Soviet Battleship Tease – World of Warships

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Showing off Soviet Battleships in port, all stats are work in progress and I discuss the different traits of the battleships. Hope you have a wonderful day and I’ll catch you next time! – Warships Friend Invite – Discord Server


  1. If the DDs are like Cruisers, the Cruisers like BBs… So the BBs are like what? Spaceships? Jaja

  2. Should be called Russian battlestars….

  3. 360p squad where u at? 😀

  4. *cough*……… *inhales* RUSSIAN BIAS!

  5. You can bet that they will lower the citadel sooner or later because “muh strok sowjet BB citadel made out of stalinium, we found sekrit dokuments”

    • +Ivan Buncic So? Still an artificially enlarged citadel. Much Russian Bias involved.

    • +CloneD Anon Soviets started 2 Kronshtadts and 3 Soyuzes at the same time. The supercruisers were completed only at 12 and 13% in August’41, when the work was stopped. Of 3 battleships, one was canceled at 1%, second at 7%, and only one reached ~20% completeness. After 2 years. There was not enough steel even for one battleship. Especially critical were demands for gun barrels and turret armor. There was no available manufacturing area/know how even for 406mm turrets, and 457 are totally wet dream. Machine room design was a fantasy – there was no chance that inexperienced Soviets could fit 200kHP (+1/4 of Yamato’s) machinery into that relatively small hull. I could believe that was possible for Germans, which had leading designers in that area, but not Soviets which never before and never after have built anything at this level. We as well could question the AA, radar, secondary guns all remotely possible only in (late) 1950’s, but it was written so many times already… And when I see that Kremlin has more HP than already fantastic Kurfurst, it is just laughable. So sad that WG went for such nationalistic fairy tales in WW1-2 game.

    • Also sigma will get buffed.

  6. Imho… the stats are suprisingly balanced. Only gimmicky thing is obviously radar and needs to be tested.

    • I don’t really see the point of the radar … I don’t think I would use it.

    • +Edi J the thing is, i think all the guns have like 1.7 or 1.8 sigma. which in high tiers is pretty bad lol

    • currently Conqueror has the hardest hitting guns in the game, like 200 damage more than Yamato, NOW this T10 Kremlin will be the hardest hitting game in the game by like 1000 damage… it’s a huge step up.

    • Well, there’s also that Damage Control Party which I assume is the same used on the October Revolution (faster cooldown but limited charges)

  7. t10 better concealment than moskva makes senses WG

  8. seems fairly balanced, has strong points and strong weaknesses.

  9. This line will come before alaska lol

  10. Ramp on the Lenin is most likely to recover their float planes…?

  11. The ramp at the aft of Lenin is for deploying tanks to kill submarines for the motherland

  12. The German ships need a buff once and for all for the main guns, The Russians shoot better at close range, the french secondaries have more range and the US has AA and radar . PLEASE start pushing for German Buffs!

    • +Wind yes, you have to be under 9km range from the opponent so that you maybe hit 2 out of 6 shots when playing the gneisenau. The playstyle just doesn’t reward good players/aiming since you can’t hit shit

    • +Kuhluh why? No one is asking for sniper accuracy, but for accuracy that let’s you hit something thats more than 10km away from you..

    • +Tiago Casquinho because I want the germans to be unique
      Yes, the dispersion is sometimes really infuriating, but if you want mid range battleships, theee are already enough out there (for example the french, and the russians seem to be mid range bbs too).

    • YES ! PUSH THIS !
      They dont have to be super accurate, but they need better vertical dispersion so badly !
      But as the FdG buff proved, WG is not willing to give that to them. They ll only give them minor things like better secondary pen and shit…

    • 99CCFF756e6b6e6f776e6578696199CCFF647072746c646b

      A tiny bit more accuracy and lower gun range…?

  13. Does concealment even matter hardly anymore because of CVS in the game

  14. 17KM range is pretty average so I’m not sure why you think its shallow. some tier 8’s don’t have much better

  15. HMS Warspite is wondering why 17 km ranged guns is a problem at T6 when she only has 16.3* km range and seems to do just fine.

    *(Without spotter plane.)

  16. +Just_Some_Random_Tryhard_Gamer You think too much… It’s simple just an arcade game, no real ballistic or something… Armor plating is not as complex as you think… The real Iowa has a fking ton of armor plates at different angles, but in game… Yeah 2 layers fully flat…

  17. 1:10 the opposite is the case… My tier VII gneisenau also has like 16km range.. And yes I won’t put the range upgrade..
    It’s good cause it forces u to play close range and support ur DD..

  18. That’s the thing with YouTubers or community in general. Ship has a citadel over the water? SHIT SHIP PLEASE BUFF! Ship has a citadel under the water? COMPLETELY OP!

  19. Just_Some_Random_Tryhard_Gamer

    +jotasmail actually its 3 layers 38mm weather deck, 127-152mm armour deck and lastly 38-16mm splinter decks. irl Iowa isn’t that complex honestly, albeit the decaping plates aren’t modelled in wows, because it is indeed an arcade game.

  20. +Just_Some_Random_Tryhard_Gamer That is the key… Decaping plates are not modeled, hardened plates, even the wood deck is just a skin. That is what I mean ??

  21. Nanchisan Nanchisan

    Glad we finally got a skill based BB tree after all this years xD

  22. Honestly that radar seems way too situational. I’d probably chose the fighter over it because CVs are balanced. Also I hope they give the higher tier ones at least one extra repair party charge given how insane high tier cruisers, DDs, and carriers are

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