World of Warships- YES WG!! Its About Time! (Fixed Video Audio)

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Hey guys! Today we go go over the most recent DevBlog featuring buffs to several ships that needed it! Along with some nerfs to ships that needed them as well! Enjoy!


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Outro Music: Stranger Think- C418

Music: Stranger Think- C418


  1. I won’t mind another couple of years of smoothness. There’s been too many ‘communication issues’ since I’ve joined WOWS.

  2. Great news. I’ve always liked the Monarch despite all the hate she gets. Good news about the Yodo too. Don’t have her yet but her brethren cruisers are good skills building ships. Your voice over in this vid seems a little soft. Just an FYI. Interesting vid. Thx

  3. Chung Mu is Korean , not Chinese
    Yodo , sure fire chance a big buff but with that reload … hmm …
    Monarch , finally , let see if it would work

    The Super Cruisers – they should had been nerfed long ago

  4. at least we didnt get the Missouri B roll again

  5. Good about the Monarch, but would love some sigma buff on the Lion, it feels like shooting with an Italian BB half the time. Felt better than the Lion already with the much nicer MM.

  6. @carlcaspersen9332

    Yodo has 18 guns not 15, so a slightly bigger buff even

  7. I may have to pull Monarch back out for ranked. I already enjoyed it so it’ll probably be my new favorite BB for ranked with a super heal.

  8. Remember Wargaming buffed Conde (one of the most busted ships in the game) with a 1 second reload buff a few patches ago

  9. I dont remember the last time I’ve seen a monarch in game.

  10. As a DD main, I am most exited over the buff to the Asashio´s torps now being able to hit cruisers. That was the reason I never got her in the past. So, if the buff sticks past testing, then I will get the Asashio B at the end of the year.

  11. Fenyang needed that buff. It will be a much better ship now

  12. strange that wg buff monarch (which im happy about) but leave vanguard alone, they both have very similar wr stats sitting in the bottom 3rd of tier VIII bb’s. if you think monarch is a tech tree ship so the stats will also be skewed by players grinding the line with stock modules, low point captains its probably the better ship fully kitted out.

  13. Funny thing is of the British BBs, Monarch was the fastest ship for me to grind. After that it seems to get double up tiered when I played it. Having that extra heal will help.

  14. I should be grinding through Monarch before long… Hopefully, the change sticks and it gets the update soon!

  15. As a channel subscriber, I’ve always enjoyed your optimism about the game. Equally, your criticisms of it. A credible, sort of journalistic balance. Very, very rare in any kind of media or venue.

    • Like how he mentions how these ‘WeGrrdedy listened to player feedback and statistics’ is dogshite since those ships got that feedback often even while still in testing and it still took them two years to ‘fix’ them?

      Don’t mind my sceptisism, I been around the block here way to long to have any trust in WeGreedy’s ‘listening to player feedback’.

      They ignored their ST team for years, and now suddenly people are willing to believe they will listen to *their feedback* ?? Lmao is that why they didn’t want to have a forum anymore, to afraid their playerbase would be publicly to vocal about their ‘mistakes’?

      The proof is in the pudding, wait a couple of months see if any new releases are also balanced according to testing feedback. 9/10 that won’t ever happen… Well they took into account feedback from the RU ST team back in the day… so maybe things have changed, but I have zero zilch nada null faith in that.

  16. Watching my clanmate in groningen die in the first 5 mins of that match in the background made me chuckle

  17. @cptkilimanjaro3738

    Monarch getting the heal it always should’ve had. Perfect.

  18. @patrickprafke4894

    I can hear my Naval part of my family screaming now.

    “It’s NOT a shell! It’s a round! A shotgun has shells!”


  19. Yodo is already really powerful, started playing it frequently when it got its anti sub consumable. It’s not about dpm, it’s about shells on target per minute, and that ship can land a bunch of shells per volley.

  20. You should do a then and now video. Maybe cover the differences in the game now vs. when it launched. Gameplay, graphics, ships available, etc… that would be cool.

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