang out with cruisers and don’t go places where destroyers
    can sneak up on you, especially if they have been spotted in the area. You
    can’t avoid them all the time but you can make it so you only rarely get
    hit. I’ve played a ton of US Battleships and Japanese destroyers and
    honestly its not too hard to avoid almost all torps if you know what to do.
    For example if you see torp bombers inbound turn your ship so you keep the
    nose or tail pointing at the direction the bombers are coming from to give
    em a small target.

  5. +Ichorslick99 I actually had an scenario which I was less than a km away
    from a tier 7 cruiser and I shat myself in my minekaze and dropped all the
    torps like mad. We both scared one another lol. He did die a quick death
    and even his own team are telling him that he deserved to be torped for
    being a hill hugger….I loled

  6. Yea, lol. This system isn’t to say that you can’t sink a Battle Ship with
    a Cruiser or other similar scenario, but the odds are against you. You
    just have to keep that in mind and get creative when engaging ships you
    aren’t designed to destroy.

  7. You forgot to add
    destroyers are good at killing hill hugging cruisers.

  8. +Opvious&severus Straight*

    Stop sailing in straight lines in the straits!

  9. +Mansen Thanks.

  10. +Vito Wash Nope – Not that you’d have time for it by the time they appear.


  12. Uhm James Bond

    He always says that, so I suggest you go to every single video of his where
    there is an instance of him saying “the island got in front of him”. Oh and
    take the empty cup of fucks that the Internet gives about your grammar

    Ps. Before you mistake this comment for me giving a fuck then you are
    mistaken. I don’t. I’m just making a polite suggestion.

    James Bond?

  13. Yes and that is the reason why it is no longer updated by the modder,
    afaik. And i guess, as the aim assist mod, it wont be easy to do this as
    the game has been “secured” vs such mods since 0.3.1 and even more in
    0.4.0. This view is now linked to the scout plane as far as i understand
    it. And to be honest (even if it does not realy help in a DD, but for sure
    in a BB) i am happy it is this way, because it gives more advantage as only
    a better sense of range.

  14. +Hurz Hurzchen Thanks, any idea if it was updated? That gives a much better
    sense of range

  15. +Ben Grogan That was a mod, that was still working back in CBT before 0.4.0
    … did the same what the scout plane for BB does now, except the +range.

  16. +Denis-David Damsa no it also does your secondary batteries. Why he says
    “to turn off his AA.” Is because they are way more likely to get you
    spotted then your secondary gun batteries.

  17. Denis-David Damsa

    +timpyrules Press P. Works only for AA.

  18. +lazaglider You just like to find excuses on why you suck in a game dont
    you ??
    What a stupid attitude honestly. If you dont learn fast as you said you
    will always be overrun really fast by those that do even if you are few
    months ahead of them. And with working matchmaking you most likely will
    encounter new players like you unless some of the older ones come down to
    kick pupies but that happens everywhere. On the contrary NOW its the
    perfect time to join WoWS. It is open Beta for a week so many new players
    that didnt get in closed will come to the game so you can play against them
    + most of the older players will rush for the later ships they had before
    the wipe out so you will have more time to get some skill before you meet

    And for bloody sake you can always play first dozens of games against bots
    before you even have to encounter real players !!

    Stop making lame excuses that nobody except you believe and start playing
    the game.

  19. +SaturnVII all good in wots until your in a t4 in a t5 match and the only
    one on both sides to boot or a t4 light in a t7 7match and there all bloody
    tigers and is’s happens to me in my marder every other match.

  20. +lazaglider They’ll make it level as possible, I know I’ve never had any
    issues with the matchmaking.

  21. +SaturnVII I don’t claim to have any skill. All I ask for is a level
    playing field.

  22. +lazaglider That’s the biggest amount of nonsense I’ve ever heard. Your
    skill, if you possess it, will always outstrip any equipment or time
    advantage (which doesn’t exist really).

  23. +Roze Core oh. I thought people were saying that some ships have main guns
    that were also AA.

  24. +Roze Core Yep – Your secondary artillery and AA guns are completely
    automatic. You have no direct control of them, except to designate a
    primary target.

    You can shoot as much as you want – Your primary weapon isn’t affected by
    them (or vice versa)

    You’ll still be spotted if your AA or Secondaries go off though.

