World of Warships- Top 5 Cheap, But AMAZING Premium Ships

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Hey guys! Today we go over my Top 5 Cheap, but amazing premiums! Premiums that are cheaper than normal, but still do amazingly well in today’s game! Enjoy!

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Outro Music: Stranger Think- C418

Music: Stranger Think- C418

0:00 Intro
1:20 5. Hood
5:32 4. Hyuga
8:07 3. Atago
10:56 2. Mutsu
14:40 1. Kidd


  1. My favourite ship in the entire game is the humble tier IV Yuubari for which i paid something around 3 bucks couple years back.

    • She is a special one, good AA at tier 4, and her 610mm torpedos hurt.

    • Only problem with yubari is it’s tier 4, which can’t be used to complete any missions

    • Yeh I got the Yubari back before the CV rework to give me something that could annoy aircraft much better than the Kuma. And the twin turrets helped when kiting DDs.

    • Yubari was my first Premium in Legends (Tier 3 there) and, after a rough slow start, I have gotten very fond of her. Imo, the main thing is that you can’t succeed by running her as a generic cruiser. Get out on a flank and rack up the Citadels, or simply harass from long-range.

      Been a few BBs that completely lost their #### after spending time getting continuously tagged by her guns at extreme range. Not a lot of damage, but just that ongoing double thump, like the Chinese Water Torture. 🙂

  2. I think Hyuga has 12 guns!

  3. The Hood is a good ship but it has a high skill level to get the most out of it and it suffers from only having 2 guns per turret

  4. Nice list! 👌🏻 Very el cheapo, but also very funny addition: the Okhotnik. It was my first doubloon ship because didn’t want to spend a lot of money as a starting player. Had a lot of fun with it and it costs almost nothing.

    • The War Canoe!!!!

    • Okhotnik is hilarious fun

    • Love the Okhotnik. I have a fondness for oddball Premiums in general, but the Okkie is the oddest of them all. She is arguably the most UN-Destroyer-like DD in the game, but if she can get into close torp range ….. it doesn’t matter what the other guy might be driving, because It Is Over.

    • @@7thsealord888 True 😊. Nothing better than seeing a BB pushing into your smoke while your 12 torps are ready and you’re thinking: “you’re already dead BB, but you don’t know yet” 😄 Or citadel nice broadside CC’s leaving them puzzled what just happened.

  5. I find it hard to justify getting the hood when Duke of York is obtainable for coal. Plus I find the guns more accurate on the doy but maybe that’s just me. Definitely a good shop but also requires abit more skill to use

    • Hood has lots of things Duke doesn’t. The overmatch is a huge advantage when fighting other BBs, and the guns are more accurate (better base dispersion and 1.9 sigma vs DoY’s 1.8). More importantly, Hood gets upper belt and deck armor thicker than 27mm and your firing angles are way better, so you can use all your guns without getting smashed.

    • Hoods guns are also great for wrecking cruisers

    • At the end of the day. RNG is RNG so idk 😂

  6. My experience on EU differs greatly to yours. MM is mostly double uptiered at T8. The day I logged, I played 15 matches, 13 were uptiered of which 11 were double uptiered. I stick to ranked at T8 now, Kidd great on paper, less so when constantly double uptiered into radar (for a noob like me). Warspite is clearly a good ship, however T6 is full of sweats in DD’s. 20kn V 40Kn running round you invisibly spamming torps, I parked that. Cheap premium…Aigle. Can’t beat them, join them.

    • I thought I was starting to figure out DDs until I got my first radar match. 10 to 15 seconds is one thing, but full 30 seconds of radar when stealth is your thing, well I feel you man it’s rough.

  7. My favorite el cheapo has to be HMS Agincourt at T5. i just giggle every time I unload on some poor CA/CL.

  8. Besides hyuga, I actually guessed this list and agree. I personally would have put Warspite in a place, but the same deal

    I joined the oc side from Legends last year and bought 2 premiums. My first was Maya as it wasn’t on legends, and my 2nd was arp takao. Since that and a little on Christmas crates (I pulled the fujin from, is that rare?) I don’t spend like Amy money. I also very much agree with this list SL. Well done

  9. Now that you’ve put her in your thumbnail, I’d like to see you take a look at the Kirov, you did rank her as a C in your cruiser tier list but she is a ship that I personally adore ingame

  10. Dunkerque, my go to for T6 ranked. One of the least expensive t6 bbs, no gimmicks just a good reliable performer. I’m a bit of a sucker for all forward designs, keep all your firepower on target all the time!

    • It’s a surprisingly solid ship, probably the second most fun T6 BB since it’s predictable – and enemies tend to underestimate it.

    • Nah, all forward facing gun design is only useful when you have armor that can bounce other BB’s AP, and Dunkerque gets overmatched everywhere by BBs with 15 inch and larger shells, which are VERY common in ranked (Warspite, Mutsu, W.V. 41, Renown and Repulse)

    • @@Rubber10 That is one downside of the ship, but not every opponent you go up against is one that can overmatch you. If you end up in the chase position against something like a gneisenau, sure he can overmatch you, but with 33% of his guns vs 100% of yours

  11. Personally the most bang for your buck, wait until xmas sale and get 50% off a year’s worth of premium time.

  12. The TII USS Smith is still one of my favorite ships. It’s so dumb just sailing around and dropping 2 torps every 9 seconds at bots.

  13. Of these, Atago is my favorite. The others, not so much. I rarely play Atago, but when I do I >always< think "now I remember why I liked that ship".

  14. Want a premium US destroyer to boost your captain training? Get a Sims it has the highest built in xp multiplier in the game, and it will help you gain xp on your captain faster. Is the Sims ‘competitive’ … I did fine in mine, granted that was a long time ago but the basic attributes it has haven’t changed -> decent concealment, speed, excellent handling, decent guns, sea mines as torpedo’s. But it’s tier 7 so you’re basically seal clubbing anyway.

    Warspite is a good ship, little squishy but good guns. And not to expensive either. Arizona is a better New Mexico, and cheap.

    Heck even some of the tier 5 premiums are fun and would make great captain trainers ( not really credit grinders though ). Marblehead + Murmansk… Where Murmansk is ofc the far superior ship. Kirov isn’t bad either.

    Molotov is hilarious, literal Donskoi guns at tier 5.

    And Okhotnik.. the sheer length of the thing it’s hilarious to play.

    I never realized Atago now was ‘cheap’. I mean, yeah the ARP one was free… but that doesn’t get a premium multiplier afaik?

  15. Chinese Hianghe is super cheap too, used to be half priced for long time. Best AA rating for tier 6, crawling smoke and decent torpedo, and less than 9km concealment

  16. Nice list.
    Also that 2x block with the Kidd 😂

  17. Forgot to mention that not only does Hood get 15″ guns, her AP shells have improved pen angles like Duke of York. So even when you can’t overmatch a ship you still have a pretty good chance of crushing them with AP if they don’t angle enough.

  18. SLM: “15 inch guns are wildly large for a tier 7 battleship to have.”

    Collingwood: “Am I a joke to you?”

    Hood is underrated, but 15 inch guns are pretty pedestrian at 7. The guns are special because of the improved AP penetration angles, not the overmatch. The speed, armor, and improved AP pen mean Hood is really good at running around the map and taking pot shots at guys who think they are angled. Hood says lol, no, think again.

  19. Great list ! As usual there will be different opinions but this is your list and still valid

  20. @lightbluewaves5526

    Nice list, i would have add in HMS Warspite.

    I mean just her rl history alone is worth enough, but in game her guns pack quite a punch!

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