World of Warships – Why is the Massachusetts OP?

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A unique armour quirk makes Alabama and Massachusetts insanely strong at close range.


  1. This is “Fine”


  3. Its kind of a been an unspoken truth that Mass has been considered OP. Its WR on all servers is head and shoulders above every other BB for its tier. WG knows what theyre doing, they know NA whales and freedomboos cant resist this.

  4. so by design “not in real life mind you they where part of the same ships classes as there tech tree counter parts” the mass and alabama are more vulnerable to plunging fire rather then straight up shell fire. A good demonstration of ballistics and shell trajectory making a difference. Meanwhile the Porto Rico has a armor plate on top of the cidel you cant even see in game that makes is really hard to cidel.

  5. Nice video sir. So wargaming messed up and we have to South Dakota class battleships that actually had their armor scheme that works the way it was designed to. Now they could just remember it’s the same armor on the Iowa class oh well

  6. Y’all literally asking for nerfs…

  7. And here I was thinking that it was because she had decent guns paired with her Speedy Gonzales-grade repair teams. Just in general, everything about Big Mamie is either above-average or great, and its her solid traits overall that combine to make her outstanding. North Carolina is pretty good as well, but Mamie is just more fun.

    • Massachusetts has the benefit of an Anti-Destroyer bubble with her secondaries. Full Secondary Massachusetts are poison for Destroyers and Cruisers. If a DD gets caught hiding in smoke from a charging Mass and whiffs his Torps, he’s guaranteed dead. Any DD spotted for any period of time within 11km is in for a world of pain. They’re just ridiculous.

  8. and then comes a certain NA CC youtuber to say that American ships are power creeped to the ground

  9. And, you know:
    -The special heal that can easily match the damage you’ll take under focused fire even if you don’t spec for survivability, something the german BBs don’t have despite being brawlers.
    -The armor scheme that makes it quite hard for AP bombs to get citadels on you, something the RU BBs don’t have despite being meant to tank obscene amounts of damage.
    -The great torpedo protection that makes it easier to survive pushes against ships with torpedoes, something that german BBs also don’t have.
    -The incredibly accurate secondaries with great firing angles that are effective even when you don’t spec for them, again unlike the german BBs.
    -The fact it has all that while also packing one of the most powerful broadsides of the tier with only slightly below average accuracy.
    Those things might also have something to do with why Massachusetts is so OP

    • You forgot the turret configuration that is head-and-shoulders above KM BBs, allowing for a majority of firepower to be used whilst angling perfectly… Which isn’t OP, but is definitely another nail on the KM BB coffin…

    • -The special heal that can easily match the damage you’ll take under focused fire even if you don’t spec for survivability, something the german BBs don’t have despite being brawlers.
      -The armor scheme that makes it quite hard for AP bombs to get citadels on you, something the RU BBs don’t have despite being meant to tank obscene amounts of damage.
      -The great torpedo protection that makes it easier to survive pushes against ships with torpedoes, something that german BBs also don’t have.
      -The incredibly accurate secondaries with great firing angles that are effective even when you don’t spec for them, again unlike the german BBs.
      -The fact it has all that while also packing one of the most powerful broadsides of the tier with only slightly below average accuracy.

      And you forgot…

      – Incredible AA that will obliterate planes which is, again, unlike the german BBs.

    • Sudeshna Das Sarma

      Now why does a part of me want this ship to get nerfed hard??
      I remember I got this ship on rent and I just decimated ranked and I got to rank 3 but then it expired and since I didn’t have any other tier 8 bb at the time. That was it for me

    • @Sudeshna Das Sarma Because it’s op af. It’s so op that everyone gets one and noobs lower it’s winrate to only 52% lmao.

  10. German BB’s, not powercrept at all

    Da Tovarish da, great Soviet Balans!

  11. Ichase: Massachusetts and Alabama can’t be citadelled under the most situations 🙂

    WG: Hold my beer lets rise the citadel of the Massachusetts and the Alabama 🙂

    • Good thing they legally can’t without offering refunds

    • They will never nerf premiums. The only way they can do it without offering refunds are through global rebalance. like stealthfire, ifhe. Even with that some premiums are immune to it like pre cv rework saipan that can run away from all fighter battles without any plane loss penalty compared to other cv. Another example is kamikaze r with torps that are like faster and stronger than minekaze after the rebranching wg did.

      Other attempt to nerf another premium is that broken ass t5 guillio cesare. Oh wait it never happened. They pulled a u turn

    • @TheUnknownOne Pretty sure they won’t be breaking any laws by doing that. And they really SHOULD do it. Their backtracking on GC was one of the worst decisions WG has made.

  12. Nice fact, that’s why I use Massachusetts in ranked she’s a tank with great secondaries and okay guns.

    • @General Kenobi Great guns in short range I mean, even thought the dispersion is wonky you can make her work and get citadels.

  13. This all started because of the Bismark vs Massachusetts 1v1 on stream.

  14. The other American BBs have an easy time citadeling the south Dakotas. I’ve one shot deleted an Alabama with a Montana from 12km though high velocity BBs will struggle

  15. I’ve noticed that the Mass rear turret gunners to be clutch citadel gunners on YTers.

  16. SonOfAB_tch2ndClass

    The Iowa and Missouri should have something similar because they had the exact same armor scheme as the South Dakota’s

    • Also Montana.

    • SonOfAB_tch2ndClass

      @jay Vee Montana has a completely different Armor scheme for its Citadel. The vitals are fine except for those two little areas that give it a T shaped Citadel. Nothing Important is under there Same with North Carolina, and thats how Alaska’s SHOULD be.

  17. That’s really interesting…also explains why I routinely citadel Massas in my Amagi at 13-18km

  18. I’m glad I bought that ship. Only bought for secondaries but this makes it even better lol

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