  25. +shades921 Main guns firing at aircraft is not implemented yet.

  26. +Mansen so does that mean 8f im firing at a ship and my reload is 5s I can
    shiot ince every 10s? I.e. fire at 0s. At 5s reloaf and ai takes a shot at
    planes then at 10s I get the gun back?

    Or is it a magic gun that shoots from the same barrel but on a different
    cool down? Or does it onoy go when I am not firing/targeting at a ship?

  27. +shades921 Separate system – And fully automatic. They hit or they don’t.
    You have no way to affect it aside from captain’s traits.

  28. +Dirtygoggle05 Nope – What he’s seeing is a mod from before scout planes
    gave this (which is for BBs only by the way)

  29. ah oke so far i only have a figther plane so i need wait until i get a
    scout one

  30. +jrussel2456 It’s because of a new feature to scout planes. Now when you
    launch a scout plane it gives you extended range and a view that is a
    slightly top down side view so you can get a much better shot on your

  31. Cameron McAllister

    +CrescentGuard *Continueing tune*
    Don’t fire at sight.
    You trust your RNG
    or think you’re MLG
    Just torpedo at me
    You retard player

  32. +Halt Tranty
    I went online a started mashing everything trying to get that view lol

  33. +Halt Tranty

  34. Mod for CBT. Not sure if it still works.

  35. +Mansen That’s what I often do in my BBs. You can usually just watch the
    shells fall without tracking them as well though.

  36. ok thanks guys

  37. +IWindsOfMidgets You can also click… Middle mouse button (I think it is
    by default?) to take a single range checking shot. Useful for ships with
    lots of guns but slow reloads.

    Saves you from having to waste an entire volley in case it’s off.

  38. +Matt D ah right cheers 🙂

  39. +Mikayel Dobrovolski True.

  40. Mikayel Dobrovolski

    +Mansen that is why I think the minekaze is not the huge leap he talked
    about in this video
    the stock torps are no different to the ones on the Isokaze and the
    upgraded torps are not a no brainier upgrade it is supposed to be
    the mutsuki seems like a better leap than the minekaze because it has
    triple launchers instead if the dual ones and the upgraded torps have a a
    speed of almost 60kts

  41. +Mikayel Dobrovolski As Jingles pointed out in his game with Rita – The
    added range might not be a benefit. I personally decided to stick with the
    faster torps.

    Sure I have to get closer – But the added speed means they have a lot less
    chance of turning in time if they didn’t spot me launching them.

  42. +Matt D Very true – F2P makes it easy to test performance these days.

  43. Matt D (Frizbee)

    +Mansen Well it depends on what sort of graphics and performance you are
    happy with. If you want to run it with everything on low then you could get
    away with a really low end system.

    It’s really not a system intensive game though compared to other 2014-2015

    It’s free to play though, so if you’re curious, just download it and see
    what sort of performance you get.

  44. +Matt D “My 800$ computer can run the game”

    Yeah… That’s not really helpful 😛

    Suffice to say having a dedicated GPU is a big step up.

  45. Matt D (Frizbee)

    +Sam Harradence It doesn’t have to be fantastic. An I7 950, with a GTX 760
    graphics card can run World of Warships with everything pretty much maxed
    and still get more than 60 fps.

  46. Matt D (Frizbee)

    +GeneralWillis44444 Try ‘z’

  47. +iDeFecZx
    it’s obvious.
    Where’s The Farter. WTF.

  48. +NicksDomain101 For the camera? I believe it’s called Eye of Sauron or
    something to that effect.

  49. +Mikhael Beauparlant as DD driver I demand more BB drivers move in straight

  50. US Cruisers have advantage in their guns, but the Japanese cruisers have
    advantage with their torpedoes. Very honorable. Though I wish they would
    put the Imperial Japanese naval flags on the Japanese ships.

  51. US Cruisers have advantage in their guns, but the Japanese cruisers have
    advantage with their torpedoes. Very honorable. Though I wish they would
    put the Imperial Japanese naval flags on the Japanese ships.

  52. +Digital Death They lose artillery and AA as well as health in comparison
    to the US ships.

  53. +Cameron McAllister I never argued for including it…

  54. Cameron McAllister

    +Mansen Because that wouldn’t be op would it?

