Meet The Parseval! Tier 7 German Carrier (World of Warships Legends Xbox Series X) 4k

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#WoWsLegends #Parseval #SE43

00:00 Intro
00:18 Commander
01:06 Equipment
01:58 Stats
05:12 Armor Viewer
06:51 Gameplay Starts


  1. doomguy .23 from mars

    When u skip the tier 3 and 5 sad boi times:(

  2. God have mercy on all the Battleships and Cruisers

    • Just battleships a lot cruiser just get overpened

    • Eh cruisers are ok, they literally have to be brain ded to get hit by the AP bombers becuase they take so long to reach the target. dds and cruisers have more then enought time to get outta they way majority of the time

  3. Spartan, all carriers of tier 7, when upgrade to Max, Have 15 planes or 30 in total if combine both torpedo and dive bombers together.

  4. “can we finish this man” -Spartan Elite43

  5. If your carrier automatically launches its fighters then you can’t launch yours until the fighters have fully launched. At 16:30 the planes automatically launch so you can’t launch your torp bombers. It makes sense in reality but is annoying in a gameplay point of view.

  6. Also at 16:31, That wasn’t a glitch spartan, u Carrier was launching Fighters before it could launch ur attack aircraft.

  7. The planes talking off wasn’t a glitch, it was that your fighter planes were talking so you had to wait for them to take off before you can take off

  8. The higher you drop the AP bombs the more penatration.

  9. I’m not a CV players, but these german are NASTY, i’d say they will be nerfed soon, i manage to take pleasure with these bombers, those citadels hits are just powerful xD

  10. Андрей Олд

    Sad, just sad. That poor Nelson couldn’t do absolutely nothing to avoid being annihilated. Good game…

  11. Yeah idk why the tier 5 can’t have them as the upgrade or at least the tier 7 stock planes as it would make them less awful than they are now stock

  12. I watched a friendly parseval decimate a enemy Yamato with his bombers yesterday.. he got a kraken and top of the leaderboard… Later a parseval wrecked my Iowa just the same.. idk what to say but I do have a newfound hatred for CVs

  13. Ignore the people giving you flak for your criticisms of this update, they’re idiots.

    I skipped ahead and went straight for the Parseval, and it is game breaking. I run with Fully Packed so I have 3 of that plane invulnerability, and I can literally rip battleships with impunity. For experienced veterans from PC like me who have played CV there, averaging 140,000 to 160,000 on the ship is easy, with my best at 230,000. I can get a citadel or two on each bombing run 90% of the time, and with the invulnerability, I can do a full unit size attack again for a total of 18,000+ to 36,000+ of damage and have the entire squadron back without losses. With 3 invulnerabilities you’re looking already at an easy 54,000+ to 108,000+ of guaranteed damage with no plane loss for that match. Don’t forget you also get 3 uses of invulnerability as well for torpedo bombers.

    In the hands of PC veterans who knows what they’re doing and can squeeze out the most on the Parseval, this update really is game breaking. Heed Spartan’s criticisms folks, he’s not wrong, and for those who never played PC, you’re about to find out why the vast majority of us PC players switched to Consoles.

    • Sad thing about CV update is they address it wrong.
      People asking for CV in console because they are sick of invisible DD dominating every match. BB won’t/can’t push withouts fear of invisible torpedo. But then when they add CV, BB player suffer it the most. It’s still hard to boot to hunt DD in shoukaku or Lexington and even with this new German CV update with faster torpedo, it’s still hard to hunt DD.
      Bottom line of CV update: DD still roaming freely, BB suffering more

    • I played PC aswell and no these aren’t even close to PC CVs. Torpedo planes only get 3 torps per strike. There way easier to deal with but most Legends players have never dealt with CVs and don’t do anything to counter them. If you notice in most of these videos these people just let the CV come in and don’t even try to do anything. It’s bad players not op Cvs that are the problem

    • @visito nugraha you do realise CVs aren’t meant to be a counter to DDs, they are there so they can spot them. a good carrier player will spot the DD which his team would start shooting, if DDs are still a problem for you then I hate to say it but you are just bad at the game…

    • @Madlad Junoir well PC have rocket plane to hunt and harass DD. Console don’t have it. torpedo and dive bomber aren’t so good on DD so yeah. CV in console not for countering DD.

  14. Agree with your final point – I think the concealment is what needs to change!

  15. In a completely unrelated note! American battleship Montana has been added to WoWs Legends! Me and a friend just engaged two in an AI battle!

  16. We need a meet the Jervis, icarus, acasta there the only ones we don’t have

  17. One of the real strengths of the KMS CVS is how quickly the torp sight shrinks, it lets you strike super quick, and the torp speed makes it super easy to basically one shot DDs.

  18. Great comment

  19. Torpedoes are easy to dodge as long as you actually move your ass instead of sitting at spawn the entire game like most BB players do. But I agree about carriers. I can’t believe they’re doing it again. Fucking imbeciles.

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