World of Warships- What Unique Commander Is Right For You In 2024??

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Hey guys! Today we go go over the Unique Commanders in game and try to answer the question of: What Unique Commander Is Right For You?

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Outro Music: Stranger Think- C418

Music: Stranger Think- C418

0:00 Intro
2:55 Mediocre Commanders
6:48 Good Commanders
14:13 Great Commanders
25:34 Amazing Commanders


  1. Auboyneau can be so goddam strong. You can have a Colbert with a ridiculous fire chance, or a Bourgogne with <20s reload. (absolutely not saying that because i am french and biased).

    • i haven t unlocked him yet, on what DD do you think it would be best.? ( or other ship as you use on colbert XD) and for kleber with or without the leg mod?

    • boooo french

    • @@kaollachan Auboyneau doesn’t really suit other tech tree ships than Kleber, since devstrikes are rare on marseille and repub, and you don’t enter caps with henry. It is however pretty strong on a lot of premiums/freemiums : marceau, bourgogne, jean bart and colbert mainly.
      You can make a different build for each ship type, and then rotate him around as you wish, since there is no retraining cost.

    • @@kaollachan As for kleber, I must admit i never played it with the legmod, but I also never saw an ennemy or allied Kleber using it. Torps are already strong enough to yolo ennemies, and sacrificing half of you gunpower might no be so good

    • Unfortunatly there are only a couple of french ships where he truly shine. (most notably marceau and colbert)

      On everything else running Honore is usually a better choice.

  2. When I started playing wows around 2021 I made it my mission to get U-C Lutjens after that happened it was easier to get Ships faster and more Xp,FXP. and Lutjens was my first 21 point achievement now I have all. great vid!.

  3. @davidbeauchemin1840

    Yamamoto’s Kraken talent is a “win more” button and only helps in situations where the game is basically already won.

    • @aleksandarmaksic5040

      I run Yamamoto on my Kitakaze, I usualy prock the 1st blood talent, and I prock kraken fairly regualrely in it, so it lowers my reload to 1,2 seconds with Adrenalin rush, I think I even managed to get it sub 1second once with all the skills, the drpos and the kraken, that was crazy fun, got a DPM better than CLs.

    • @AdamMarcinkowski-yn6tb

      Yamamoto Kraken talent is rare , I have 108 Kraken and not all on Japanise ship , but I made my 2 personal records thatnk to that , both on Musashi in 2 diffrent battles one 336k dmg and 8 kills in one battle … but Yamamoto is for free , so for noobs is great as there is free collection bonus pacage .

    • You’d be surprised, in the vast majority of cases my krakens have been in very close games, that lasted long enough for me to be able to get a kraken. Hell 1/3rd of my krakens are from losses.

    • 12 – 5 is 7. 7 is still more than half the team. Meanwhile, your remaining teammates lost 0-3. Its now 9v7. Hardly gameover

    • Always thought it should be 4 kills, it’s still a big enough challenge, probably be late in the match but would actually be useful before the game is already won or lost.

  4. For the commanders which come from collections, remember the mathematics of building collections: don’t swap any duplicates until you have enough dupes to complete the collection!

    • wtf did you just say

    • @oneangrycanadian6205

      @@paddington1670you will spend a lot of coal trying to get them in the collections because you get a lot of duplicates and you need in a lot of cases 4 duplicates to get one piece to collect all the things u need in the collections.Seems you havnt tried collecting if you didnt understand him lol

    • @AdamMarcinkowski-yn6tb

      Agree , only commander that I send coal was Sansonetti , and I saved duplicates if I am not misstaken that cost me 72k coal , so that was cheap .

    • @@paddington1670 LMAO

    • @@AdamMarcinkowski-yn6tb That’s exactly what I did. Players need to ‘game’ the system to save resources.

  5. Animeprincesses is all you need. I have 28 of them with 21 pointers.

    Of course everyone mentioned in Mountbattens video with 21 points too, but they don’t see that much action.

  6. Jerzy is soooo FUN, it worth to have , especially with jager ( for me ) and in event stuff ( hallowen or asymetric) spam torp and see the cooldown get lower and lower XD


  8. Glad I got the German commander. He basically works for every single class in the German line, although at this moment I do not have any premiums for cruisers or destroyers.

  9. I also recommend to collect the coal legendary commanders before gaining coal premium ships as it takes a lot longer to reach 21 commander points than to collect another 200+k for a premium coal ship

  10. They should add Ching Lee, give him a passive ability that increases the sigma of your ship by +0.1 for US battleships.

  11. The problem with all of these unique commanders is getting them from 19 to 21 points. When the commander rework happened, both my Halsey and Yamamoto where at 19 points. Getting the additional 1200 commander xp/free XP etc for them and my other T19 commanders was a real pain for me. Also you’re in a situation where the unique commander is tied to just 1 techline ship (without penalty) but can migrates easily between premiums of the same nation, which encourages the purchase of more premiums (Bet that was one of WG’s key game monitization considerations). I do like Cunningham and Lutgens though. Interesting video. thx SLM

  12. @christhompson9140

    Nice, I’ve been requesting this during the Friday live streams for months. Thank you SeaLord.

  13. Yeah, Lutjens is crazy. I currently have him on my GK. Asymmetric Battles are so much fun with that build.

  14. Lütjens’s is also fantastic on the Loewenhardt and Graf Zeppelin primarily and good on their other CV’s.

  15. Grinding a line to Tier X/XI seems easy but grinding a commander to 21, OMG, takes forever. And some ships really need it, like the Schlieffen or Kleber.

  16. The thing I like about Lütjens is that his abilities work in co-op. You don’t need achievements to set them off, just hits and ribbons.

  17. I have them all and you nailed the categories for each. Sa Zhenbing is the only unique commander I have not fully levelled up, just not a priority as he is meh. Sansonetti really impactful as those Italian ships (cruisers and BB’s) lack range and that range boost is sweet and easy to get early game.

  18. Many thanks for this episode, I now know which captain to get and how to use him properly as well as the others again thank you

  19. I have Lutjens in my GK and it absolutely tears things up lol. Absolutely the best coal I’ve spent!

  20. @jonathanbaron-crangle5093

    Lutjens on Scharnhorst ’43 in Asymetrics is OMFG.!

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