  55. +spitfire 12 Torpedoes can’t get Citadel Damage, but they very rarely do
    full damage. They do 50 – 100% dmg (depending on place of impact, armor and
    torpedo bulges + RNG) unless you hit a critical in which case they do 0 dmg.

  56. +Cameron McAllister That’s why torpedoes were such a nightmare in war. They
    are hard to spot – Hard to avoid. And if they don’t simply pass through,
    but explode within, you’re effed… royally effed.

  57. Cameron McAllister

    +Mansen Because it would be OP as fuck since torpedos are op anyway if you
    don’t manuever, just sailing along, see some torps, dodge a few, two hit
    suddenly you lose half of your systems :P.

  58. Ahh didn’t know that. cheers 🙂

  59. +Tim Whitehead You can report people after a game has ended though. At
    least until you shut down WoWS

  60. +Mansen I would have done but as I got sunk fires I started destroyed the
    Battleship and the game ended 🙂

  61. +Tim Whitehead Use the reporting tool for that kind of behaviour.

  62. +Mansen
    and on top of all that, you have time to get away since they can’t shoot
    you because they don’t know your position.

  63. +vuk psodorov Yep – You can usually scare away ships by turning on your
    smoke if you need to. They can’t know if you’re launching torps or not –
    Only that you’re somewhere in there.

  64. +Snagabott
    but smoke in itself is visible.
    so if you see smoke, there’s a destroyer somewhere in there. stay clear of
    it and keep an eye on it, you should be fine.

  65. Hell I often defer sailing towards the enemy if I see enemy torpedo planes
    fly past me towards a target without AA.

    You wouldn’t believe how fast those planes go down when they’re being
    chased by a ship.

  66. +NegaBot Mod.

  67. +Reloaddcr There were – A year ago. Suffice to say though, Jingles hardware
    might not be up to the task. Or his internet for that sake.

  68. Don’t start that argument there was lots of issues with different
    browsers, devices and in general ppl who couldn’t be arsed to figure out
    how to fix THEIR issues playing

  69. Cameron McAllister

    +Sisteelin It wouldn’t be WOWS, it would be WOWs ya dumb fuck. And WOW is a
    valid name since you know what we are talking about.

  70. +HerrRoehrich Yes, yes it is. By your flawed logic we’d have a million
    products and companies that would have to use different acronyms just
    because it was used elsewhere.

    It’s called context. Ships, torpedoes? You know – Probably not World of
    Warcraft on a WARGAMING channel.

  71. +Mansen Considering the acronym’s decade-long association with World of
    Warcraft… no, it really isn’t. Just use WoWS and stop confusing people…
    is that so hard?

    On topic: Yeah, I had a game today in my Wakatake, where I launched a
    spread down that south western channel on Big Race right at the start, just
    for the hell of it, before any enemy had been spotted. I went my merry way,
    when 10 seconds later, BLAM Destroyed an Isokaze. I was laughing so hard,
    and apparently so was he. At least in chat xD

  72. +Sisteelin WoW is still a perfectly valid acronym for the game…

  73. +Cameron McAllister We are talking about World of Warships (WoWS) Not World
    of Warcraft (WoW)

  74. +Miessa1989 I agree, and I do that in my cruiser too. It just that when I’m
    in a Battleship our team’s Cruiser just run off, If I ask them to provide
    AA they just tell me “No, not worth profit to bother” or ” Tell Wargaming
    to increase exp and credit for shooting down plane and I may consider”. XD
    I’m still grinding for the Fuso, but after look at the stock stat with her
    horrible stock AA I’m gonna playing her in Coop mode only until I get her
    hull upgrade.

  75. +Hoang Nguyen nah, the language is good. It is the abbreviations for the
    different classes of ships that make it amusing 🙂

  76. +Hoang Nguyen actually protecting your BBs with the AA of cruiser DO give
    you a certain amount of profit. I do it often in my Yubari (as it really
    excels at antiair). You will win more often and you get credits for those
    special missions too if you shoot down a certain amount of aircraft in a
    match/in total

  77. +Unfluffy Dave English is not my first language, so I’m apologize for any
    mistake I made. 😀

  78. +Niramo Productions It’s nothing but dice rolls. Get a good roll – plane

  79. +Niramo Productions
    As far as i know it is just eyecandy and to know that the damage is
    active. sometimes you see the shots completly missing but still shooting
    down planes.

