World of Warships- Top 5 WORTHLESS Premium Ships

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Hey guys! Today we go over my Top 5 Worthless Premium Ships! Enjoy!

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Ross Rowley:

Music: GET AWAY by tubebackr is licensed under a Creative Commons License.…

Music by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio

Outro Music: Stranger Think- C418

Music: Stranger Think- C418
Ross Rowley: i=1553897018&app=itunes

0:00 Intro
1:09 5. Texas
6:11 4. Indomitable
10:56 3. California
15:05 2. Picardie
19:03 1. Tiger 59


  1. I remember getting Tiger ’59 from a santa container a year or two ago. Played a few games in it, and yes, i hated it, but also got one game where i finished at around about 150k dmg if i recall correctly lol

    • @peterhineinlegen4672

      I’ve gotten that high but you need the right match. The rate of fire and the turret rotation are top notch. If it had two more guns you could score 150k regularly.

  2. @thesleepyweasel3775

    14:59 “… State, and the ship.”

    • Honest question from someone in Europe. Why?

    • @nickdaspinoboy313

      ​@@redsaints people love hating on California because of its reputation as a left leaning state

    • @BlackHearthguard

      I dno… Louisiana is a mosquito ridden swamp without her own IRL ship in the game… oh, is that why the shade at the Cally?

    • @@redsaints
      It’s nickname is ‘Commiefornia’.
      Make of that what you will.

    • @@redsaints California is ultra progressive Arizona is slightly more conservative. Arizona used to be very conservative, but California people moved in by the thousands and brought their progressive BS with them. People moving from California ruin every state they move to, Oregon, Washington, Colorado, are the main ones. Their working on Utah and Nevada now.

  3. Ah, the Indomitable…I was watching the bombers in the video and even before you mentioned slingshotting, I immerdiately thought “wait…is that guy there slingshotting? is this still a thing?”
    Moments later the explanation.

    • Technically, slingshotting isn’t entirely removed. It’s damage immunities comes from the post attack animation from the bomber which is still exist today. However, WG had nerfed attack cooldown on all bombers except those in Indomitable which means bombers cannot instantly attack after their animation ended. You can still take advantage of their damage immune window to distance your bomber from enemy AA.

  4. Honestly, the Cali is one of my best ships stat wise. Good win/loss and sunk ratio as well. And I worked up to 21 commander points with it as well. So it isn’t a small sample of games. Though you’re right in the fact that I have very similar stats in the Ari. I don’t know, I just have fun with both of them personally. Though I do think they should give her god tier AA on it.

  5. @captainpotatoaim9381

    I got the Tiger 59 out of a christmas container last year. I havent had such a fun experience since i got tonsilitis

  6. @arongyorffy3070

    17:44, SeaLord, this is not how math works.

    • @BlackHearthguard

      Aye, 12 lots of 15% does not equal 12×15=180%. it just means that you get 12 shots with 15% chance of starting a fire, ie each shot is 15%, regardless of the how many other shots are released at the same time… could be 100, still only 15% per shot, not 1500%.

    • @@BlackHearthguard The fire chance calculation in WoWS is also a bit wonky and takes into account a bunch of other factors like Fire prevention modules and skills, whether the part of the ship hit is already on fire or not, the tier of the ship and so on and so forth.

      All this means is that in the end the game favors a bit more low firing guns with high fire chance than rapid firing guns with low fire chance. And since Picardie has absolutely horrendous fire chance (litteraly worst in the game for a battleship, some heavy cruiser have better fire chance on their HE), even if all those shells manage to hit you wont have that great of a fire setting potential.

    • @richardbell7678

      Expectation values are a thing. If the fire chance is 15% and you score 100,000 hits, you will get close to the expectation value of 15,000 fires. The big assumption is that all of those hits are independent of each other, when they are not. Handwaved example: the raw numbers are that the expected number of fires for a full HE salvo of a Thunderer hitting its target is 5 (8 x 0.63), but there are only 4 (sometimes 3) places for a ship to catch fire and all of the shells have to hit different parts of the ship to start multiple fires, so you will never get the expected 5 fires from a Thunderer HE salvo (RNGesus once blessed me with landing 5 of 8 shells on target and starting 3 fires [the expectation value for 5 hits] on a target while its DC module was on cool down).

      I suspect that the largest hard to quantify influence on the fire chance is that players do not like burning to the waterline and will apply commander skills, modules, and signal flags to reduce the odds, duration and severity of fires.

      The other thing about SeaLord’s math is that he was actually saying that you should expect one fire out of every seven hits, but only the very lucky will score seven hits by firing only sixteen guns at the target.

    • @BlackHearthguard

      @@richardbell7678 At the end of the day, one shot does not affect the next. Expected values aside, purely mathematically, no shot neither the first, nor last, has a greater than 15% chance of causing a fire.
      Saying that, of course in the real world you would expect, after ten shots, to have one, two or even three fires start, especially with the deviation in _those_ guns, spread along the length of the ship.

  7. @BlackHearthguard

    This is one of the things that upsets me the most, I bought the USS Texas _purely because_ of her AA, and about 2 months later, they ran the CV rework and nerfed her AA into the bottom of the ocean. I get that things need to be tuned as things go along, but what they did to her was just wrong. So wrong.

