Gato – When you have achieved everything in World of Warships

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  1. btw trenlass, you can do the torp camera, just go into the keybindings set a secondary key for the switching camera angles on torps. the default is c which is the same as diving. i added a secondary key to view torps for when i’m on my sub. i use middle mouse button, i dont remember what the default middle mouse does though. that way you can press z to switch to torp camera, then swap between torps with middle mouse.

  2. @benjaminlamey3591

    so good to have this achevement, “for science”

  3. “we cannot lose it mehr” i see what you did there, happens to me all the time at work 😀
    Nice game

  4. this Gearing is better than the legendary Gearing…

  5. When you surfaced and rushed the CV I got Das Boot charging the channel mania vibes.

  6. @markusfuerst1909

    A video for Jingles.

  7. Wow… that was an EPIC INSULT on that CV!!

  8. Showoff 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
    Well done!!

  9. Powerlevel: Gato > german subs > american subs > british subs

  10. @oldschoolgaming4763

    “I dont mind submarines because at least there is counterplay” 3 min later ……. “You might know that im here now but thats not gonna help you HE HE HE HE ….!”
    “The Hannover player is triggering me how he plays this game” (Hannover player actually speed dukes which is pretty much his only counter to a Gato …. ) Then laughs when he lands 6 torps and NUKES the Hannover for 80 000 damage in 2 seconds……

    • Really deserved for playing supership and CV, justice was served.

    • @wedgeantilles3983

      Exactly. Its hilarious hypocrisy when he cries about muh no counterplay when he gets attacked by a CV but is happy to cackle as he sits in smoke or behind a hill in an autoloading dd or cruiser burning down a BB who cant do anything about it. Or lobbing strikes in a golden lion etc.

    • Because you actually risk something its not like you can shoot into a smoke screen….. you just cant compare the stupid cv Design to Any other class in the game. Also yes always poor bbs… its not like they got the most ridiculous Additions to the game lately

    • @oldschoolgaming4763

      @@Billswiftgti Because Superships are so OP? Has no counterplay?! In regards to CVs and Subs like Gato….? OK …. good to know….

    • @oldschoolgaming4763

      @@trenlass809 How much did you risk in this game? What risk did you take to get that 80+ K salvo on the Hannover?! The only reason you died is because you foolishly threw away youre ship to get a secondary kill with the gun on the last ship, which you could have done without almost any risk by just closing in at periscope depth, go broadside, target him with gun and then just surface for a second or two to get the shot of and then just dive with almost no damage taken!
      Ok, so just because WG has added some strong T10 BBs like St.Vincent its totally ok to be able to dev.strike them without taking any risks or getting spotted!? Good to know…
      Then why isn’t it ok to do the same BS to BBs in a CV? (if thats youre logic)

  11. Deck gun CV kill. So good

  12. Wish I recorded my first and second blood on my Gato, shotguning the enemy DD and ramming the sub right after, surviving and getting Kraken. Might be my best and most ridiculous game ever.

  13. GJ Tren! Very nice CV kill and an enjoyable video as always

  14. Embracing the Dark Side of the Farce

  15. I love how the dude alarmed by the destroyer in the cap is the closest yet sailing away. The EU server is not so different from the NA server.

  16. @caniconcananas7687

    Yes, you could ask one more thing from a submarine.
    If WG would have modelled subs according to the real submarines of WW2, they would have not only a deck gun, but also an AA MG.
    It should be a short range 1.5 km heavy MG, like the one in the Gallant DD. But it would mean another chance to achieve some mad endeavour against CV planes.

  17. Day of days.

  18. 8:23 Congrats for achievment. It is confirmed CVs need a buff.

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