  80. Niramo Productions

    So the damage to aircraft isn’t modeled around aa projectiles actualy
    hitting the planes, but aaround the proximity of aircraft to certain aa
    guns on the deck?
    Is the firing aa just an animation?

  81. +Niramo Productions it just adds up to the damage per secound you do to
    aircraft that is in range. It never actually fires if you can control the
    guns manually because its the main gun too.

  82. +Parkour/Challenges You create a popular Youtube channel and get noticed by

  83. +Wayne Lamb All torpedoes have an arming distance of a few hundred meters
    or less. Which is why it can be an idea to hug an enemy ship that is about
    to launch torpedoes.

    It’ll launch them and they will hit you as duds.

  84. +BlueWizi shows how much i took noitce

  85. They do, it’s just very very short

  86. +TheRazgrizBlaze
    Honestly I think running aground was the only part he misjudged. either he
    was trying to aim around the island and got flustered with everything that
    was going on and ended up turning too sharply, or he plain misjudged his
    rudder shift time and couldn’t correct in time. Or both. I see the that
    happen quite a bit with BBs.

  87. +Roondar Murnig It was the only solution in that situation. Turn to reduce
    profile. He turned into the island out of fear of going into the
    smokescreen just to get ambushed by the DD.

  88. +Photanic I think it was actually the smokescreen that he saw. But I don’t
    think he was as stupid as Jingles thought.

  89. Hurr de durr. Totally not overused.

  90. +Justin Reimer Oh my god who cares…

  91. Justin Reimer (Jipner16)

    +Nipple Twister He has actually said before that he has to be careful
    because he has had five year olds say that they love his channel. I don’t
    enjoy the vid as much as if there wouldn’t have been swearing.

  92. +ProjectX45 the internet is for everyone not just you instead of telling
    people to get there kids off the internet why dont you just not swear
    instead its not lick it should take any effort on your part to withold on
    the foul langauge

  93. Jingles is a former sailor, he swears as much as he likes.

  94. I don’t get it, decchi.

  95. +Sir Derbear (OwTaCtrl) i feel bad for bucky also POI!

  96. Sir Derbear (OwTaCtrl)

    +Roondar Murnig Poi!

  97. +Sir Derbear (OwTaCtrl) I get it. 😀
    P.S. Poi

  98. +Massive Logs
    yeah they sucked, of course they sucked, that’s why I’m saying to BB
    drivers to stay away from DDs. To achieve that I teamed up with a random
    destroyer in my team. The plan was : he go ahead, get spotted on purpose
    then lay a smoke screen and get the fuck out. Meanwhile I stay behind him,
    hide in his smoke and wait for half the ennemy fleet to sail right inside
    it while chasing the first DD. Before they sank me I managed to put 24
    torpedos in the water, 11 of them hit their target sinking three BB and
    damaging two other ships. the rest of my team sank all the routing
    dumbasses who ran into our trap while receiving minimal damages. leaving
    the score 2 to 7 in our favor

  99. +Thomas Dineen
    In reality yes, in WoW they clearly are the BB hardcounter

  100. No they don’t, the secondary battery only protect you against extremely
    close range torpedo launch, where it’s virtualy impossible for a BB to
    avoid being hit. So yes, the secondaries will protect you against a DD
    closing at suicidal range to launch his torpedoes but every DD have more
    range on his torpedos than the secondaries of an equivalent tier
    battleship. If you rely on an IA to get rid of a player for you you’re
    seriously doing it wrong. Plus, if you’re already on low health, the
    secondaries won’t save your ass, they are easy to brain and dodge when
    you’re in a nimble destroyer and they will be shooting low caliber AP ammos
    and you can be sure that if your main batteries are not ready to blast the
    incoming DD out of existence before he launch his close range spread there
    is nothing that will save you.

    BB are best at destroying cruisers, there is nothing a cruiser can do if he
    is caught in a gunnery duel with a BB, he will be outranged, outgunned and
    unable to tank damages as well as the BB, if you’re shooting at something
    that is not a cruiser while there is spotted cruisers you could be busy
    sinking instead you are wasting your ship.

