World of Warships – I did what I could

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Sometimes team is hopeless and you can just do your best and see what comes of it.

Enjoy and have fun watching 😉

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  1. @HARRY CAPS Fixing/Cleaning my gaming pc, the ram is going I think board is saying so and testing also implying it. So I need to RMA it…

  2. well…. just the state of the game these days

  3. @michael woods same time here man, shits rough when you follow Europeans lol

  4. Imagine hating a ship in a video game so much, lol. (Montana)

  5. @michael woods all thee above.

  6. why aint your cruiser s helping you..
    They should be Kinda close to you, Letting you SPOT torps for them. And hitting the enemy hard.

    • They can’t be close. Red DDs kept spotting them for red BBs to blap. Look at what happened to Pensacola.

    • @Altsak but you see what you just said? That the Enemy was doing what I suggested. If the cruisers would of at least shot long range to get rid the enemy DD, it would have helped allot. there were only 3 of them, then the DD on your side could do the better spotting.

    • @Ed ash You are changing your premise from “why aren’t the cruisers supporting at close range” to “why aren’t they supporting from a far”. That is a more valid question. I would have gone even further and asked “why aren’t no one shooting the spotted DD, be it a battleship or a cruiser?” I know the answer and when you figure it out by yourself your WR will improve by 5%

    • @Altsak I quit abit ago, because of the Physics in this game and How they explain View range. Then radar, seeing threw islands? Then the reality of Ships were not designed for Ship to ship battles, they were used to bombard, with little accuracy, even in WWII, the Allies aimed at the Walls protecting the beaches on landing and MISSED, by miles. Little to no damage was taken by the protective walls.

  7. 9am, that would be 3am for me

  8. Why wont you play a monty tho flambass

  9. 85k in a T5 is very solid. He definetely pulled his weight.

  10. You had a bot carrier on your team feeding their Dallas Air kills :=)

  11. I think for April Fools Day, WG needs to make it so no matter what ship Flambass chooses, he always loads in as a Montana. It would be so funny

  12. @Traylay true. but sill kinda funny. i do have to wonder what the rest of the team did. since they did over 200k combined and they still lost

  13. Keep getting emails from Wargaming, but even given the doubloons and premiums I have , with this CV meta I have zero interest in reinstalling. Enjoy your videos though.

  14. Flambino u should play neutras again it’s been a long time u re not playing it

  15. 2:57 shell goes through the enemy ship and doesn’t register.

  16. @Daniel Sherrill Woah. I mean, that would be an epic prank, but I’m not sure I’d want that for our man.

  17. Can we get A_Hot_Chick playing

  18. @Don Wanna it might be kinda cruel to do it to him lol

  19. That enemy Furious was legit.


  21. @Traylay thats true, I just thought it was funny

  22. I bought Jean Bart B, now that i had the chance. Been having fun in Dunkerque, so Jean Bart was a must have for me at this point.
    Well i got a mission that would give me 2500 doubloons and 25000 coal. Now i realize to do the mission i have to play the ACTUAL Jean Bart… Not the black version… Very funny Wargaming. You win this one

    • O you also fell for that. GZ here … Doing two missions and realized. Hey, why is there no progress on the 2500 mission. Its done deliberately to confuse people because who the hell is going to buy the same ship all over again. Hell, with the Black Editions, they are separate ship so even if you win the a Black ship, you do not get the full doubloon refund, that you normally get on a duplicate ship. Wargaming, all about sucking the players dry with fake rewards and tricks.

    • @Ben Jiro It is the first and the last time i buy anything form WG. But as i said. HAD to have a Jean Bart.
      Not dissapointed about the ship. Now im playing Dunkerque on roids

    • I fell for that one, I got a Scharnhorst B and up popped the missions, but they needed to be done in the Scharnhorst so lost out as the Scharnhorst B is not that ship, how ironic.

  23. He finds Montana boring.

  24. my first reaction when i saw him in a gremy, “Oh you dirty dirty boy…”

  25. lol love my Gremy and yeah need expert marksman, that turret rotation is garbage

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