World of Warships- Top 10 AA Ships

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With the CV apocalypse on the horizon, I give you guys my top 10 AA ships list in hopes to prepare you to survive update 8.0!

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  1. minotaur is a AA beast as well hope her AA will still be good after the update

    • It will not… The long range AA is not DoT aura anymore and is dodgeable by planes.
      And AFT does not give that AA range anymore…

  2. I will do everything I can (within the rules) to ruin 0.8.0 CV play;
    I will not support friendly CV’s in any way.
    I will hunt down NME CV’s with extreme prejudice.
    If playing a CV, I will misplay it as a YOLO ram ship as I can’t live with the dishonor of skippering one.

  3. Hey, is this list based on 8.0 test or did you take the stats from live server?

    Since it seems kinda different on the PTS (at least in my opinion)

  4. Steven Wiederholt

    Its 3 degrees above zero, the wind chill is about 18 below zero, its over cast…So far 2019 has been GREAT!
    On a positive note…we haven’t had a giant asteroid strike the planet….so we’ve got that going so us. 🙂

  5. What about the Republique?

  6. 1300 subs coming ?

  7. Wostersauce should have been no1…..

  8. Aw no Des Memes? :c

    Not a problem, it’s your opinion anyways! Happy new year!!

  9. Sea Lord Mountbatten

    CaptainJY Probably a couple minutes after hell freezes over

  10. Based on this video, I suspect you have not played AA cruisers in PTS? Because they don’t matter now. Below t10, CVs don’t have to make any decisions based on dealing with you or your AA. By the time planes are close enough that you start shooting them down, they’ve already dropped, and they’re back in 30 seconds with a new squadron, until the match is over. At T8 and T6, planes can orbit you with impunity; it makes no difference whether you are escorting a BB or trying to cover a DD.
    At least in the current system, even a mid tier cruiser with AA will force a CV player to decide whether to wait out your DFAA or risk RNG on an expanded drop zone. Even semi-potato CV players will maneuver around cruisers rather than fly right over them, because even a few planes shot down will impact the effectiveness of his next plane strike, and it takes time to do something else. Your decisions, location, build and captain specs, all matter right now. Those decisions seem irrelevant in 8.0 below the top tiers.

    Even at T10, where AA spec’d ships DO shoot down planes, the CV can return with another squadron so quickly, it *doesn’t matter* how you did 30 seconds ago.
    8.0 wows has been the least fun game I’ve played in a year. Not worth my time.

    • Sea Lord Mountbatten

      I haven’t played the last iteration of the CV rework so no I haven’t myself experienced the full brunt of the AA nerf

    • +Sea Lord Mountbatten When you experience the PTS you’ll understand why people are getting upset. Alternatively, you can watch Notser’s vids from the PTS…it’s bad. Really bad.

    • Sea Lord Mountbatten

      I’ve seen the Monty footage and it hurts…..a lot

  11. Seems unfortunate that almost all of the ships with good AA are from same nation(s). But I really don’t understand why buff the carriers and nerf the AA defense also.

  12. I believe the Missouri would like a word with you. Also, the French Tier 7 Lyon is a beast and clears the skies with ease. Probably won’t be the case after the rework of course. Happy New Year!

  13. Wow you dont know which Ships are actually insane with AA builds Gneisenau is insane on t7 with an AA Spec and jean bart has way better aa than Iowa or montana. Jean bart with full AA has 1250dpm on over 6,5km thats DM def AA level

  14. I predict the CV rework will be a giant bust. The problem CV’s have is the disparity of the skill of the players. When a highly skilled CV player meets an average or poorly skilled CV opponent we all know who is going to win. The rework will change nothing. The most skillful player will win every time primarily because it boils down to a 1 on 1 between him and the other CV. . Focus fire allows lesser skilled players to combine their efforts to eliminate even the best unicome players at. CV’s are limited to one per side above Tier VII. Its Mano a’ Mano.

  15. I have just got my Salem?

  16. Where is the Kii , Japanese blender of planes? I have that one and the Massachussets (which makes the list), and i find Kii quite better at AA duties, because the Kii has better long range AA for the manual skill.
    There are also rather good players that still underestimate the Kii. Had 32 plane kills against a T10 carrier recently, because he seemed to not get that my ship was a serious danger to him. I got most of them protecting a DD in a cap that he desperately tried to drop, while in islamd cover myself. Got some 15 plane kills in less than a minute there.

  17. Valentin Petrovitsch

    you forgot that they nerfed the range heavely and bbs in general will feel a decrease in AA Power AA range shorter than 4 km is pretty much only usefull now vs divebombers and even then …

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