    Seriously, sink the bloody cruisers, it’s what you do best and you will
    make the destroyers captains on your team happy destroyers captains.
    Cruisers are dreadfull for a destroyers, they can dodge torpedos quite
    easily, have tons of rapid firing accurate guns and spotters aircrafts, a
    DD cannot expect to beat a cruiser, but if you kill the cruisers for them,
    they will be happy to spot the ennemy destroyers for the cruisers on your
    team and go hunt the ennemy battleships.

    World of warships, more than world of tanks is a game best played in team.
    Just because you’re driving a top tier battleship that doesn’t make you the
    king of the sea like driving the top tier heavy make you the king of the
    battlefield in WoT.

  101. +Dov4485 Destroyers are designed to sink torpedo boats and submarines, not

  102. +ewok40k “”If you see a smokescreen, stay away from it , too””

    True. Krakens live there.

  103. S4 Blade (s4blade)

    and thats why i stop playing WoT teammates in Sea server is not fun… even
    in NA server @u@ and i cant play in Eu server if i do i will have 500ms and
    its not fun mhe we will see and hope that WG swaps some ships out to give
    space for other ships

  104. Watayuki Kimihyra

    and i only play WoT because the chance of getting the T55A but the will for
    it is fadding lately…

    since in Kancolle if time you get screwed by RNG you get somthing else as

    in Wot each time you get screwed by RNG you get shit on by your “teammate”

  105. S4 Blade (s4blade)

    i have stop playing WoT for a long time now XD and WoW is only for a pass
    time if kancolle RNG gods hates me and giving me 5 kongou and things XD but
    yeah WG will just make all of the ships that we want to see as a perm ship
    for 14k or more

  106. Watayuki Kimihyra

    it just not the same…if war gaming sell her as a tier 8 perm BB at the
    14k glod pirce
    i gonna quit this and WoT also WoWP

  107. S4 Blade (s4blade)

    well haruna is still a kongou with some modification i hope i will see
    Bishy(bishmark) if Wg every put german tech tree up

  108. Matt D (Frizbee)

    +Chaser McLoude It’s a Brit thing. Similar to how you can piss of a US Navy
    flyboy by calling them a “pilot” instead of an “aviator.”

  109. +Chaser McLoude perhaps it’s a British thing.

  110. +Derek VDG an advantage, yes, but not the most unfair of them, there’s
    worse, and shooting over island is easy once you get the hang of it 🙂
    also, with this view, you don’t see if there’s an island or ally right in
    front of your guns, and also, tunnelvision more, in my opinion

  111. +Sillius Soddus it was a misunderstanding leave the guy alone 🙂

  112. Derek VDG (Dvang)

    Actually it *is* a better view. Not simply different. By spotting from the
    air, you can easily aim past/over islands. Where in the normal view
    visibility to the enemy is blocked (but the angle of your guns still allows
    the potential for firing over them), this mod allows you to see past/over
    the island (that is blocking your view) and easily be able to track and aim
    at enemies beyond it. This is an advantage. [shrug]

  113. +Mansen An opinion that doesn’t match yours is not ignorance.

  114. +Josh Went “Get trolled”

    when you realize you were wrong and are too afraid to admit it

  115. +ZyzztheticsForever I’m pretty sure you are wrong.

  116. +Carl Sumegi Action Stations, Oxford Dictonary:

    action stations n. the positions taken up by military personnel in
    preparation for action; also used as a command or signal to prepare for
    action; also in sing. and in extended use.

  117. ZyzztheticsForever

    +Carl Sumegi pretty sure this game was made by Obsidian.

  118. +Carl Sumegi I don’t think you understand. You called them “Iddiots” and
    yet you cant spell that word.

  119. Christian Seierup (MindfulCrane)

    +Una Peppina Why on earth would you nerf Jingles if anything he need a buff.

  120. +Una Peppina To the salt mines with you!

  121. +Una Peppina Don’t you DARE try to “Nerf Jingles!”

  122. +Una Peppina

  123. +Photanic Unfair plane carrier he kemp smook.

  124. +Chairman Meow April fools day is only a year away

    On that note they need to just make this years april fools its own game.
    Space WoWS would be amazing

  125. +carn109 and big waves.