    • @paulrasmussen8953

      Frankly the rework was a disaster. WG just refuses to admit it and why so many of us were against subs. If you can’t bslance cvs why try subs

    • @BlackHearthguard

      @@paulrasmussen8953 Exactly, at least CVs operate on top of the water, they can’t slide to a deep depth and wait you out.

  8. My Texas became a port queen the moment WeGreedy went ahead with their Reeeework

    • btw pretty sure Texas AP shells are not the same as NY are they? Arizona doesn’t have the same shells as New Mexico that I do know for sure ( though it more then made up for it with it way better dispersion ).

    • Your right the Texas makes a nice museum ship also in the game. Years ago i would take her out to shred planes from the sky always made me laugh.

    • @@wramsey2656 Reminds me of Yubari…

      WeGreedy murdered the game I liked… darn them.

  9. While I agree with most, I still find Texas fun when I get the idea to play it again.

  10. I used to love sailing forth in my Texas… it was a virtual “No-Fly Zone”. 40-50 planes blasted from the sky was pretty much de rigueur during a battle. I also have California. Pretty sure it was part of a bundle or in a random crate. It’s not bad, I’ve had some fun with it. True though as for Arizona… It’s a fairly stout ship.

    • Ye, tx class use to be great for that. It was less worrying about cv n more so “oh look the cv is sending another wave of sacrifices to me” it was enjoyable back in the day.

    • @@BreadApologist – Right? I remember teammates cheering as I shredded enemy planes like grated cheese… I miss the days when certain ships were legit “No-Fly Zones”.

    • @@nualanet I was in love with my Atlanta…. it would just eat planes for lunch… Now it is a floating pin cushion. I have to sell it. It has been sitting in port for three years.

    • @@nualanet Ya, i seen it happen in other games to, whats essientally a 1 trick pony that does its 1 trick REALLY well get nerfed ….n turned into crap.

  11. remember the tiger 59 is like the Omaha’s or Marblehead. we love the challenge and buffoonery you can do in them.

    • Not even close. The Omahas are wet tissue paper that’s true but the guns on it are actually great for tier 5 both the HE and AP meanwhile the 59 is just pure junk in every single way possible.

    • Is the Marblehead a bad ship? It’s one of my favorites for Tier 5 lol

  12. Texas makes me sad too, they absolutely gutted that ships AA…it used to be a No Fly Zone and hilarious, CV players used to accuse texas players of hacking and such.. it was brilliant

  13. @rodrigogodoi4250

    With Tiger 59 you do 1 thing only for the majority of the match: You hunt down DDs and maybe subs. Thats it. Until they are dead dont bother shooting other cruisers or BBs. If your flank DD is dead, just sail to other edge of the map to get another DD. Only shoot Cruisers and BBS when theres nothing else to shoot. Feels useless but I had a number of decent matches helping my team win doing that.

  14. @midgard_tartaria

    I have played over 2k matches on Indomitable, broken every possible record.

    And here is what I can say, to enjoy playing on this aircraft carrier, you need a unique captain Andrew Cunningham.

    On this occasion I will share my build for this aircraft carrier, which I use personally.

    Captain 21 Perk – Andrew Cunningham

    Cost (1 points):
    – Last Gasp (Completely restores engine boost for the last attack squadron.)
    – Air Supremacy (-5% aircraft restoration time)
    – Search and Destroy (+10% to action radius of Patrol Fighter and Interceptor squadrons)

    Cost (2 points):
    – Improved Engines (+2.5% aircraft squadron speed)

    Cost (3 points):
    – Sight Stabilization (+7.5% aiming speed)
    – Demolition Expert (+1% chance of HE rockets causing a fire; +5% chance of HE bombs causing a fire)
    – Aircraft Armor (-10% continuous AA damage while in an aura)
    – Survivability Expert (+25 aircraft HP per ship tier)

    Cost (4 points):
    – Enhanced Aircraft Armor (-25% damage from flak)

    Ship upgrades:

    1 slot:
    – Air Groups Modification 1 (+20 to the speed of air groups returning to the aircraft carrier)

    2 slot:
    – Aircraft Engines Modification 1 (+10% engine boost time)

    3 slot:
    – Secondary Battery Modification 1 (+20% secondary battery range; -20% secondary battery dispersion)

    4 slot:
    – Bombers Modification 2 (+7.5% aircraft HP)

    5 slot:
    – Flight Control Modification 1 (-5% aircraft restoration time; +2 deck places)

    Unfortunately, I don’t have a lot of free time lately, but I promise that I will finish the guide on this CV so that as many players as possible can get involved with this wonderful CV.

  15. Mikasa needs to be on this list. The only good thing about it is the comedy of your shells each falling in a different zip code.

  16. @sargisshirinyan207

    really love getting straight into it, without the prolonged intro.

  17. I got the Tiger 59 out of the Tier 8 container at the end of a recent progressive bundle chain. I haven’t had the displeasure of playing it yet. But, at least I can only get it once! 🤣

  18. Texas was a COMPLETE NO FLY ZONE back during RTS CV’s.

  19. I actually was just in Galveston, TX a week ago & got to see the Texas while on one the dolphin viewing tourist trips. She’s out of drydock & getting the finishing touches on her refurb. Beautiful ship & worth seeing.

  20. @patrickodonnell3802

    I recently reveived the Tiger 59 from a container two weeks ago lol. I haven’t even bothered to try it out.

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