World of Warships- Top 5 FREE Premium Ships

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Hey guys! Today we go over my Top 5 Free Premium Ships! Enjoy!

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Ross Rowley:

Music: GET AWAY by tubebackr is licensed under a Creative Commons License.…

Music by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio

Outro Music: Stranger Think- C418

Music: Stranger Think- C418
Ross Rowley: i=1553897018&app=itunes

0:00 Intro
2:35 5. DoY
6:27 4. Black
9:55 3. Bourgogne
13:29 2. Ohio
16:47 1. Napoli


  1. @reinhardtrossouw1879

    Would love for WG to allow you to exchange coal for steel…….

  2. I got the DoY, tbh I really dont like it. Dont have any of the others listed, do have Azuma though………that one I freaking love. That thing with its built in 10% cred boost along with using even just 20% credit boosters got me from like 18-62 mil credits hella fast. Its fast, decent agility, has hydro, a heal, has good hard hitting accurate guns, decent firing angles. Only drawback is it has no torps. Regardless, its become my fav ship and a extremely reliable credit farmer. Can hit BBs for around 12k using HE, absolutely wreck dds, and with its AP Ive just instantly erased some nearly full health bb and ccs from existence in 1 salvo. Got like 6 citadels on a bajie from 1 salvo.

  3. Duke of York… One of the first I got and I don’t know. When facing T8 or T9 BB’s your main guns are almost useless when firing AP.

    • doesnt it have improved pen angles ?

    • @@Ilias_Goddess It’s probably me being a poor player or shot 🙂

    • No, I agree that her AP bounces and shatters quite often when fired from long range against T9/10 BBs. Her HE is perfectly adequate for setting fires, though. I find myself swapping ammunition quite often in her. There are other premium British BBs that I enjoy a little more like the Hood or Collingwood (T7, I know), but she’s a solid choice nonetheless!

  4. i think pommern is also a solid premium FDG hull with 4×3 380mm guns
    also Sealord, whats your most loved premium ship?
    Your opinions on the Hill ?

  5. One ship that you rarely see these days and love to play is Georgia.

  6. @drakecampbell3391

    He put it in a list video again! Mom get the camera he talked about French bias again!!!

  7. i got the black! couldn’t get use to it at first, but love it now after i stopped playing for a while

  8. I have about 330k coal burning a hole in my Hull, and have been debating with myself which ship to buy and this video has been released at the perfect time.
    It was between the black and the Agir as I already have the napoli. Cheers SLM

  9. I just recently drew a Constellation out of a loot box, and it’s been a “stellar” ship! Perhaps you could revisit her at some point as your last video on her was quite negative. As you hardly ever see her, the radar and insane torp angles consistently catch DDs off guard. It’s quite enjoyable dodging their torps (as she’s far more maneuverable than expected) only to torp them dead in response!

  10. @chrissullivan6574

    Thanks for making Napoli my first coal ship! I love it!

    • Great ain’t it? In the beginning you sail first into death, but soon after you realize that if you angle a little, slow down a bit, and choose your targets, you’re a bigger headache than anything else. Extremely noob friendly. Now imagine it had a quick rudder shift lol.

    • @@medstud until someone fires bb sap at it xd

    • @RichardAllen-sz3qp

      Lol good to know as it was my first two

  11. The DoY was the first coal ship I got, and I think what threw me the first time playing was that the description seemed to make it more of an HE spammer than a standard AP BB. I did learn differently after the first (horrible) game. I don’t know if I’d rank it as one of the best of the coal ships, but it isn’t bad. I still don’t have enough research points to get the Ohio but I have all the others. The Napoli is definitely a beast.

  12. Pretty much agree, save one. I would put the Black at Number 3 to be honest. Only reason is because the Torps on this ship are underrated. The Torp damage is outstanding combined with the main battery reload speed.

  13. I’d argue that having to do multiple seasons of ranked for a steel ship is way more grindy than having to just regrind 3 lines to get an Ohio. And you can skip the regrinds with free xp

  14. Ohio is a monster. You can easily get sub 20 second reload; barely even using adrenaline rush.
    Completely off topic, I’d just like to say I got RB points and doubloons from the two monthly super containers.
    P.S. If you play enough, and hoard your dubs like a dragon, basically _any_ ship is a “free” ship.

  15. @raymondperrault5821

    I just played the Sealord Mountbatten drinking game; you have to take a shot of whiskey every time Sealord says the word “very”. I’m an absolute wreck now.

  16. I grabbed the Napoli for my first coal ship. No regrets. My go to just for some daily fun. Great great ship.

  17. @kingofcastlechaos

    I like the red car tucked in behind the secondaries on the Bourgogne. I guess it belongs to the captain for use in port calls. French ships also have several park benches scattered around, which is pretty cool.

  18. Just starting my WoWs journey and going down the British BB line, I think I’ll be going with DoY 😀

  19. Tier VII.. My most beloved “one Beer per citadel”mini game playground

  20. 19:39 Just sailing around nonchalant in front of some of the scariest guns in game, Vermont, Stalingrad, Petropavosk and Shikishima! just shows the confidence a Napoli player has.

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