  126. They should add a maelstrom, water spouts, rogue waves, the kraken, a giant
    whale, and the megladon. I want to reenact the maelstrom scene from pirates
    of the caribbean. Them destroyers are gonna sink because of rogue waves.

  127. +MKRocker94 Maelstrom with a Kraken

  128. +carn109 Maelstrom

  129. +lfteri He drives the plane on the runway, doesn’t he?

  130. +lfteri would not the correct term for all of this, cars, boats, ships,
    planes so on so forth be “operating”?

  131. +fnglert So by that logic, a pilot does not pilot a plane he drives it,
    neither flies it the wind does. Yes, so very fucking logical… A ship
    captain sails, a pilot pilots and a driver drives, there is a difference

  132. No, Dr. RubberFace that is a Russian sail boat.

  133. +ot0m0t0 Thx … i just saw that i am in this video of The mighty Jingles
    … blushes

  134. +ot0m0t0 It’s Hurz.

  135. Ah ok gotcha. Well good luck to you in the future.

  136. No, it was the EU server and the CV actually chased me a bit, until I sunk
    him (for some reason he steamed to on of the capture points). The DD
    shouldn’t even have been there. He should have sunk the last enemy cruiser
    I couldn’t get to, because my rudder was jammed. Instead he tried to
    recapture a point, when all it would have done was to delay our defeat.

    There war only the Isokaze, an enemy Furutake and me in a Minakaze left at
    this point.

  137. +TheGerudan Hmmm NA server? That may have been me and the damn cv had had
    his damn planes chasing me all over the map spotting me the previous 3 or 4
    minutes and I was down to one of the last two ships left just trying to
    kill the remaining ships and then I was the last ship and those damn planes
    flew over me again and spotted me and of course the remaining 3 ships
    opened up on me. So there really was no reason not to try to kill them
    since I was already spotted. And the only reason I was ever in cap was to
    try to help decap with the remaining cruiser until he died. Which we did.
    But after he died it was 3 on 1 with me spotted and all the enemy ships in
    range. If this is not the same game it sounds really similiar. So just a
    heads up of what was going on that maybe you weren’t aware of.

  138. +TheGerudan actually the AA Flags on the isokaze are so terrible that they
    will only open up on planes at a Range of ~ 2 km, which is inside the
    spottingrange from air. So anytime the isokaze fires he AA he would’ve been
    spotted by aircraft anyway. So if you are not engaging aircraft on purpose
    there is no harm in keeping the AA on Isokaze enabled.

  139. +cresbot Eye of Sauron mod. Common use.

  140. +Roondar Murnig Those are not the spotter aircraft you might be thinking
    of… the Cruisers’ float planes do not improve gun range they only provide
    spotting over mountains and act as a fighter. BB’s are purely for
    increasing range… and spotting

  141. Christoffer Rasmussen

    +Roondar Murnig But they don’t have the same long range guns the BBs have 🙂

  142. +Nathan Peterson Really? Because high-tier
    cruisers have spotter aircraft too.

  143. +Roondar Murnig Plus it’s only for BBs

  144. +Roondar Murnig yeah “driving” lol

  145. +Tommy Hosler *driving

  146. No its a demonstration of a very good player like jingles said “its not the
    ship its the person commanding it”

  147. +xMoff blown open

  148. +Danny Mendoza You’re 5 minutes late

  149. Illuminarty sceambeg

    M8 u ain’t evan dank.

  150. +Danny Mendoza You are making very little sense.

  151. Well it’s not unusual to sing it (pardon the pun)

  152. +Joshua Smith *carlton dance*

  153. +Joshua Smith nice one

  154. +Joshua Smith be loved by anyone

  155. TroublingStatueVII

    +Joshua Smith Nope…

  156. Arron Melbourne (Cyberhunk592)

    *chuckes sovietly*

  157. +DJStalin69 +

  158. +DJStalin69 Yah xD

  159. 23WalkDcool RBLX

    +Vinko Bandov Me too!

  160. +MechanisedChaos Nothing special about it, it’s chance that you did get 58

  161. 23WalkDcool RBLX

    +Orb Masori lol

  162. Darth Praecanatus

    +MechanisedChaos same here 😀 finnaly I see less than 301+ views 😀

  163. +Raz0rking bah. 4 min and am 301. this stinks.

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